

He was the first to speak. "you are Serena, correct?", the old man asked in his dry, yet heavely accented voice. "yes", i said. He replied in his french accent,"my name is alfonso, i will be your chef". "what will it be for today". A half hour later i was faced wit h the most amazing feast. On the oak table i was faced with, lay roast duck, beef ragout, salmon, fruit salads, veal, tea, and champagne. By the end of the meal i was so full i could barely move. I had never been so full in my life. Suddenly i was interrupted by a knock at the door. To my amazment a tall paler man answered it. His few wisps of hair were just barely covered by a very tattered grey wig. His eyes unlike Alfonso's, were cold and cruel. He opened the door to the great front garden.

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