
17 Close shave.


Out of nowhere, a crude blade slashed at Simply. Before he could recover or even get his bearings, four arrows appeared. Three pierced him, while one closely missed its mark.

[-46 hp]

Springing into action, he drew Narsil and stabbed it into the ground activating its second attached skill: Five Dragons Wraight. Five semi-transparent sword duplicates launched toward the enemies, instantly killing four goblins and impaling a worg into a tree trunk. Incapacitated, it howled in pain.

Simply was shocked by the massive damage numbers: 162,174, 174,192 and 162. A goblin only had 100 Hp while a worg possessed 250 Hp. Five Dragon Wraight had dealt a colossal amount of damage to the ambushers.

Trying to gain some cover, he rolled towards a tree. Unfortunately, two arrows found him before he could avoid them. A worg leapt at Simply. Sidestepping to the side Simply countered with a powerful slash dealing 47 damage. If other players saw him casually dealing above 40 damage with a simple attack, they would rage.

Sadly, Simply received a hefty amount of damage following a barrage of arrows. Two of which hit a vital point, critting twice in a row. Simply started bleeding, taking 2 Hp every second. By the end of the volley, he had lost nearly half of his health.

Glancing at the surrounding, he counted six goblins armed with shortbows and three worgs. He swiftly activated the first attached skill: Slash Dash. Dashing in a zigzag, Simply covered six meters slashing his enemies along the way. He luckily critting on the worg, stunning him while dealing heaps of damage. This time he did not manage to one-shot anyone but severely injured them.


Instinctively tensing on the sound of arrows being loosened, he succumbed to yet another volley. This time a worg grasped the opportunity to knock Simply prone and stunning him. Before the worg could land a fatal bite, the swordsman rolled away. Once out of the worgs jaws, he brought his blade down hard on its neck, decapitating it. Blood gushed out, temporary blinding him.

A second worg leapt at Simply's weak spot. Hearing the leaping beast, he stabbed in the general direction of the sound. Fortune favours the bold. Narsil impaled the poor worg. An arrow interrupted his celebration but was promptly cut down after he regained his vision.

Another set of enemies closed in on him. This time a worg was leading the charge closely followed by two goblins.

Adjusting his grip, he used his skill: Slash. Splitting the throat of a goblin and wounding the other two. The goblin dropped his sword and gasped for air as green blood poured out. It stumbled along, hitting a tree before tripping and dying asphyxiated.

Enraged the worg when berserk and attacked the human, only to miss his target and hit the dust, dead. Simply stepped withdrew his sword from the corpse and finished off the shocked goblin. Dashing towards the impaled worg, he used 'puncture' to end its miserable life.

The final worg's stun wore off. Howling in anger, the goblins and the beast launched a deathly counter-attack. Stunning and knocking Simply prone once again. In this dire situation, he used his remaining stamina to use 'puncture'. Narsil slipped through the worg killing him instantly.

At the same time, a goblin swung his sword at him causing a bleeding wound. Returning the favour, the long sword swiftly assaulted the lucky goblin. Lucky, he was. Quickly bringing his shortsword to meet the longer blade, he managed to block the fatal attack. Desperately, Simply smashed into the goblin with his left shoulder. Taken by surprise the goblin lost balance. He was dead before he touched the floor as a blade passed cleanly between his head and the rest of his body.

Drowning a health potion, he relaxed a little bit. He had been one Hp away from dying. Without a healing potion, he would have still died from the bleeding effect. Heading towards the next goblin, he blocked an arrow heading straight at him.

Reaching his next target. Simply sliced the goblin's sword hand. Grabbing him, Simply used the poor goblin as a body shield against an arrow, which proved to be fatal. Releasing the now dead goblin, he reached behind him. Grasping his modified iron dagger, he flung it towards the final goblin. The knife flew true, impaling itself in between the eyes of the surprised goblin, killing him.

He quickly skinned the worgs and dumped the goblins' weapons into his inventory. Munching on a piece of jerky while working. Once his health was regenerated he continued on his way.

His two travelling companions had been completely ignored by him since the beginning of the journey. His attitude had started to get on Lanza's nerves. Dasch, on the other hand, had started to reconsider his opinion on Simply. After all, he had displayed a level of skill and awareness. Even his reaction was both keen and rapid. At the same level with the same stats, Dasch was not entirely confident in his skills to take down the entire ambush single-handedly. The mysterious silver-haired swordsman was a battle monster!


Level 21 (11%)

Name Simply Umbra

Class Imperial Knight

Race Human

Health 410

Mana 210

Stamina 431 (410) (+5%)

Intelligence 25

Wisdom 20

Dexterity 20

Agility 20

Vitality 20

Strength 30

Unassigned Stats 50

Perception 0

Magic Resist 0

Defence 0

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