
The unspoken god quits and becomes an innkeeper

The unspoken god of the world decides to leave his post and become a mortal innkeeper. He wishes to remain as a simple innkeeper and wishes nothing more than appease the customers of Unseen Moon Inn. He will face many customers. Some ruly and some unruly. He will quide things to play as he plans and those who try to mess with the god that knows the darkest secrets of the world will get what is coming to them. Be kind to others as long as they are kind to you. And when they are not, stay polite and try to find a peaceful path. If those that disturb your peace will not stop, find a way to "suitably" get rid of them. These are the rules that the innkeeper plays. Be wary of when you bear ill will to the innkeeper and his inn. And no, he is not doing a very good job hiding his power.

SanderTomson · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Troublesome guests

There is a great flaw in the power of the unspoken god and that is that it can't record any present moments or new information. It is only once it becomes forgotten by all that it becomes part of the unspoken god's library. In that library is everything that once was forgotten by all.

This changes somewhat when a physical object like a book is forgotten. The knowledge that once was in that book will enter the unspoken library, but in this case the information isn't lost forever. When someone finds it they can rekindle the memory and spread the once lost information. This doesn't mean that the information is taken away from the unspoken library, but the purpose of it being there has become meaningless.

While this isn't something that causes too much trouble, sometimes it causes confusion in ***** when it is mentioned by someone.

Also, since ***** can use the lost spells of the past, he can bring them back to light of others by imparting that knowledge. This is something the god of magic Mana doesn't like since the whole purpose of the knowledge being lost is most likely to make sure it is never used again.

One day when talking to Jes, Diane mentioned that "You know that you aren't doing a good job of hiding your power, right?" To which Jes was surprised for a moment and said "I… I'm not?" Diane explained "You have fought in combat with many adventurers and had even captured the notorious phantom blade Robert. And then there is the fact that you defeated me, a well known tier 6, in combat. This doesn't exactly give off a message that you are a simple innkeeper." Jes looks down to the ground, defeated. He says "How can this be? I thought that I did so well in hiding it." Diane then comforts Jes by saying "Just… try to avoid fighting others or revealing secrets of others. There is no taking back what is already known, but you can just not do anything that gives attention to yourself." Jes perks up and says "Yes. I will try that."

And then one day Jes received a customer in mage outfit. She was a bit short, around 150cm, and looked like a girl in her teens. He instantly knew that this person was over 500 years old. How she had achieved this was most likely by becoming a witch. Becoming a witch is the most used way for humans to lengthen their lifespans. There are other ways to do it, but in this case it was most certainly because she was a witch. Jes decided to not keep the fact he knew a secret since what Diane told him earlier.

Then the mage started speaking "Are you the one that came up with the inn name?" Jes answers "Yes."

The mage asked "Does it have any deeper meaning to it?" Jes answers "Ye- No."

The mage noticed this and said "You were going to say yes, weren't you?" To which Jes said "No. I think you heard me wrong."

The mage was insistent and said "You did try to say it. Interesting, how do you know about the third moon?" To which Jes says "Wait, you know that there was a third moon too?" And the mage says "Aha! So you do know about it."

It took a moment for Jes to realize what he did, and when he did, he cursed himself inside. Not actual curses, but the words.

Jes asked the mage "What may your name be young miss?"

The mage said "Oh, where are my manners? My name is Ilina Naava. A scholar in the mage's tower of Taurus."

Jes replied "From mage's tower of Taurus? That is quite a way from here."

Ilina says "It would be, if it weren't for my teleportation magic." Jes responds "Teleportation magic? At your age? You must be a genius."

Ilina then got a smug look on her face and said "Aren't I? It took me some time to master, but I'm pretty decent at it now after years of study."

Jes replies "And you learned it from years ago? Truly, an up and becoming master mage."

Ilina blushes and says "You flatter me too much." Then she clears her throat and says "Anyways, back to the topic. What do you know about the third moon?" And then Jes answers "Enough."

Ilina smiles and says "Enough you say. Hmmm…" She takes a look at Jes as to analyze him. She then says "You seem quite ordinary, but you know something interesting. I can feel it. Would you kindly tell me what you know?" Jes answers "No comment."

Ilina keeps smiling and casts a charming spell in a way that you wouldn't normally notice. Then she says "Would you tell me something about the third moon, pleace?"

Jes sighs and says "The story of the third moon is a tragic tale. It's best for you to not know about it."

Ilina was surprised for a moment and said "You weren't affected? Then how about now?" She casts a spell that forces people to talk all that they are thinking. Jes still is not affected. Ilina gets a bit frustrated and says "Again? Then what about this one?" She casts her strongest domination spells that she has, but Jes is still not affected. Ilina is baffled and says "Impossible. How can you even resist my highest level domination spell?"

Jes smiles and says "Is there anything else you might need help with, miss Naava?" Ilina is frustrated, but then calms down and says "You aren't human, are you? What's your secret? An elf? A demon perhaps? Or maybe even some sort of deity?" To which Jes replies with "I'm but a simple innkeeper."

Ilina then says "Sure you are." Then she starts to leave and before she shuts the door, she says "I will find out eventually mister innkeeper. Just you wait." Then she closes the door and Jes is left there standing and wondering "Did I manage to hide my existence even a little bit? Were there better ways?"

Later that week, Ilina came back with a scrying glass in her hand. She then said proudly "This thing can detect anything hidden in this world. You can't hide from me." She then looks through the scryglass, and what she sees is something she did not expect. Her head started to feel dizzy and then the scryglass broke. She then vomited to the ground and bent to her knees. She asked while in daze "What… What was that?" To which Jes kindly answered "It is something that should remain unseen."

Ilina then passed out and Jes was left to clear this mess. And wouldn't you know it, a customer came right that moment to ask for a place to stay, but the sight of a passed out mage and the innkeeper carrying her was enough to get that one out nope out fast. Inside Jes started screaming "GOOOD DAAAMN IIIT!" While carrying Ilina to bed he spoke in a silent mumble "It's fine, it's not like I didn't just lose another customer. Haha, now that would be funny." Then when Jes had finally put Ilina to bed, an idea came to him "Wait, I can charge her for a loss of customer. And she now is resting in one of my beds, so that also. And then there is the cleaning fee. I should at least get a one silver coin from her."

After a while had passed, Ilina became conscious and wandered for a moment "What happened?" Then she recalled that she saw something incomprehensible. When she saw the innkeeper coming in with a glass of water while he was saying "You are finally awake", she was a bit frightened for a moment, but got her composure back and accepted the drink.

After drinking some water she said "I'm… I'm sorry for what I saw. I… I won't tell anyone." Jes then replied "I would appreciate that. And here." Jes opens up a small portal where his hand can get past and brings out a book for Ilina.

Ilina asks "What is this?" and Jes says "This is the story of the third moon and how it disappeared. But may I know how you know about the third moon's existence?"

Ilina answers "I found some old records talking about the worship of the three moons. Since it wasn't recorded anywhere else, I assumed it was either spiritual or that the third moon was destroyed and forgotten."

Jes then says "Well this book will tell you the whole story."

Jes then starts to leave. Then Ilina asks him "What are you really?" To which Jes answered "Me? Well I'm just a simple innkeeper."

After a while, when Ilina was ready to leave, Jes coughed up and said "That would be one silver." Ilina then picks one silver coin from her pocket and gives it to Jes. Jes then said "Pleasure doing business with you."

Another month passed with only a few customers, most of which were Diane. But then a strange man came wearing a hood who asked before Jes could welcome him "Is there any rooms available?" To which Jes answered "Yes there is."

The man gives Jes ten silver coins and says "Keep the rest. Just don't tell them I'm here."

Jes smiles and says "I won't let anyone bother you dear customer. Now what name would you like to put on the ledger?"

The man thought for a moment and said "Put Mike." Jes then writes it down and gives this Mike the room key. Mike then asks "Is… is there any food for me to eat?" To which Jes answered "I can cook something for you."

Mike then says "Please do " and hands Jes another silver coin. Jes thought that the man didn't care how much it cost and just wanted to get it done with. He decided he wouldn't pursue this topic and started cooking. He then made a tasty steak for Mike and brought it to his table, telling him "Enjoy." Mike started eating and a faint "It's good" could be heard from the man's lips.

Before Mike could finish the whole plate, a group of men came to the inn looking for someone. They saw Mike eating by himself and went to take his hood off. The men started saying "Sir, you need to come with us." To which Mike said "I will stay here. Please leave." The man was insistent and said "Sir, we need you to…"

Then Jes came there and started emanating an evil aura. Then he said "Dear guests, please don't bother the customer." The man then told him "We are soldiers. Don't interfere with official business."

Jes got an evil smile and said "Dear guests, no matter who you are, if you keep bothering one of my customers, I will kick you out. Am I making myself clear?"

The man said with a more terrified voice "But… He is…" To which Jes said "I said I don't care who you are or who he is. If the customer doesn't want to leave, he doesn't have to. Do I make myself clear?"

The men then meekly leave after saying "We… we will be waiting for you. Your highness."

After they leave, Jes says "Apologies dear customer. I hope you didn't lose your appetite." Mike then asks "Didn't you hear what they said about me?" To which Jes says "A customer is a customer. No matter who they are or what their affiliation may be. I hope you understand what that means."

Mike then says "I… I do. Thanks. I will explain everything later."

Jes just says while smiling "No need. As long as you, my customer, is satisfied, I'm happy."

Mike just says "I… I see."

Then the rest of the night goes without an issue.

The next morning Mike leaves without a word, but Jes notices and says his goodbyes.

Later that week, a man dressed in noble clothes came to the inn with a couple of men besides him. It took a moment for Jes to realize this, but it turned out that it was Mike.

Mike greeted Jes by saying "Greetings innkeeper. Couple of days ago I came here addressing myself as Mike. You can feel free to call me that, but my true name is Michael Elios Terras, the king of Terras."

Jes gave a simple "I see" as a reply. The king was stunned by this and started laughing soon after. Jes just asked "What's wrong dear customer?" After the king calmed himself, he said "Just "I see"? You don't care that I am the king of this realm?" To which Jes said "A customer is a customer. No matter who they are or what their affiliation is."

Mike then said "So even if I came here as king you would have treated me the same?" To which Jes replies "Yes." Mike then smiled and said "I see then. You are quite a person. And as for why I hid my identity, I…"

Jes stops him and says "I don't need to know what your circumstances were. You came in as a customer and I treated you as such. Even now, since you paid so much, you are still my customer. There is always a bed waiting for you in the Unseen Moon Inn. For at least twelve times."

Mike said "It felt good to sleep in those beds. I might just come here when I next visit the area." Jes replied "Please do."

Then Jes noticed something and Mike saw it in Jes's face, so he asked "What's wrong?" Jes replied "Oh, it's just a minor inconvenience."

Then soon after a big explosion came from the outside and the guards gathered around Mike. Then Jes told them "Please wait a moment dear customer."

Jes then walked calmly outside and saw a burnt field in front of the inn. What just happened was a mage tried to assassinate the king of Terras by casting a fire spell that exploded on impact. The size of the burnt area told Jes that it was quite a big and powerful spell, so the caster would be strong as well. He then traced the flow of mana and teleported right next to the caster. It was an elf that had lived relatively long for his race.

In the meantime in the god realm, the god of magic Mana came to talk to Teko. She asked "So what do you think about this Jes guy?" Teko answered "He is ***** and he is a god of all that is forgotten."

Mana replied "Who? I mean if it is a god then I suppose I should know him if he's a god, but what is he doing in the mortal realm?" Teko answered, "His name is *****, oh right, you can't hear his name. Let's just call him Juglius. He wanted to live as an innkeeper." Mana said with a surprised voice "A god who wants to live as an innkeeper? What about his duties?"

Teko told her "He will be fulfilling his duties whether he is here or not. Like gods of space and time, he is one of the gods that existed before I gave them form." Mana asked "Weren't there only those two?" To which Teko replied "There has always been a third, but he is most often forgotten, as it is his sphere. He, or in that time it, was there collecting information that no one else gathered. There has always been a force that gathered the forgotten information, it was until I gave him form that it became he. You know, the same way I did with Real and Ruel. In fact, he might be the oldest one to exist."

Mana replied "Is that how it is? Well, details aside for now, but why did you let a god live in the mortal realm? We gods aren't supposed to intervene too much of what is going down there."

Teko thought for a while and said "I wonder why I let him? He still does his job as a force of nature, but was there a real need for him to go down there? Perhaps I simply wanted to let him do as he pleases. His alignment is chaotic neutral in most cases, but he has kept himself at bay for the most part. I wonder if he will show his chaotic side anytime soon?"

Mana says "Well that blast that blew the house he was in seemed to gain his attention, so let's see what he does with the perpetrator. He does seem a tad bit pissed." Teko says "I felt it too. Let's see."

Back in the mortal realm, Jes immobilizes the caster so that he is binded to the ground whilst on his knees. The spell caster then tries to chant some spells, but with no avail. Jes then asked a simple question. "Do you want to know who I am before you disappear completely?"

The spell caster asked "So you are going to kill me? Is that it? I don't know how someone as weak as you can bind me, but I will get out of this and then kill you and the king."

Jes smiled and said in a mocking tone "Oh, you think you are a threat? Do go on. I'd love to see you try."

The caster tries and tries for a while, but he can't get out. He then asked angrily "How are you doing this?" To which Jes answers with "These vines that hold you are from a simple yet cruel spell lost to time. It holds the target steady by using the target's own strength against the target themselves. It is weak against weak opponents, but strong against strong."

The caster then asks "I never heard about that kind of spell." To which Jes says "Of course you haven't. Didn't you hear? The spell was lost to time long ago. In fact, it might even predate you."

The caster asks "Who are you?" To which Jes answers "Normally I would tell you that I'm just a simple innkeeper. But this time, you nearly caused harm to my dear customer. If it were any other building, the blast of that spell would have devastated the whole place. But with my abilities, it simply caused a minor damage to the outside. I'm going to fix it later, but still, minor damage. So who am I? I am *****, but the name you might know is either Ulog or Juglius. Ring any bells?"

The caster then thought for a moment, until he realized where he had heard the name Ulog before. Then he said "Ulog the forgotten librarian. The god of forlorn. The taker of secrets."

Jes clapped his hands while smiling and saying "Well done. You are part of the few who do know of my existence. Tell me, do you know any of my authorities?"

The caster thinks for a moment, then says "You can eat memories and collect them to your library." Jes says "Well the eating part is a bit more for the poetic side of things, but yes, I can take away memories. But that's not all that I can do. What I can do is much worse. I can completely erase your existence in this world with only minor echoes remaining."

The caster asks "What do you mean erase?" To which Jes answers "It means that your very being is erased from all that is in this world. No one, not even gods can remember that you existed. Only the echoes of your actions remain, but as of who you were and what you were like will completely disappear. Even your actions can't be connected to a singular person and they think that either someone else did it or that there was a person who did it, but they can't remember their names. Even the text you wrote will disappear, things you created will evaporate and the mention of a name that represents you personally will disappear. It is a blessing to some and a curse to others."

The caster says "So no one will remember me?" To which Jes said "I will give you an example. Do you know the area known as Alion's realm?" The caster says "It is the place that once harbored a kingdom that no one could recall but know that there was still something there once. Wait, did you do it? You mean that that's what will happen to me?"

Jes clapped, smiled and said "Good, good. You know some major history. Jes it was me. There was once a kingdom that shared a dangerous idea that shook the rules of this world. All the people there shared the ideology and created many things that placed stress on this world. The gods gave a warning to the inhabitants of what they were doing was something that caused the world's collapse. Some of them stopped, but not all heeded their warning. So in the end, the gods decided that this ideology and all its creations must be eradicated from this world, so they asked me to make the whole kingdom disappear. And so, all that that kingdom once was was forgotten by my hand. Millions disappeared from this world that day. There is a difference between dying and being erased. Not even the afterlife will wait for you."

The caster is in awe for a moment until he mutters "I don't want to disappear." To which Jes replied "Too bad."

Then Jes leaned to the caster's ear and whispered "Et recordabor eius" and then the caster disappeared from the world. Not even the gods watching could recall that person's face or name. Only Jes could now remember. He said, "Johamin" and left to explain the situation to his customer.

Once he got back, he saw that Mike was waiting outside the inn with his guards. When Mike saw him, he said "What happened? Are you alright?" And Jes replied "I took care of the one who casted the spell that caused this. Didn't I tell you to wait inside?"

Mike was surprised and said "You took care of someone who could cast this much destruction?" Jes replied "I was merely punishing the one who tried to harm my customer."

Mike then says "I- I see" then looks at the burned land and says "It's a shame that the beauty of this place was squandered by this." Jes smiles and says "Oh, no need to worry. I will take care of it in a moment." Then he poured out some magic and all the things looked just like they did before the blast, if not better.

Mike says "You can even do that?" To which Jes replied "I need to make sure everything looks nice so that my customers will leave happy." Mike just says "I… see… Then I will take my leave. Oh, but even the carriage, the carriage driver and the horses were taken out. What do I do?"

Jes simply snaps his fingers and the carriage, the carriage driver and the horses come back like they were never missing. Mike was speechless for a moment. Then he said "Tha- Thank you for your assistance innkeeper. May I know your name?" And Jes says "My humble name is Jes Tacitus."

Mike then nods and repeats his name "Jes Tacitus. I will remember it. Now then, let us depart." Then Mike got in the carriage and left with his people. Jes returned to his inn and simply started to wait for new customers to come.

Later when Mike got back to the castle, he said to the prime minister "We need to add a file under the name of "Unseen Moon Inn" and write down the fact that the innkeeper Jes Tacitus is tier 9. I will tell you more details in my report." The prime minister says "I will get on with it as soon as I receive the report" and then Mike says "This innkeeper is more than meets the eye. I wonder if I can sleep in a bed as comfortable as he provides. Or even eat as good food."