
I'M 4K

Fidel Tavarez a Spanish boy from Barcelona streets and a low parentage family system. Anytime he takes a napped his nightmares turns almanac astronomical fighter whom subdued many fighters and was cheered up by the world as number one fighter "The Undisputed one" without any point mutated but it turned mere illusions.

One and half year past he persuaded his career within that year. Anything he set his hands on worked for him successful

Eg* defeating McGregor to become the world Heavyweight champion his mere illusions nightmares was reality. The principal events that viral him was by : defeating the world Undisputed fighter many contracts came in his way, sponsors for sponsorships, the press to addressed them, bank shares and many more.

He continued to advertise himself and doesn't stick well to his training he only trained once in the week called himself "Undisputed one" all around the world. He trades his new slogan I'm 4K" they children called him by his new slogan.

One of the biggest title was with his toughest opponent for him to fought with The EWF the most biggest title among all the titles if Undisputed one win the title he will be the one of the legends and he will be recorded in the book of records even the Guinness book of records".

21st November, his organizers and his sponsership organized an upcoming match between Fidel and Lucas Rae's a Dutch local champion fighter. As Fred been superstar he just relaxed and schedule for advertise that came for partnership. The training session he engaged was not enough to suppressed his opponent but as for his opponent she took her training serious in order to win the biggest title in the ring. The date for the upcoming match was postponed until the summer is over.

The summer reached the match was ready and play on at the end Lucas Rae's knocked down Fidel in the round of 6 losing his titles to Lucas Rae's.

As Fidel lost to Lucas and his name been tarnished from the world. His interest ensued into investors program Architecture within five years he finished his studies at the tertialy levels and polished his hands on the course. He joined an information technology Association (IT'a) he invested into the developed apps, and the one which is not yet to be launched, ensuing upon the country. Stimulus all the citizens and embarking in exhibition system.

His interest transformed his life other than the old year it also have high effect in the country including Program Investors all in the world. Thoroughly also immense the world. Performing virtual actions as emote on programs auctions, exhibitions. Although Fidel was an investor he still felt a moves in himself and something great in him, he eventually lost to Lucas Rae in the QWF championship match, but there was something hidden in Seth something special that can destroy mere illusion to be truth once and for all. His morales and intelligent quotient (IQ) kept increasing in fighting shows, sports shows, Christmas activities and others.

Feasting at the Christmas crackers before a single food could follow the others continuously and emphatically

The; (orchestra music playing) he stood to recall the past events and scenes; the losing to one, becoming Undisputed, and incomparable in times of toughest matches and sponsorships.

Nothing could never impressed him other than the formal occupation "The Undisputed fighter". Indeed he was happy admitting to Investor program. To gain something for living. The speciality in him was above his imaginations.

He panicked to himself in his office during a meetings there was something hidden in him which doesn't make him focused on his new work, the mind taunted "REVENGE, REVENGE". Towards at Lucas Rae to snatch back his titles and all world fame which was bashed away within a day thus working hard and suffered to gain in many years.

His old career was incomparable to himself in his new career but something was still in him but just to reveal it.

Life turns wildlife refuge not knowing what's up will one scene terminate all sort of things rotation ore magnetism.

Snowflakes, sleet,screw, precipitation, satellites were like life changed.

He was given hot roll to eat. It was too hot to bite into. After he waited a few minutes, the outside becomes cooler and harder. He bite into the roll. It was so hot that steam comes from the middle. Before he could take a single bite, his mind chimed elsewhere into the fighting a imagination of a fighting scene. Within two days he went to checkup at the psychiatrist hospital having an appointment with his doctor Vanessa Morel. After the appointment a training to freed the mind. Breathing slow down to released stress.

Exercising every day for at least 15 minutes. Walking, running, or jumping rope, hopping around the streets. Resting, sitting and sleeping was not to be encountered for the following day.

Training the mind not to recall all past events and to be superior on what's in him. Resting from work, without any resting; 20 hours a day. Probably 6 hours every morning wake up feeling rested.

Riding safely, stopping at an intersections.

Mother nature the life seeking the best from the psychiatrist hospitals

♥ Good health habit making him stay healthy

♥Keeping himself clean helps keep germs away.

♥Taking care of his mind to prevent damagies.

♥Getting enough training to keep the brain strong.

♥ Practicing safety habits to help freed the mind.

♥Getting enough rest to avoid stress from the mind.

This above are things that were listed to Fidel as a daily activities.

As the daily activities natural occurrence to the streets to avoid any Stress From the body and the mind.

The regular exercising as something meant to fighter activities and others. While training the mind it looked like the fighters amateur training and like training all way to become a fighter.

When training Fidel was seem that pursuing his old professions the career which he interested in a lot than been an investor to stumble and knocked people down below.