

Since i am the oldest in the class, and the most expirienced, all of the others looked up to me. My teacher, Mrs. Vandalie complimented my paintings every week. Our assignment was to paint something missing in our lives, to fill that empty void in our lives. I painted Mason's mother, because my parents died in a car crash when i was twelve, so i moved in with my uncle Alfredo. Alfredo was a raging alcoholic who was always coming home with girls more than 20 years younger than him. He finally left when i was 20. I moved into an apartment for a year but was forced out when i couldnt pay rent. I soon got a letter that he was missing. He was very rich and left me his mansion. So then i moved here into the mansion. I painted Mason's mother with a kind smile. It was much unlike her, but if she can at least be decent in a painting.

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