
Step into Godhood (2)

He could feel it, at this moment he had both the power he obtained from The Godkiller absorbing the energy of the relics and the passive growth from having the relics assimilated into him.

Even now he was growing stronger with every ticking second, in seconds he would get more EXP than he would ever obtain from wiping out the puny cities of this world and he even doubted that killing every person on the planet would equal any more than a week or two of him simply standing in one spot.

At the moment two separate pools of power existed inside of him. One was the power he absorbed before his evolution. It was finite but its sheer magnitude would seemingly make you think otherwise. This alone already put Shen far above anyone else on Remant.

At the same time, there was the secondary pool, this was was formed through his evolution. It was an ever-growing reservoir with an increasing input as well. Every second the amount of power it could hold grew and so did the amount of power being pumped into it.

As long as he used his power under a certain limit compared to the amount of power being added to this pool he would never run out. With a thought, Shen opened up his System.

{Personal Information}

Name: Shen

Level: 23 [894,135/29,353,400]

Race(s): Dominus

Abilities: Creation[Lv. Max]|Destruction[Lv. Max]|Localized Clairvoyance[Lv. Max]

Skills: Shapeshifting (Dominus)|Life-Fiber Manipulation (Dominus)

Linked Skills:

Of course, evolution always had its downsides. Dominus was a racial combination of his Demon-Hybrid Race and Life-Fiber Hybrid Race. As such he could still utilize their main abilities but he also no longer had the opportunity to get certain things.

For example could no longer become a Primordial Life Fiber in the future, which was the next step of evolution for his Life-Fiber Hybrid Race.

His proficiency with Life-Fibers would be stuck at one hundred percent and never take that last step. At the same time, he would never be able to become a pure-blooded demon nor would he be able to become a being like Sparda. And that meant his Devil Trigger was now unavailable to him as well.

Other than that he had also lost access to Goro Goro no Mi and Karmic Retribution, it simply wasn't compatible with the Dominus Race. Though at the time Shen was more than happy to get rid of a few less than useful abilities like Witch Walk & Squirmy Fingers.

Still, Shen was more than content with all of his losses. He didn't doubt for a second he would find a way to get those abilities back. And in the meantime, his current abilities were more than good enough.

Creation allowed Shen to create quite literally anything, however, it came with two requirements. One was that Shen had the power necessary to create it, at the same time, he also needed a precise and detailed idea of what he wanted to make.

He couldn't make a ship that could travel faster than light or a portal that could teleport him to another solar system if he simply didn't at least know the idea or theory behind how to make something like that. Of course, whether the creation was logical or not didn't matter, the power handled all the technical stuff.

In short, this ability converted knowledge into power, the more Shen knew the more useful and powerful this ability would be.

Destruction followed the same set of rules though a lot less complicated. He simply needed to know how he wanted to destroy his target and to what degree. Though the more complex or large the target is the more power would be required. It was perfect for getting rid of things that didn't matter.

And lastly was Localized Clairvoyance which was exactly what it sounded like. A merger of the abilities from Relic of Choice and the Relic of Knowledge. Although it drained power while activated it gave Shen the ability to peer into potential futures, ranging from more and least likely to occur. Though figuring out which one would happen for certain was up to Shen.

It also had the secondary function of allowing Shen to know things related to him. The closer his target was to him and the more directly influenced it was by him the more information he could obtain.

Since Remnant itself was under his control he could pull information about anything across the planet. Even if it was some random citizen halfway across the globe they knew his name, and that was enough for Shen to instantly be able to locate them. Though that would be the limit for such a small connection.

However, for people more directly tied to him, he could even look into their past or even what they might do in the future. This was how he knew the God of Light and Darkness were on their way.

Yet the largest change to Shen was probably his mind.

Any delay, intrusive thoughts, self-doubt, anger, happiness, fear, all of it. It was all under Shen's control, at this moment they didn't exist within his mind. And because of that everything was so clear, he could think hundreds of times faster than he could before without human hindrances.

Even the way he sensed his surroundings no longer had to do with things like touch, smell, sight, or any other human sense. The world simply materialized in his mind for him to look at, down to the smallest detail, sort of like a 3D Model. Even stuff like sound where somehow recognized and acknowledged by his mind instead of a hearing organ.

'It's strange with all of these changes that I don't feel uncomfortable or confused. I suppose everything about me has simply adapted along with the evolution.' It was an interesting thought and the next second, Shen disappeared.

He moved faster than he had ever done before, even faster than lightning. To the naked eye, he would be completely invisible and even the world around him seemed to slow in his presence. Within seconds he had arrived in Kuchinash phasing straight through the roof of his palace before coming to a complete and utter stop.

He floated only a few inches off the ground as his originally rough humanoid shape began to compress itself. At the moment he didn't know how to create proper skin or the components of a human body, so he was going to keep relying on Life Fibers for that, at least temporarily.

Shen's body as it was now was completely incorporeal, it had no physical matter. It is simply an amalgamation of power, the forces of the relic, and his own consciousness and mind. Due to the changes in his mind, he could look at himself without any issues, but if a normal living thing did, then their sanity would likely shatter.

And more importantly, if something tried to touch him it would be ripped it apart instantly. To avoid that he still needed to at least look human.

And so in seconds Life Fiber's shot around Shen stitching themselves together forming skin as Shen's form compressed into something humanoid. Layer after layer skin was applied to the outside of his body made of the strongest possible Life Fibers he could create. Within minutes Shen once again looked 'Normal'.

Other than Sienna who was out of Kuchinashi everyone else was close by when Shen evolved. And they were also the first ones to sense the change. Almost instinctively they knew Shen had something to do with it and didn't hesitate to make their way to the throne room. Everyone was there even Pyrrha and Raven.

"So we all felt it then?" Torchwick glanced at everyone as they made their way down the hall.

"Of course, it completely interrupted the fun I was having. And would you stop yelling at me!" Taella knocked her head as she said that. The voice that always spoke to her due to the demon extract was usually loud, but for the first time, it sounded panicked, constantly telling her to run away from Kuchinashi.

Pyrrha and Raven didn't say anything but they glanced at one another. They had been in their rooms when they felt it, like nothing they had ever felt before.

All of them had their own theories and when they arrived at the throne room they immediately dismissed the guards who were quivering. Their teeth were chattering uncontrollably and it looked like they couldn't even move. For some reason, just a few minutes ago this dreadful feeling came over them.

"Well, you two are his favorites." Torchwick took a step back from the throne room door as he gestured to Neo and Blake. They completely ignored him as they opened the door. As the door opened slowly they all saw spotted Shen right away, he was wearing his clothes as normal and his back was towards them.

Yet they all felt these strange distant feelings. As he turned to look at them his amber eyes looked dull and soulless. There wasn't an ounce of emotion behind them or on his face. Having met his eyes first Blake and Neo felt as if they were being seen through, almost as if they weren't there at all.

"There you all are. I've been waiting for you." For a moment Shen's mouth didn't seem to sync up with his voice but it was quickly corrected. His eyes slowly regained their shine and his skin which looked whiter than that of a corpse became rosy. In seconds he turned from looking like a doll into a human again.

"Well, that's… new." Torchiwcks's voice broke the silence as Shen glanced up at the roof.

"The Gods of Light and Darkness are on their way here. They'll arrive in less than five minutes." The sudden announcement made all of their eyes go wide.

"Wait now?" They looked at Shen in disbelief, he had told them about the gods and they knew they would probably see them one day but now? And in five minutes no less. Blake quickly spoke up after her brain ran through the possibilities.

"Then we should help you! We've all gotten stronger thanks to the powers you've given us surely the-" Before she could finish Shen cut her off.

"No." For a moment Shen's voice sounded emotionless as he shot Blake down instantly.

"All of you would be no use to me in this fight, you are to stay here and do nothing understood?" Hearing him Blake frowned and accidentally raised her voice.

"But Shen-" For the first time Blake called Shen directly by his name and she realized her mistake almost instantly. A suffocating pressure-filled the throne room as Blake disappeared from where she was standing. Before anyone had even noticed Blake was already in Shen's hands hanging off the ground by her throat.

"It seems I really have been too lenient with you Blake, since when did you get the right to question my orders?" Shen's voice was cold, that was the one way to describe it. His amber eyes once again lost their shine this time appearing to be a deep void as he stared at her. Blake immediately felt her power being suppressed by the Life Fibers in her own body.

She couldn't muster an ounce of strength as she tried to speak.

"For- Forgive me…" Almost everyone standing at the entrance of the throne room immediately lowered their heads and dropped to their knees. Neo had been the first one to notice something, she couldn't talk to Shen. The psychic connection they had was severed and he couldn't hear her voice at all.

"All of you seem to have gotten comfortable with your positions. But don't ever forget why you are here, you are to do as I say without question. Your abilities, status, wealth and power, everything you have and everything you stem from me." The bones in Blake's neck began to crack along with the room around Shen.

It felt like the entire throne room was coming apart.

Torchwick's snarkiness disappeared and so did that cracked sanity Taella had. Even Pyrrha and Neo's Mental Refitting couldn't suppress the fear they were feeling from Shen. And as for Blake who was taking the brunt of that pressure, tears were trailing down her face mixed with a look of utter terror as she saw Shen's eyes.

"Don't make me have to remind any of you in the future." With that, all of the pressure Shen was exuding disappeared as he let go of Blake who fell unconscious the second she hit the floor. Still, not a single one of them got off of their knees or even braised their head. Not a single word was uttered until Shen left the throne room entirely.

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