
What a day it was..!!

Morning woke up at 5:30am came outside the room to drink some water. After drinking, went to the living hall and sat , turned on phone and what I see... no texts, no calls.... ahh disappointed ☹️.

Later.. took a nap.. and look what it made...i got late to the bus stop.

shit! shit..... oh my God.. oh my God... finally caught the bus. What's this now??.. I should go standing today... aiyyoo!!

Anyhow comforted myself and smiled, then reached college.

I forgot , I had to treat my senior friends at Domino's. Then, one my junior asked me to come along her group to Domino's for her treat. What should I do now?? confused mee....

Now comes the icing , got a call from my buddy... let's go for lunch..

trapped mee!!

Somehow convinced him that today forgive me for not joining u. He was like... silently killing me with his taunts.

Anyhow that was meant to happen because I never said a NO to him.

This was solved.

What about the other two? Requested seniors will plan out other day.. they making sad faces agreed.

I went with my juniors to Domino's

but somewhere my smile was missing.

Didn't understand why was it??

Why was it like that...

confused me!!!

Came home and in no time came guests

Serving them tea and snacks.. got tired.. frustrated going inside out again and again and again.

Oh lord!! give me some time.. I prayed.

Tired went to room but it was useless, was again called up for dinner.. made it.. served it... cleaned it and what else...

At last thought, at least now I can rest... but... no, that wasn't acceptable right.

My brother has an exam tomorrow, so I had to help him out with that... stayed awake till late night.. then finally... went to room to sleep... and there rang the alarm bell.... wake up baby.. wake up.. it's morning.!!!