
Not Someone Weak

My face look scared when we entered the operating Room but as soon as the doors were shut, I was laughing while tears were flowing in my eyes. Kean looked at me as if I became a mad woman.

"Akira how can you be so dumb to be impregnated by someone like him?"Kean said

"Duhhhh, Kean, didn't you see that the man was a hunk. When will I be laid by someone like him?" Krisha, Keans sister, said dreamily.

"Don't you ever come to me crying if that happens Krisha. Akira you should know that carrying a child without a man isn't easy."Kean said and I know that it will be hard but I am willing to take the risk.

"You're right Kean but whats done is done and I can't turn back time." I said

"What about the child?"Krisha asked.

"I will keep it. He may not want it but this is also my own flesh and blood," I said while rubbing my tummy.

"Oh yeah. I'm sure that the child will have good genes. He's a hunk and you're a beauty.At lease he contributed on it right?"Krisha said giggling while Kean glared at him.

"More of a punk than a hunk. What about the mission?" Kean asked.

"We will focused recruiting and training agents for a year. I will let Rose and Elijah handle some matters and I will still be supervising it. We will strenghten our foundation before we strike them." I sai calmly

"Ok. Now Krisha needs to do her job and make you look someone who just lost a baby," Kean said. Krisha brings her luggage out full of make up tools and those are her weapons as a make up artist. She is really good in her job.

This hospital was built by me when I was 16 and no one knows who the real owner is except for a few trusted directors. The VIP rooms are created for the convenience of business tycoons and underworld organizations.

"Look, look! I did an awesome job."Krisha said after 30 minutes and she handed me a mirror. I look at it and my face was pale already as if I'm near death. We go oit and they transferred me in the VIP bed. Eros come after and as expected, he approached Kean first without even glancing at me.

"How is it?"-Eros said

"It was successful and you don't need to worry,"-Kean said.

"Here is your money. You may leave us for now. I'm reminding you that once I go out of this hospital, every records of me being here will be deleted."Eros said to Kean and after all the people left, he approach me.

"Don't blame me for doing that. You should know better than anyone else the outcome if ever. Here is some money to compensate you from this mess. You can start a new life," Eros said while giving me a million dollar check.

"Eros I don't need your money. Who do you think am I?" I asked

"Aren't you a whore?"Eros still said.

"Don't judge me Eros. My job there was to serve my client with drinks and not my body. You were the exemption I made but you wasted it."I said

"I never forced you to give me your body. I hope we don't cross paths again."Eros said but before he leaves, I tore the check in front of him.

"Eros, I'm not someone weak to be treated this way. Don't regret what you've done today," I said coldly to him.

"Up to you and No regrets," he said and walks out of the door without even looking back. That was the last time we've talked.

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