
The Unjust World

"I'll be back by 5:00. Please let me go, Dad." said Kritzi

"OK you can go but don't forget to be home by 5:00. Is that understood?" her father finally agreed after a long argument.

This was said in such a bitter tone that Kritzi could not speak at once and finally said in a very low tone.

"Sure, I'll be back by 5:00 .May I go tomorrow."

"OK, now go to sleep."

"Thanks Dad" her voice was filled with happiness.

"Good night."

"Good night."

Kritzi was so excited to go to her friend's birthday party that she was hardly able to sleep the whole night. It was the first time she was allowed to go out with her friends. In her daily life she just went to school in the morning and then came back home in the evening. She didn't ever see any other place in her life of 16 years. She was 5 years when her mother died and her brother was of 2 years. Her father would have killed her the instance she was born but his wife did not allow him to do so because she just wished to have a daughter but not that she was dead Kritzi had been living in hell.

She was treated like a princess when her mother was alive but now she wished to escape this place that had turned into a prison. Her father tried to kill her many times later but she was lucky enough to escape. It was as if God came to earth himself to save his child. After knowing her father she was confused that why did he allow her to go out?

After a sleepless night, Kritzi got up and was ready in an hour to go out. She was very descent and intelligent, she went to the dinning table, had her breakfast but she was really shocked by her father's behavior. He was very polite to her and did not scold her for useless things as he usually did every morning. She was not interested in thinking about it at that moment instead she was only excited about the party but she knew that something was definitely wrong. She went to the hotel, everything was wonderful, she slowly went inside and wished her friend a "happy birthday" while handing her the gift.

"Happy birthday, Amelie."

All her friends were shocked that they almost shouted in excitement. All of them went to hug her together that she was about to fall but seeing how much her friends loved her a smile spread across her face.

The were so excited that one of them asked "How did your father allow you to come here?"

"I don't know but I am here so I guess we should enjoy and guess what he was too polite to me today that I could hardly believe."

Amelie hugged her and said "Whatever, I am so happy that you are here, you have just made my day special."

"Yes, let's enjoy." one of her friends spoke again.

They spent all day dancing, joking around and having fun and at last they had the dinner. Kritzi was so engulfed in enjoying everything that she forgot about her promise with her dad. When everything was over it was about 5:20. She hurriedly went home and said sorry to her father but she was beaten mercilessly. She went to her room changed her clothes and cried to lessen her pain as usual.

She locked her room and sat in the corner. Finally she decided to leave her home after so many years of torture. She called her friends and made a plan Amelie said "You can stay with me until you complete your studies."

"Thanks but what will your parents say."

"You know Kritzi, they like you a lot, they always wanted to keep you as a daughter and when they find out about your bold decision they will be really supportive."

"Okay then, I will be there."

Her brother returned home she talked to him "I don't want to spoil my life here, I wish to become a doctor and I am sure dad will never let me take my stream next year so I am leaving the house tonight when he is asleep. You should inform him tomorrow, after all he is my dad and I want freedom."

He replied "He will never be affected by this, you should leave this house now only because he has plans to kill you tonight. He is a devil, you should just leave, he is not worth your respect, you are such an amazing. I will also leave with you."

"You are such an amazing brother but you don't have to go with me."

"I can't live here any more."

After saying this her pulled hand and left the place. Amelie's parents welcomed her and loved her as their own daughter.

Kritzi became the best and most famous doctor and her brother became a science teacher is USA. They both were proud of themselves.

It was the day when Kritzi had made a very valuable discovery and she was about to be given a prize when her father appeared to accept her as her daughter and take the credit but her brother stepped forward "How shameless can you be to come here, don't you dare show yourself in front of my sister again."

He felt embarrassed and left Kritzi came forward and hugged him and then she gave a speech and at the end she said "Please respect women."