When a brutal accident shatters Renee Johnson's idyllic life, she's thrust into a realm of unrelenting terror. Tormented by eerie occurrences and haunted by an abominable entity, Renee's grip on sanity begins to slip. "As she confronts the darkness head-on, Renee discovers a horrifying truth: she's not alone. Others, bound by the same cruel fate, are struggling to survive in a world where the instruments of death have become malevolent forces. "Renee is drawn into a hidden society of unlucky individuals, where the lines between good and evil are blurred. As she navigates this treacherous new world, Renee must confront the ultimate question: can she overcome the forces of death that haunt her, or will she succumb to the abyss of madness? "Join Renee on a heart-pounding journey into the darkest corners of the human experience, where terror, survival, and the undead collide.
An alarm clock blares, waking up a beautiful young woman from her deep sleep. She held her head and groaned because she is currently suffering from a hangover, one caused by the awesome party she attended the night before.
Renee Johnson is a twenty four year old waitress at some fancy restaurant, well a former waitress because she was fired from her job the day before, and that's why she decided to drown her sorrows by partying and drinking, a decision she now regrets.
Renee Johnson: I shouldn't have drank so much. (Renee admitted as she shut off her annoying alarm clock, which was only doing it's job)
(Ring* Ring)
Renee Johnson: (Groans) Hello. (Renee answered her phone groggily)
Tiffany Parker: Hey girl!!!! I was just calling to ask how you're doing this fine morning! (Renee's best friend said cheerfully)
Renee Johnson: Bad, very bad. Why did you let me drink so much, Tiffany? I feel awful. (Renee complained)
Tiffany Parker: Hey I tried to stop you, but you were all like. "No, leave me alone! This is my bottle!" (Tiffany imitated her drunken state)... Then you just drank some more. (Tiffany explained with a laugh)
Renee Johnson: Oh yeah, I kinda remember that... Thanks for calling me a cab, I would not have been able to drive myself home. (Renee admitted)
Tiffany Parker: No problem, my friend. Oh, and that reminds me, your car is still parked at the nightclub. So you might want to pick it up. (Tiffany tells her)
Renee Johnson: Wait, what?! You left my car at a nightclub?! (Renee bellowed in anger)
Tiffany Parker: Well, yeah. I was also too drunk to drive, so I just left it there. (Tiffany explained)
Renee Johnson: What if it get's stolen?! (Renee yelled in a state of panic)
Tiffany Parker: Cool your jets, R.J. Because nothing will happen to your car. It's against the law to drive while under the influence of alcohol, so most people often leave their cars parked at nightclubs or bars, and just retrieve them the next day. No problem. (Tiffany assured)
Renee Johnson: Anything can happen, Tiffany! And I will not let the car I worked so hard to buy get stolen, or worse, vandalized! I'd rather die! (Renee yelled as she quickly got dressed, ready to head over to the nightclub and retrieve her precious car)
Tiffany Parker: You do you, girl. Unlike some people I still have a stupid job to get to. (Groans) I hate my job so much. (Tiffany complained)
Renee Johnson: I'll find a better job soon enough, one that pays better than my former dick of a boss! (Renee said in anger)
Tiffany Parker: Talk to you later, girl... Byeeeee! (Tiffany said cheerfully)
Renee Johnson: Bye. (Renee said before she hung up the phone)... Now, it's time to get my baby back! (Renee determinately said as she retrieved her car keys from her pocket, and then went out of the house)
Getting down from a cab, Renee stands in front of the massive nightclub she partied in that night, and then she begins to look for her car.
After a few minutes of searching, Renee found her car among all the other parked cars in the parking area. Luckily her car was still in perfect condition, and Renee was happy to see it that way.
Renee Johnson: Never again, my love. Never again. (Renee said as she got into the grey coloured vehicle, starting the engine and loving the sound it made afterwards)
Renee had to work very hard to get enough money to buy this car, so naturally she was quite obsessed with it. It was her pride and joy afterall, and she would never, in a million years, abandon this car. Not unless she was extremely drunk of course.
Renee Johnson: Let's get out here. (Renee said as she drove her car out of the parking lot, heading home to possibly celebrate their reunion)
Driving the car Renee turns up some music and let's her window down, enjoying the sensation of driving in her own car, like she usually did.
But unfortunately for Renee, her precious car was destroyed this day, because a large blue bus crashed into it. The bus driver had suddenly lost control of his brakes, and could only watch in horror as his vehicle crashed into that of a young woman.
It was a terrible accident, one in which only Renee suffered severe injuries, and had to be rushed to a hospital for immediate surgery. But to be honest, the odds of her surviving this were very slim, and even the surgeons knew it.
Working hard in the emergency room, the surgeons were miraculously able to stabilize Renee to some degree. She was suffering from a collapsed lung, broken bones, and massive amounts of internal bleeding... Only time would tell if she would pull through, or succumb to all of her injuries.
As Renee laid dying on her hospital bed, someone entered the room, and slowly shut the door behind them.
"Do you want to live?" (The person said, a smile on his face as he asked the question)
Renee somehow managed to open her eyes, almost compelled by the voice to answer.
Renee Johnson: Yes. (Renee answered, but her lips did not move as she did so, but her voice was still heard)
The man who asked the question wore a doctor's coat, but he didn't seem to be a real doctor. He was a very handsome man, and had long dark hair which reached his shoulders.
"Are you sure about that?" (The man continued, coming closer to Renee in the process)
Renee Johnson: Yes. (Renee said again, even though her lips still did not move)
"If I do it, if I save you... Know that it means that your mundane life will be over. You will be forced to live in a world filled with untold pain, and an endless suffering. Knowing this, do you still want to live? (The man asked with a wicked smile, his face now inches away from Renee's)
Renee Johnson: .... Yes. (Renee finally answered, but this time the words came out of her own mouth)
(Chuckles Wickedly)... "This was your decision, I did not force it upon you... Live with the consequences of this choice, and survive as best you can. (The man said as she pulled out a strange dagger from his pocket, using it to make a small cut on his finger)... I am counting on you... Renee. (The man said before a drop of blood dripped out of his self inflicted injury, and fell into the open mouth of Renee)
1 Corinthians 15:21
[For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead]
Next: What Is Wrong With Me?