

This is my third attempt at writing and publishing an online book. This will probably be cloistered away and ignored again, people don't really like reading my stuff but I am used to being rejected so it doesn't matter to me anymore.

I started writing when I was in fourth grade. I was weird and I've always kept to myself. I never really liked people but I didn't have a hard time making friends because if you know how to say the right words, getting people to like you is not that difficult. But, I didn't like being around people, I never really understood the ways of mankind so I chose to mind my own business, be in my own world and just exist.

But I like writing fiction and play with people's emotions on my writings. I have a wide imagination. I create scenarios and random events in my head because in my world, I control everything, I can be the devil, I can be the hero, I can save and I can destroy. I have the choice to be everything I want to be. Isn't it amazing? I believe that writers are some of the most cruel people on earth. Haha. But don't take that the wrong way, we're not heartless all the time.

It wasn't my dream to be a revered writer, I didn't want to be famous, I didn't want to be Stephen King or Agatha Christie famous, you know. I just want people to read my work, to relate to my experiences, I want their sufferings to be seen and heard, that's why I write different stories of love, hate, forgiveness and success because I want people to know that awful things happen and good things happen as well. That no one is spared of life's heartaches and misfortune.

I want people to say "Oh, I've felt that way, one day in my life, I was in that place. I've been through the same thing, Oh, I am not alone." I want people to say that after reading my stories. Pretty simple but so hard to achieve especially if no one is reading your work. Sad. Haha.

But, I will never stop writing, not because I want to be famous (someday) but because writing is a part of me, it is one of those things that I like about me. I wouldn't like myself that much if I didn't like writing and believe me, I barely get by being me so writing is a big part of my whole existence.

I hope someone finds this book. Haha. Enjoy the stories!

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