
chapter 3

After Sadik was done eating, he unconsciously fell asleep due to the exhaustion he had during his journey. He slept for two hours, before he heard a voice calling his name. When he got up, he realised that it was Anas."You should change into your house wear and go to the mosque and pray. The bell for dinner will be rang any moment from now, and you shouldn't be late to the dining hall because we usually have our meals at precise times" Anas explained.

Sadik changed into his house outfit and went to the mosque. While he was praying, he heard the bell of the dining hall ringing. Immediately he was done praying, he moved out of the mosque and saw the students heading toward a big hall."That must be the dining hall" Sadik concluded. He walked to the dining hall alone wishing he had someone to accompany him. When he got to the door of the dining hall, he stopped, because he was scared of going in alone."Come on go in, you don't want to be late" said a teacher behind Sadik.

He walked into the dining hall and observed that all the student were organised sitting 4 students per table. The foods on the table looked to be well prepared with fruits in a basket beside it, Sadik was so impressed by that. As he was walking looking for a seat to sit, all the students were looking at him. He suddenly realised that the students were sitting according to the colour of their houses, red, yellow, green and blue.

He moved to the side where Queen House members were sited. When he made an attempt to sit on a table, they either asked him not to sit there or told him that the seat was occupied. Sadik became so sad, and when he tried to leave the dining hall, he heard a voice of a girl talking to him. She was so thin and short that made Sadik thought she was a junior student. "Come and sit here with me" she invited. He was surprised and afraid at the same time, because he had never sat or spoken to a girl before. He moved to table where she was sitting and sat with her. All the students stared at them."What are you doing with that village boy?" One of the students asked."I suppose that should be none of your business" she responded and the students started laughing at them."Don't mind them. They all don't have manner" she said trying to pacify Sadik. Sadik kept looking at her not knowing what to say to her."And what should I call you?" She inquired."You should call Sadik", he answered with his voice trembling." Oh that's nice. I'm called Sarah by the way, meeting you is a pleasure" she announced."It's a pleasure to meet you too" Sadik replied."Where do you come from?" Sarah inquired."I'm from Yobe state" Sadik answered."And what class are you? She inquired again."I'm yet to be given a class" Sadik responded. He answered all her question with his voice shaking and she could sense the fear in him.

Just then, the three girls he saw earlier walked into the dining hall. The first girl was wearing red outfit, the second girl was wearing green and the third was wearing yellow. Each of the girls headed toward her house walking majestically. As the girl in green was heading towards her seat, Sadik unconsciously started staring at her. It was like the colour she wore matches the colour of her skin, she was indeed extremely beautiful. When she was close to Sadik, they inadvertently made an eye contact and they both quickly looked away. Sadik's heartbeat increases again."Come and sit here with us" said one of the final year students. She ignored him without even looking at where he was. The girl got to a seat and the extreme of the dining hall and sat there.

After all the students had entered the dining hall, the head boy ordered two prefects, a Muslim and a Christian to say the prayers before the commencement of the meal. The student started serving the food immediately after the prayers were said. After their meal, Sadik was going out of the dinning when Anas called for him."How was the meal?" Anas questioned."It was great" Sadik answered."I'm happy to hear that" Anas replied."Wait for me here so that we will go together after our meal, the prefects usually have their meals after other students had eaten" Anas said. Sadik sat on a chair and waited for Anas. When Anas was done, they went to the mosque."We will go to class and read because no students is allowed to be in the hostel when it is 8 pm from Monday to Friday "Anas enlighted."All male students are expected to be in their classes and female student students in the school library for a night prep at the prescribed time from 8 pm to 9 pm" he added.

After they had their prayers, Sadik followed Anas to his class. When Sadik was about to enter the class, he was stopped by some of the members of the class."What brings you here?" One of them requested."He's with me, he came here today and he is yet to be Given a class" Anas responded."Isn't he the village boy we heard about?" Another student asked."Please be mindful of your words, he's new here so you're supposed to be nice to him" Anas replied."Well, there no way he's going in to this class because we don't let junior students in" another boy protested." I wish to go to the hostel, I'm still exhausted" Sadik said."Are you sure these boys are not the reason you want to leave?" Anas suspected."oh no, not at all" Sadik assured. "Okay let me walk you there" Anas suggested. Anas accompanied Sadik to the hostel. When they entered the room, Sadik fell on the bed without any hesitation. Anas smiled and left him trying to fall asleep. He went to the boarding house master and explained why Sadik was left in the hostel.

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