28 The Archery Romance

I'm sorry, I overslept. I apologized as soon I realized that it was my mistake. It's okay it happened because you were tired we can understand that. So how about having lunch now? We all were waiting for you to join us. What? You were waiting? Oh My God! I'm so sorry. That's okay! You were tired, we can understand that. Hmm... so the General has a gentle side too uh! I couldn't help but think to myself while following the footsteps of the General to the lunch area.

The dishes were a lot more different than what I used to have in Alaska and Zolhain, after all this is an entirely different kingdom! When the lunch was over I found out that after a half-day of exercise and sleep I really did have a huge appetite. When I cleaned myself after lunch, I was given a call to join the Archery training with the soldiers. To be honest, I was afraid, the terrible experience of the morning session was yet to forget. But as I was personally called I had to go.

When I reached the Archery ground I found that the place was quite interesting. The ground was very large and it has flowering trees in its borders. The targets were set at seventy meters from archers. Oh, there's the General! I was excited when I found him among the trainers with a bow and arrow.

A moment later after saying something to his fellow people, he came to my side handing over the bow and arrow. For you! he said. Uh? but I have never used a bow and arrow. (It was true, I was only an expert in swordsmanship. For a minute he thought about something and asked me to take the bow and get ready to shoot the arrow in the target. I copied the movements of other soldiers. Then unexpectedly the General touched my right-hand... uff! That single touch gave me an electric shock. It was like my whole realm was suddenly revived by electricity...then he took arrow's end at the corner of my lips and balanced my shoulder level by lowering my arm. Thump... Thump... I was aware this time that my heart was beating hard against my chest. Was I beginning to feel something for the General? oh no! concentrate Zoha! He then having made way with his hand towards my stomach to analyse my breathing, made me stand still. I was asked me to hold my breath and then.....shoot. Perfect ten! It was incredulous!

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