

After parking the car outside a small inn, the trio started to walk about the city, the moonlight illuminating the nearby lake, drawing the attention of Kalista so they decided it would be a good place to train, they walked to the nearest blacksmith and walked in to order a weapon for Kalista but as they entered they were greeted by the face of a smug looking young man

"Ohh, well aren't you two gorgeous" he then looked at Raven and Fenrir and noticed their peculiar appearance but said nothing of the matter assuming it to just be the customs of where ever they came from "Why don't you two beauties come with me, I can treat you to the finest food in the city"

"ohh? not extending an invite to our friend? how rude of you" Fenrir said with a slight smirk, she clearly noticed the man's motives from the very start

"ohhh but of course, a groupie is no issue" his condescending tone betrayed his gentle smile

"Sorry but we're here to buy her a weapon, we don't have to time to waste on you" Raven pushed past the man giving him no face at all.

"How dare you say that, do you have any idea who I am you piece of trash?"

"An arrogant young man who thinks that his status is the highest in the world and that it can protect him from everything, now beat it, you could be the city lord and I'd still give you no face at all"

"I'm sure the beautiful women here would rather accompany a REAL man, how about a duel, you win and I'll apologize, I win, you bow down three times and call yourself trash, the girls come with me and I cripple you"

Hearing these words Kalista's eyebrow raised, her countenance turned ice cold and she looked at the young man "Leave, now"

"The girls have free will, if they don't want to go with you, a duel can't force them" Raven turned back around and walked over to the man "now leave before I cut off your third leg" after hearing these words the young man immediately turned tail and ran as fast as he could, Kalista chose a beautiful black and gold partisan as her weapon and began to train by the lake with the supervision of Ravena and Fenrir.

"Good, now try circulating your soul intent into the weapon, since you're only at the Marital Mortal realm, it's best to focus your attention on increasing the power of your weapon, you're a natural with polearms, I'm impressed" this training continued for a few days, Kalista tried numerous times and failed just as many, just as she was about to give up she felt a hand on her shoulder "not like that, you can't do it because you aren't focused".

Raven put one hand over hers, the other on her shoulder and fixed her posture for her into a more relaxed and flexible state "now, try to focus all your thoughts on the reason why you want to get stronger, grip it tight in your mind and don't let go, let your soul and your weapon become one, your weapon is an extension of yourself and you are the center of your weapon" with his help Kalista gradually focused her thoughts and her weapon suddenly had a lighter feeling.

"still nothing, I can't do it" she huffed and fell to the floor, leaning against a tree, when she noticed Ravens bizarre stare "what is it?"

"Do you remember my soul intents?" he asked as he took the partisan from her

"Wind, Water and Lightning"

"Correct, now watch closely" he lifted the partisan and then turned to Fenrir, "Fenrir, grab stuff and throw it at me and get ready to defend when you run out"

She nodded her head and picked up a few rocks, Raven began to twirl the partisan, the rocks that she threw spit apart and fell to the floor the moment they got close to the weapon, when all stones were done, Fenrir pulled out her katana and Saw Raven flip slightly, while swinging the partisan upwards, a gust of wind was felt for less than a second before there was a sound like metal against metal and Fenrir was pushed back, then he turned around and hacked at a tree, an air blade directly slicing into the tree and leaving a deep indent.

"You didn't fail, you used wind intent, just like I just did, wind intent is incredibly dangerous because you can't see or smell it, you can hear it but only for a brief moment because it travels so fast"

"I actually have a partisan as well in my storage ring, they are indeed very good for wind intent, an agile yet dangerous weapon, you chose well"

"well if it isn't the two beautiful women and their dog" The voice rang through the area and many people turned their heads and saw the arrogant young man from the store and the trio

"You know the one with the katana and rice hat, can kill you in one attack and seriously hates you right?" Kalista couldn't help but retort after seeing his arrogant attitude

"Ohh is that so?" The man snapped his fingers and a young man and woman appeared at his sides "Come with me, I'll show you a time this trash never could, or stay with him and I'll take you by force" the two did not say a word, neither did they move, they just looked at him with faces full of disdain and then Fenrir turned to Raven.

"you kill those three, I'll protect the girl"

He nodded and sent his katana into his storage ring, pulling out his own partisan, a beautiful weapon with intricate golden designs and a black body with red trimmings, after seeing the weapon, the face of the arrogant young man in front of them turned greedy, he couldn't wait to kill Raven and take his weapon.

"Hand over the weapon and the girls and I'll make your death quick"

"..," Raven

"..." Fenrir

"..." Kalista

"..." The entire crowd

"You really are shameless," Raven said nothing else, he calmly twirled his partisan, as he did so, the air started to crackle, Dark clouds filled the sky, thunder roared and lightning flashed as the heavy rain came crashing down, massive waves formed in the lake and crashed heavily against eh solid rocks, as a powerful gale rushed through the area, he began to twirl his partisan faster, electricity sparking off of it forming tiny lightning arcs.

"W-w-world order"

"he's a killjoy state"

"At such a young age?"

"He's only five realms from being at the known pinnacle"

He swung the partisan out, suddenly a gust of blood came spraying out of the young man as he fell to the floor dead, with another swing a leviathan made of water was formed and drowned the young woman, with another swing, the thunder rolled and a bolt of purple lightning came crashing down on the arrogant young man's head but it didn't kill him, instead he bent over in pain.

"M-my dan tian, y-you crippled me"