1 The Beginning

A young adviser named Ghost helped the King of Europe with his decisions until the King's wife and child are murdered and he is blamed for their deaths. While Ghost is being lead towards his execution he hears an ancient and feral voice calling out to him. The voice tells him to give up his soul and he can live without fear of death. Ghost resist the voice and as he's standing on a platform with a rope around his neck he thinks, "What's the point of dying to please these barbarians when I'm innocent." He gives his soul away as the platformed area around his feet disappears and he falls down snapping his neck from the force.

His hair turns white and he opens his eyes revealing glowing red flame like irises with slits in the middle. His skin is snow white and his teeth all turn pointed and razor sharp. He dangled on the rope for a little before grabbing a hold of it and pulling himself up. He then bites the rope and falls down the cliff he was dangling from. He falls all the way down and lands on his back with all of his bones broken.

His bones heal and he gets up looking around thinking of what he should do now. Suddenly his mind starts to hurt and he grabs his head. His bones start to change and rearrange in his body. His blood covers him while the process happens. After hours of pain he passes out and the change finishes.

His bones are stronger and some of it is covering his body like armor. His fingers are covered with bones making them look like claws. A few more hours later he wakes up and feels lighter and faster. He gets up and feels the bone on his body.

"What an interesting turn of events." He feels his teeth and then goes to find a lake to see his reflection. He finds one and looks at himself. He sees his white hair and red flame like eyes.

He then looks at his teeth and sees that they all are sharp and pointy. He goes into the lake and cleans all the blood off of himself then gets out and looks at the shiny white bone on his body. "The bone is not bulky but it's stronger than any material that I've seen. It fits my body perfectly and I feel no restrictions from it." He walks off to find a village.
