113 Time's Up

"Dammit, he's just staring at us…" Despite Shen saying they would begin fighting he didn't initiate anything. "Yeah, menacingly…" No one wanted to be the first to attack, but according to what they discussed, All Might and All For One would fight after the initial stage when they could find an opening. If the situation wasn't so dire All Might would have never agreed to sit back and wait as everyone else fought Shen.

But it was made clear this was the only way they had a chance. Meanwhile sitting on a couch in their home a man looked to his brother. "Hey, they can win this right? I mean he's outnumbered plus we have the other hero's here as well." Pointing to the other top ten heroes standing close behind All For One and All Might the man's brother nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. Even if he has a lot of power there's no way he can fight that many people at once..." That was everyone's hope at least, only time would tell if that hope was misplaced or not. "All of you stay behind us and follow our lead. Sadly for you, All Might you won't get a chance to fight in the first place."

Stepping forward, Endeavor looked towards Shen with a smile on his face as he unleashed the power of his quirk. Breaking out into a sprint, the flames around Endeavor grew as he clutched his fist. Forming inside of his hand a javelin completely made of fire appeared. "Ha!" Slamming his foot down he stopped and launched his arm forward throwing the javelin at Shen.

"So you're first?" Holding his hand forward Shen positioned in the direct path of the flaming javelin. With burning eruption flame's shot in every direction coating Shen. "Hey, Endeavor's attack didn't work but look up there!" Cutting through the air Shen's eyes slowly moved upwards. Landing on top of his head with enough force to completely shatter the ground around him a woman's voice became clear.

Coming out of a frontal axis a woman dressed in a bunny outfit flipped backward landing in front of Shen after landing her attack. "Huh, Mirko? I don't remember asking for your assistance." Endeavor walked up to Mirko with his arms folded. "Heh, I don't want to team up with any of you either, but we don't have much of a choice…"

Staring at the pit Shen was knocked into and everyone suddenly heard a voice. "You know if I was a normal person that would have shattered my skull and broke my neck." The sound of cracking echoed out of the pit as Shen slowly floated up and back onto solid ground. Shrugging off the rubble on his shoulder's Shen spoke with confidence.

"But no matter how strong one of you may be, I can assure you, you only have a chance at winning if you all attack together." Seeing Shen was uninjured all the other people watching came out of their delusions. They would all have to attack if they wanted to win they couldn't just sit back and watch. "Ah screw it I'm not going to die without even giving it a shot."

One of the villains also spoke up. "Yeah, I don't want to die like this." Soon everyone began to gain their own boost of confidence. Seeing this on TV everyone was also getting their own burst of bravery. "Yeah get em! Show him what for!" Screaming erupted in different neighborhoods around the world except for two people in particular.

Watching everything live, the hero formerly known as Paper Knight, the one Shen had met in the beginning shook his head to his former partner beside him. "They're all gonna die aren't they." The woman nodded while replying. "At Least they will die with some hope. In the meantime, we should start preparing for what we're going to do once they lose."

They had seen Shen's power close up no filter no video's simply raw power and it had left its mark. They weren't going to bother fighting against him and they didn't think anyone else should either. Though it would be too late for other people to realize that. Seeing them so motivated, Shen thought about something.

'Well if I'm going to crush them might as well do it at their peak.'

Shen held out one hand in front of him waving at the crowd not too far away, goadingly. "Come on, I'll humor you all for ten minutes max." Everyone heard Shen's words, but none of them could focus on it. Charging at Shen one villain had a quirk that allowed him to increase his movement speed.

In second's he appeared in front of Shen and began to unleash a volley of attacks. Briskly Shen dodged the first ten attacks before attacking back. Slowing his speed to a level that the people around him could perceive, Shen held up his arm punched the villain square in the face. To the people watching from afar the attack didn't look lethal but that villain was very dead.

It was his way to make sure they kept rushing towards him. 'It's like a mob grinder.' Smiling Shen began to fight the endless wave of rushing towards him. The normal heroes and villains acted as simple XP bags, while the more important figures actually managed to hold up in a fight.

In second's Shen had killed over 50 heroes and villains while also tearing his way through the mob. "I can't believe he's able to fight all of them at the same time…" Looking at Shen through their TV's it was becoming more and more apparent Shen could handle being surrounded. Every hit he landed 'knocked' people unconscious, and even worse no one had landed a hit on him yet.

Taking a dash back, Shen maneuvered himself out of the mob. "Hey, why don't you dodge this!" One of the hero's jumped into the air landing on the rocky ground. The earth below Shen's feet shook for a moment. Cracking in a spherical pattern the earth rose up like revolving doors on course to crush Shen with them in the middle.

Watching this everyone held back their attacks. "We got him!" However, the two revolving rocks stopped. Grabbing both earth slab's with his bare hands, Shen chuckled before jumping into the air with both slabs in hand."Well if you're going to use quirk's like that, then let's kick it up a notch." Seemingly floating in the air, Shen lifted one of his hands in the air as if the rock as large as a building weighed nothing.

With one swift movement, he threw it with enough force for it to crack and crumble as it flew. "Everyone out the way!" Kamui Wood quickly jumped in front of the rock before activating his quirk. Extending his arm into dozens of thick branches, the rock hit, automatically destroying most of his branches as he struggled to stop it.

"Huh, ok then…" Looking at this Shen raised the second rock into the air as a black coating began to spread across its surface. Before anyone could react he threw the slab at a speed at least three times faster than before. On impact it shattered the original rock Kamui caught, as the Haki coated one slammed into his body after breaking his branches.

No one could see what happened to him, however, the aftermath was clear. The rock had buried itself into the ground so deep no one could see it, and the ground around it began to collapse in on itself. The people who couldn't move away in time, fell into the deep abyss, while everyone left watched in horror.

"Holy sh-" A guy in the ground was about to curse until he suddenly froze. Shen had disappeared in front of everyone's eyes and appeared in front of him. "This is a Christian server." The man looked confused but before he could even open his mouth Shen grabbed him by the arm. "Bye." With a lot more force than needed Shen threw the man by his arm into a certain direction.

Dusting off his hand against one another Shen looked back at the mob surrounding him. "Oh sorry about that." Looking at Shen a lot of people's expressions changed. "Oh let me give you all a warning that e-" Before Shen could finish talking a blue flame erupted in front of him. Covering his body entirely the inferno of blue fire engulfed a lot of people in the area that weren't Shen, including heroes.

"Who was that?"

"They just killed a bunch of heroes!"

Turning towards the direction of the origin of the blue flames everyone spotted a pale blue boy "Oh I'm sorry it's just I have better things to do than listen to your jokes." Seeing the strange purple wrinkled skin on the boy everyone didn't know what to think about him personally but his quirk was powerful.

"I knew these villains couldn't be trusted."

A citizen watching from life said as the camera's moved to Dabi. "Since all your heroes are so stupid I think I should let you know. All the people this guy 'knocked out' are dead. But of course, barely any of you noticed that." The hero's who were directing their anger at him suddenly looked back at the people who were lying on the ground.

Indeed not a single one was moving or actually breathing for that matter.

"And of course you ruin all the fun." Walking out Dabi's flames unharmed, Shen acted as if he was irritated. "Well, I'll make sure to make it up to you then. If we keep attacking you like this soon we will all end up dead so instead, I think we should just end this in one attack."

Holding up his right hand Dabi looked at Shen with a glare. "You can survive getting attacked by twenty maybe even thirty quirks at once but what about all of them?" Suddenly the blue flame's from Dabi's quirk began to build as everyone watched him and heard what he was saying. They hadn't truly made any progress when it came to beating Shen.

"I don't know about all of you but I'm not interested in dying. If you're going to attack him then start preparing." The sound of people mumbling could be heard as Endeavor's voice came out from behind Dabi. "This is why I didn't want to work with you villain's though you do have a point." The flames around Endeavor began to intensify despite his words.

Soon one after another heroes and villains alike began to quiet down and control their quirks. Watching this scene, lights and other types' abilities began to activate one after another. Dabi and Endeavor's words left nothing to debate as everyone began to control their quirk for one final attack.

"I don't like this, but whatever. Everyone who has a melee-based quirk stays as far back as possible, and do what you can." Mirko looked at the other pro heroes in the area and told them what to do, and even the villains followed suit. "Well, this is a sight." All For One standing next to All Might in the distance looked at the growing number of quirk's being activated as the power being gathered in a single area increased.

Seeing this Shen began counting down out loud. "Ten… Nine." No one could hear him over the sound of the number of quirk's abilities being used however they wouldn't have stopped even if they could. "This is insane, so many quirks being used at once." In the far distance out of view of everyone, Midoriya was hidden from view next to Rukia and Urahara.

"Are you sure he will be ok?" Looking at Urahara and Rukia, Midoriya asked out of concern however he was surprised as they both started backing up and Rukia spoke. "They're out of time." Standing there facing Shen everyone had prepared themselves as a sea of energy and power was pointed at a single person.

"Screw it, get him!"

"Don't hold back, there is no way he's surviving that many quirks at once."

Throwing caution to the wind, people around the world got excited seeing so many attacks aimed at Shen. This was it, there wasn't any way for him to escape and he couldn't possibly survive this. Standing at the helm both Dabi's and Endeavor's attacks were fully primed. Forming too large inferno's around their hand's their attacks were clearly the most terrifying of them all.

"Now then." Without any warning, Dabi pulled back his arm before moving it forward and releasing the flames he had built up. Following his action's Endeavor activated his Helflame quirk and released a tornado of fire at Shen. Following these two's lead, an armada of things began to fly towards Shen.

Every element imaginable and every form of long-range power. Even the melee quirk user's hurled the biggest rocks they could lift at their top speed. It formed a wall of projectiles that all together somehow created a golden glow.

"Zero your times up."

Next chapter