
Prologue - I'm back bitches.

The break of dawn is a magical time of the day. The sun opens up like a flower on the horizon, rising to send those petals of gold to chase away the darkness of the night and bring forth a new beginning, a new day.

As the first rays of light hit Singapore, the population had already been awake for a few hours doing the same usual tasks. The metro was bustling with smartly groomed students and office workers heading off to their day's occupation.

Unknown to them, in an upscale neighbourhood, an unnatural phenomenon was about to take place. Inside a messy bedroom, a spatial tear appeared.

Space itself had been torn apart.

The fissure grew in size until it was the size of a door. From within the void of the breach, a young man walked out. Dressed all in black, he wore a well-fitted futuristic-looking set of pants and shirt. A pitch black hakama with golden highlights draped over his strong shoulders. His forearms and legs were encased in armour that did not encumber him. An aura of nobility and strength surrounded him.

After pausing to get his bearings, a smirk appeared on his face. With the snap of his fingers, the tear closed and the room returned to normal.

"How could I be fine living in this mess? Damn... Well now that I'm back, time to make things straight, grab life by the balls and live my life. I should probably apply for uni... fek I forgot about my grades and my school. Shit. Mordis what's the date here?"

"A moment, my lord, intercepting wireless communications, accessing the network... synchronization complete. We are currently in the solar system, on Earth, more precisely in Singapore. It is the 5th of June, 2019. 0630hrs local time. This is weird we seemed to have travelled centuries into the past."

"Time travel is impossible. We have simply travelled into another dimension, more precisely, my original dimension."

With a smirk plastered on his face, he declared:

"I'm back bitches!!!"


"All right, make sure to call us once in a while and good luck with your exams tomorrow. See you in 15 days."

The beautiful middle-aged lady got into the cab under her son's eyes.

His father added, " Please don't burn down the place. Have fun."

As the blue of the taxi disappeared from his vision, a playful smile made its appearance on the youth's face.


The young man's name was Alex. He had just come back home after a gruesome and deadly odyssey. A few hours ago he had been playing his usual csgo daily match when a tear appeared and absorbed him. Following his "kidnapping", he was thrown into a war-stricken solar system. Luckily he was taken in by a clan. Clothed, fed and trained in the arts of war, he was made to end the war that had plagued this universe for centuries. After a few years of endless victories, the empire emerged victors and became the overlords of the system. Peace and stability restored, the great battle God requested to be sent back home.

Now, armed with the experience of countless battles and the tactical prowess of leading vast armies, Alex of House Umbra faces his greatest challenge yet, his exam papers.

A brief intro to the unknown God of War.

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