
The Unknown Kryptonian Short stories

Y'all know The Unknown Kryptonian, well since that's finished I have something better for y'all here you go!!

htxtoniek · Teen
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3 Chs

Azura's new life

Hey guys as you know my name is Azura Tyler, but there's some new things about me. Now let me tell you, I'm a stuck up popular girl now who rarely hangs with her friends. I'm dating the dumbest, hottest, athlete in school. I'm still a hero though, on my own, I'm a Junior now pretty cool huh? Welcome to my life. Wassup Azura(said stranger). Wassup Derek(said Azura). Hey gang was good(said Azura). None what's good with you, new year britches(said Layla). New year(said Gang). Hey Azura(said Aja). Hey Aja wassup(said Azura). Who's this Aura(said Gang). It's Aja my bestay(said Azura). Yeah bestie(said Aja). So(said Aura). This rly isn't you(said Aja). Look Yami I can do whatever I need to survive(said Aura). You can survive with us, those aren't your real friends their fake(said Yami). I know that, but I need to survive(said Aura). Look Aura when you need help come to us we'll take you in friends for ever(said Yami). Friends for life(said Aura). Bye Ig(said Aja). Bye(said Azura). Hey guys(said Azura). Hey(said All). (chatter).

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Y'all it's hard for Azura this new life, she need a change. Hope she gets what she truly needs

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