
Wish you were here!

"Dad, no! That's too much of a responsibility. I don't think I'll be able to handle it. I even have to attend classes at the university. Plus, even your son isn't here. We haven't even discussed this with him." Jayne protested.

This time Mrs Caroline Roy spoke, "My child, we just now realised how capable you are just by your confidence. We've all the faith in you. As for your husband, I'm sure you know him well. Has he ever refused you for anything?"

Though Jayne didn't agree immediately, she nevertheless wanted to take things one at a time. "Mom, Dad, thank you for your faith in me. Let's deal with this issue first. We'll think about me taking up this position later."

Mr and Mrs Roy didn't refuse to her decision. "Okay child, as you wish!"

Just then the landline of the mansion began ringing. "Mom, let me check." Jayne got up to receive the call.

"Hello hubby!"

Jayne's silky voice travelled along to Ronnie who was miles apart. He immediately felt his wife's warmth. "How did you know it's me baby?"

"Matters of the heart can't be explained." Jayne whispered fearing if her in laws would hear.

"That's such a cheesy line wifey! Are you doing on purpose just because I'm away? Wish I could devour you right away!" Ronnie answered.

"Have some shame Ronnie! Mom and dad are here." Jayne snapped back.

Ronnie let out a loud laughter. "Fine, fine baby! I'm missing you! Aren't you missing me?"

"What do you think?" Jayne pouted.

"I wish I could kiss your pouty lips now!" Ronnie said with all seriousness.

"How did you realise it Ron?" Jayne was pleasantly surprised. She subconsciously touched her 'pouty' lips and was grinning like a kid.

He repeated, "Matters of the heart cannot be explained."

Jayne, "Fine you win!"

"Which means I get an extra round. And if you'd won, you'd get to do an extra round." Ronnie gleamed with excitement.

Jayne, "..."

"I'm hanging up Ronnie!" Jayne cautioned.

"Fine baby, so how was your day?" Ronnie asked.

Jayne mentioned everything about her classes except about the company since she didn't want him to worry about it.

After hanging up, Jayne called on Ms Shirley Symonds landline. "Hello Shirleyyy!" Jayne gushed.

"Hey gorgeous!" said Shirley from the other end.

"Shirley, I've something important to discuss with you. Can we meet?" Jayne asked.

"Your wish is my command gorgeous. Let me know the time and place. I'll be there." Shirley Symonds replied.

Jayne smiled. "Shirley, for now why don't you come home. I'll send someone to pick you right away!"

"Sure! I'll see you soon then!" She hung up.

After sometime, Shirley Symonds came to the mansion when the Roy's were having dinner.

"Hello Shirley! Come over! Join us for dinner!" Jayne gushed excitedly on seeing Shirley.

Shirley obliged to have dinner with the Roy's. The butler had prepared some delicacies since his Master and Mistress were here.

During dinner, Jayne proposed, "Shirley I'm sure you know our Roy Industries. I've a proposal for you to join our company. At this point of time, we need some re-branding to be done. The only person we can rely on right now is you. So, I called you over to discuss on this."

Jayne paused and continued, "I know you are quite busy at the University. But then, if you can take over as the Designer Head of our company, I'm sure our company can bounce back. Moreover, you'll get your space to design anything that you want. All the apparel will carry your name tag as well."

Though Jayne and Shirley Symonds were good friends by now, she didn't want to use it for her benefit. Therefore, she spoke business with her.

On hearing Jayne's proposal, Mr Richard Roy's eyes was gleaming with excitement. He began to admire Jayne all the more. He very well knew Shirley Symonds' capabilities. But, he never once thought of bringing her on board to his company. He stopped eating and gripped the arm of his chair nervously to know her answer.

Shirley stopped eating and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Jayne, I think working for the Roy industries would be my honour and privilege. I was actually planning to quit the University and start my own Design studio. Now that you are offering all that, I'm more than willing to be a part of the company." She exclaimed.

Mr Richard Roy clapped his hands with joy. He ordered the Butler to get the best wine. The butler came back with wine and poured it into their glasses.

Mr Richard Roy proposed a toast, "Shirley, here's to our collaboration!"

Everybody else clinked their glasses and the atmosphere of the room turned merrier. Yet Jayne had just one thing on her mind, "Hubby, wish you were here!"

Thank you for reading my beautiful peeps❤❤❤

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