

Amanda, Mason, and I walked to school as usual for the next couple of days. Mason and Amanda talked less and less each day, and when they did speak, they yelled at each other. Until one day, we walked in silence. I noticed that each day Amanda walked with us for shorter distance than the day before. Today it was only mason and I. I asked him what was going on. He stared at the floor. "we broke up.", he said. I did my best to sound understanding and suppotrive, "oh..I..I..I'm so sorry". "it's fine...It isn't my fault that she can't accept people for who they are.", he said. Tell me about it, i thought. "i mean, we are in college for God's sake, grow up already!", he looked mad now. "i know", i said, smiling at him. He gave me a weak smile. "that's what i like about you Serena, you are sweet, kind, caring, supportive, smart...", his voice slowed as if relizing something. "...And you always know what to say".

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