
Unknown Identity

Narudo woke up and looked around him. all he saw was inferiority. narudo knew that he was destined for something, destined for everything. he walked to school like every other day but this time it was different. he could sense a higher being. for the first time in his life he felt true inferiority and it scared him. reality collapsed because of this fact. {I CANNOT BE LOWER: Ability of narudo} it was a -/undeniable/- that if you were stronger than narudo you would cease to exist on a level of even the story of this book itself. narudo heard a voice laughing . narudo said .impossible no one can be above me! "then you havent met me", WHO ARE YOU SAID NARUDO. the being above all said "my name is hathgoromo i sense potential in you naurdo, that's why you must cease to exist.

{blackaphysical ultimatum: ability of hathgoromo} this was a ability that bypasses the concept of speed and happens when hathgoromo exist near anyone, the ability proposes a ultimatum you either become hathgoromos slave and obey his wish with no execption or you get erased on a level beyond the narritive beyond principles beyond concepts beyond physics on the level of even the laws of logic itself and even beyond it if he wants .

narudo of course chose to be a slave for he nor any being in the realm of fiction could withstand that erasure.

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