5 Chapter 5

took a closer look at the sparkling object that was shining in golden and silver that was maybe printed on the last page of the book... It was a kind of ancient drawing...not drawing to be exact..it was a mark..a star shaped mark with a lot of lines and shapes and patterns.. I curiously pushed myself up from the chair and squated down to pick up the book. I picked it up and kept it on my table.

The next thing I was doing was quickly but silently tracing the mark gently with my fingers along with its lines... After I traced the whole mark it shone more brightly that I could get blind if I kept looking at the mark. The last thing I remember before everything blacked out was the world was spinning around me and I fell somewhere with a huge thump.

The Messenger's P.O.V

After Y/n traced the mark and passed out that was it... My mission is successful. I grinned satisfyingly and changed my body to my real self and headed to where I should be right now...

Y/n P.O.V

I woke up with a heavy headache and rubbed my eyes. To my surprise I wasn't in my home...instead I was now literally sitting on a freaking tree!! I looked down and saw I wasn't that high up but if I jumped I would definitely get bruised at parts and may also get cuts... I never ever climbed a tree in my whole life!! I trembled in fear and looked around to take a glimpse of where was I...

I was in what seemed like a big garden with a lot of trees, shrubs and unique flowers...the garden had almost all type of flowers and fruits from rose to lavender and pears to freshly ripened deep scarlet red apples..

But the thing is that how am I here in this garden and how the freaking hell did I even turned out to be on a tree?!?! If I try to climb down my short school skirt would go up and.. *ehem* no! I'm not climbing down alone! I need a ladder or someone to help me...now!

I looked around and hoped to figure out someone but it seemed like it was noon time and no one was there in the garden..but suddenly I heard some shuffling footsteps coming towards my direction. I immediately looked at the direction and saw a figure in weird clothings, what seemed like the dressing of a Prince. He had a small crown on his head.

I suppose he is acting in some drama as a role of prince...But..what is he doing here?

Suddenly it hit me... I was still on the tree! I facepalmed myself for forgetting the situation... Y/n!! Ask for help before he goes away! Act fast! I pulled up all my courage and spoke as politely as I could.

Y/n: Excuse me! ( I shouted a bit so that he would hear me and that seemed to work..)

He looked up and gave me the most widened shock I had even witnessed.

I could slightly see his face due to the leaves but I spoke in spite of his shocked expression.

Y/n: I don't know it might sound weird but can you please help me get down?? I'm stuck up here!! (I shouted again)

???: How are you up in the tree? And how did you get inside my garden? Don't you know it's prohibited for outsiders to enter in the royal palace and garden?

What the!?!? Royal...palace and garden???!!!! What!?

Y/n: hey!? Don't play around!! Firstly, I myself don't know how I ended up here!! I'm hella confused!! And secondly, how can you talk about royal palaces in this century?? They were long ago!! Do I look like I'm in the mood of joke?? And stop speaking nonsense and get me down! How can you leave a girl in this situation!

He looked totally dumbfounded.. and simply massaged his forehead showing great irritation and distress.

???: "Do you probably have some mental issues?? And who do you think you are huh? How can you speak like that to me!? To the future king of the kingdom don't you know that?!?!? And what do mean that royal palaces were long ago?? Are you in your right state?"

???: "I think you should get some medical support...And about helping you.. how can u wish that I am going to help you get down? Do you wish a Prince would help you in your problems like fairytales?? Wait right there I'm sending the maids to help you and after that make sure to get some medical help and also cover your body up..What are you wearing? That's not even clothes..tsk!"

He.just.spoke.all.that.to.me! How dare he!!!! I need medical support?!?! Me?! And talking about my clothes..this is a normal school uniform doesn't he know??! How dare he say it's not even clothes?!

And what does he mean by prince? Does he thinks himself as a prince?? Princes should be like The Princes of Jeon Dynasty...handsome, talented, kind and lovable..and he...a Prince? 

Wait...What...a prince?! Which year am I in? How did I get here!? How am I time traveling to past now!? Did I get special power or something?!

Then it hit me.. the book!! That mark! When i traced it I passed out and when i woke up I'm here! I'm in the past at the time of kings?! How is it even possible?! I'm going nuts!!! God please help me find a way!!

That's why he was speaking like that! About my behaviour, my clothes....it's definitely not normal for him that anyone would talk to a future king like that and it is also not normal for a person to invade in their royal garden then climb up a tree and sit there....it definitely not normal..he must have gotten angry now... I may get my throat sliced into half now...!!!

I was in the verge of crying at those negative thoughts but then two middle aged maids came towards the tree followed by one young maid..

Maid 1: hey! You are that girl right who got into the garden?

Y/n: umm... unfortunately yes it's me..can you kindly help me down?

Maid 2: (slight laugh) we are here to help you only...come hold my hand.

With the help of the three women I climbed down safe and sound. After thanking and bowing to them I immediately ran out of the back gate of the garden without turning back for a single time. I need to save my throat from getting sliced...

To Be Continued~~
