

[Passive Skill]

>Swordsman [Basic] (Apprentice III)

The art of the blade. Increases damage dealt with swords by 15%.

>Stealth [Basic] Novice II

Conceal yourself from enemies and sneak up on people without being seen or heard.


[Active Skill]

>Puncture [Basic] (Apprentice I)

Cast Time: Instant

Target: Single

Range: 2m range

Cost: 25 Stamina

Thrust your weapon with disciplined precision dealing a devastating blow (200%).

>Slash [Basic] (Apprentice I)

Cast Time: Instant

Target: 3

Range: 3m range

Cost: 50 Stamina

Surprise enemy with a deep lunge, dealing 150% Physical Damage to the first target and 100% Physical Damage to two other nearby enemies.

>Aura of Terror [Rare](Apprentice I)

Cast Time: Instant

Target: Area

Range: 70m range

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 8 hours

You emit a dreadful aura of terror. Weak-minded enemies within seventy meters are frozen in fear and take 100 soul damage per second.


[Non-combat Skills]

>Burendo Refining Technique [Basic]

A metal refining technique devised by a legendary blacksmith. Improve refining by 5%.

>Blacksmith Eye [Uncomon] (Novice I)

An altered inspect spell used to acquire further information about metals and ores.

These are the skills of Simply Umbra.

These stats will be up to date with the latest release.

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