
Good Morning

The Manaspring Academy of Magic... That's the school to attend if you aspire to be a great magician. Or at least, that's how it's being sold to the people.

If you ask me, it would be difficult to get in if you plan to specialize in a specific field of magic, such as Summoning or Elements. They only pick the best of the best for each of the departments - 12 to be exact - and they will be distributed evenly among 12 classes, each named with a letter. I do not know how that tradition came about, but there have been exceptions, which have lead to a 13th called Class M.

They say that the formation of such means that there will be great change in the world, and the students there will be instrumental in starting it. Also, as to what kind of greatness it is... only fate knows.


"I have been chosen to what?!" I asked in surprise.

"It might be hard for you to take it in right now, but yes, you have been chosen to become the adviser for this year's Class M."

My legs nearly gave way as I heard the news again.

This... can't be happening.

It's impossible.

"But why me? There are other, more qualified... professors out there!" I said, emphasizing the word professors, as I wasn't one. At least, not yet. "I-I'm in bloody General Magic Studies, and I am still pursuing said studies!"

I could see that the messenger, who was another teacher, was at a loss for explanation. But from the look on his face, he just wanted to give the message and let me do whatever with it already.

"Well, you're right..." he said. "The Head Council actually wanted your father for the position, but he has been missing for a while, hasn't he?"

"Yes..." I replied.

I knew it... Father was one of the best professors in the Summoning Department, as well as one of the most advanced in Summoning Research. Add to that his warm, fatherly charm, and you've got yourself one of the most popular people in the faculty. He mysteriously disappeared one day, and even then, I could only dream of matching his greatness.

The messenger continued. "I suppose they figured that you, his son, would be able to handle it. I mean, you are familiar with how he does things and all."

"...I respect him a lot, but I am not him."

I let out a sigh.

"I can't even use magic..."

The person who gave me the news, I forget his name, put one of his hands on one of my shoulders and said, "Cheer up! If there's any consolation, you only have two students as of now. That's not much to handle, is it?"

What if more come, though...?

"I guess..." I said, not expressing my concern about the possible increase of students later on.

"Good! Here's everything you need, and you already know your homeroom by now, right?" he said as he gave me the class roster, as well as the files on the members of my soon-to-be advisory class.

"Yes, yes."

With great hesitation and with the documents on my students on hand, I shuffled out of the Teachers' Lounge and into the corridors. I hope that they would not be too great for me to handle.


As I walked to my homeroom class, I took a look at the files on who are to be my students.

"Hm... Colin Ighns. Alchemy... Shows great talent in transmutation, and is more knowledgeable on the field than most, if not all, of his peers, possibly due to high interest in the subject. Is very hungry for knowledge, and is willing to go to extremes just to acquire it. Otherwise, a polite and disciplined individual."

I suppose this student wouldn't be much of a problem. Let us see the other one...

"Ether Litheheart. Elemental Magic. Demonstrates a natural affinity with Fire, but not with the other elements, or at least not yet. Shows potential for greater elemental magic. Has a bit of a... strong personality, for the lack of a better word, which might get him into trouble if not guided properly."

He seems to be a bit more trouble, but I suppose I wouldn't know until I see him in person. Who knows, he might be a good person at heart.


Soon I reached my homeroom. I took a deep breath and carefully opened the door. For a while, I braced myself for the worst. After all, someone could just come flying into me and would leave me unconscious. Now that wouldn't be a good omen...

However, upon looking inside a bit more, everything seemed to be alright. The room was in order, and the students occupied two of the admittedly too many chairs in it.

"Hello. This is First Year, Class M, am I right?" I asked. Maybe I will get a feel for how my students are by how they respond to my inquiry.

The boy named Colin stood up and went closer to the door, where I was standing. "Yes, sir. Do you need help with anything?" he asked, his eyes searching mine.

"Um, well, no." I answered. "Believe it or not, I am going to be the adviser for this class."

Believe it or not, I am absolutely nervous.

Colin's face lit up. "Ah, so you're Professor Hazza? You look rather young for someone in their sixties."

Of course... It seems that when they said he was hungry for knowledge, they meant it. This boy would be the kind of person who would try to know everything about whatever he's getting into. Possibly even be careful to the point that he won't do something unless he's certain or has a backup plan... I'd bet he'd probably know more about the school's background than I ever would care to know.

"Well, about that..." I said, not being able to find the right words at the moment. "Shall we go inside first?"

"Of course, sir."

I am glad that he acknowledges me for now...

I took my place at the teacher's desk near the board, and Colin took his seat. The other student, Ether, was silent for now, but I could tell he was observing us closely. I stood in front of the two-man class, and started introducing myself.

"Good morning. If you do not know yet, there has been a rather last-minute change. Because of it, you will not be having Professor Walter Hazza, but rather his son, Rouen Hazza, who is myself." I tried to sound confident, but as I got to mentioning my name, I couldn't help but want to just trail off.

"Hm, I didn't know he had a son." commented Colin.

"I try to stay out of the spotlight." I answered, feeling a little insecure. "Besides, I want to pursue my own study. I do not plan to walk in his footsteps nor take credit for his achievements."

There was a momentary pause. I wonder if I had said something wrong...

Suddenly, Ether raised his hand and asked, "I can still call you Teacher, right?"

"Of course... I am still a teacher, after all." I answered. Now why would he ask that?

He breathed a sigh of relief and continued. "Ah good! I thought I'd have to call you something else since you're another person."


"Ether, all teachers are called 'Teacher'." said Colin.

"I see." noted Ether. "How do you know if someone is a teacher, though? I'd like to know, since I haven't met a teacher before."

A difficult question on the first day. What am I going to do? K-Keep it together Rouen! Think!

He doesn't seem to have a concept of formal education, but he can communicate fairly well, from what I can gather.

"Ah, well... They are the ones who will teach you what you need to know so you can become a better elementalist. That's what you're called, since you control elements."

He thought about my statement for a moment, and said "I see. So that new knowledge can help me control the world!"

What in the-? C-Control the world? Am I even going to allow this scenario to happen?

"Isn't it 'take over the world' or 'rule the world', though?" commented Colin. He seemed to think that Ether was kidding.

He got to thinking again, and came up with an answer. "No, it's 'control the world', from what I know of words. That's what I want to say."

"Ether, there will be no 'controlling the world' while you're here." I said, possibly the first of many times I will have to attempt to stop someone from becoming a potential criminal. "That aside, would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Alright." said Ether as he stood up, staff in hand. "This person's name is Ether Litheheart. You can call me by that name. For now, I can control fire, and that's why the teachers asked me to go here. My goal is to control the world someday."

There he goes again... Also, he has a strange way of speaking. There's something... off about it.

He sat down after that, and Colin took his turn to introduce himself.

"My name is Colin Ighns. I'm studying Alchemy, hoping to gain knowledge that I cannot from books. I've heard this is still the best school for magic studies, so I want to update what I know. Pleased to meet you, sir."

Ether added "Ah, I am also glad to meet you, Teacher! I forgot to say it."

"Yes, may we have a good year together, Mr. Hazza." continued Colin.

I do hope so.

This is my first time writing for a prompt here. Let me know how it is! :3

Thank you!

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