

We were soon interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. I looked down the nearby stairwell to see a dark dirty blond woman. Mason jumped, "Mom...Uh..Werent you supposed to be in Hawaii for the weekend?". The woman, evidently his mother looked me up and down. "Mason dear, that 3k dollars that we gave you was for food!",she said. I soon realized that my shirt was folded up, a little...Too much. Mason looked horror struck, " mom, it..It isnt like that!". She eyed me much like Amanda did. " just a friend then i suppose?", she asked skeptically. I had never seen Mason like this before. "uh..Um..Well....She..She's..Um..My-"he got cut off. "-your what dear?, you know dear, just because your father and i split up doesnt mean that you should go looking for,...A good time.", replied his mom. Mason's face went red "Mom, i really like her!". His mother clearly didnt understand,"honey she doesnt love you, she is using you for money!". She was clearly having fun with this.

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