
The Beginning of a Lifetime

The Unknown Voice* "What was the beginning? Have you ever sat down and wondered, what started it all, where did it all happen and just why did it happen? I know you have.... I know you believe everyone has their our own theories and explainations but none may be close to the real truth. Then again....what is the real truth to you? How do you even know whether or not this so called 'Real Truth' isnt a facade? Suppose life is a simulation made by some higher being and you are all pawns living in it with programming? Suppose there 'ISN'T' a higher being and you are all just a wild coincidence floating in a dark vaccum aimlessly with no start nor finish? Just what if, all you knew and believe are not real?

Your entire life has been nothing but questions, absolutely built around them. Questions are what helps you to identify, notify and discuss matters that you dont fully understand. You personally love to hear others definition of life but never once could you fully invest yourself when all things said and created here is all by man.... or so you believe atleast. Nothing makes sense in your eyes. Not the books about the history of the world, Not the bible and most definetly not the people of religion telling their side of the story. You know....talking about religion, I know you never understood why there are different religions. Whats the purpose of it? Is it somewhat beneficial to societly to be more divided than united religously? Or Is it destructive to have belief in one God and not multiple? Voice imitates human*'Universe??!! What's the purpose??!! Tell me please, I'm so confused and lost with all this. I hate not knowing what made us and why. I know I'm just a human but why cant I find an answer yet? WHY CANT ANY OF US?!! The Unknown Voice*' You will soon see and understand....."

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