

Since Daniel a single father of Alicia whose wife had passed away long since after the birth of Alicia had to work as a plumber to maintain the onlook for the means to maintain the family maintenance. Yet he earn little still he put up his bright smile on himself to not let his daughter worry about his condition. Alicia had turn 18 this month and after the next 3 days she will be going to college. she didn't had any celebration except for a small cup cake which her dad bought for her and she even had no friends all the life up untill now many had considered her to be an outcast freak yet she didnt resemble any hate towards them. Their house was very shabby the rent cost them 9 dollars monthly. Daniel only earned 20 dollars at the most in a month. Alice very well that if she's doesn't find herself a job her father life would be miserable. One day Alice went out to the mountain which she usually does, she does find some wild vegetables for themselves. On her way to the mountain a blizzard lightning flash across the top of the mountain and thus the mountain top sparkle for a moment. She became enthusiastic that she ran to the top of the mountain after 3 hours of running and climbing she managed to pull it off. Yet she was very tired sighing and she was almost out of breath as she had ran for a very long distances. But her excitement had not failed her as she was looking around she saw no one around except a pit with clear water on top of the mountain. The pit water somehow sparkle time to time without any consciousness she began to dipped her hand in the water and drink the water as she was very thirsty. Suddenly the water inside the pit all vanished as if it was some kind of magic, the water which once was vanished actually vaporized forming a dark cloud above her it was very huge and later it was poured inside her everything the dark cloud inside of her. While the dark cloud was suction inside of her she felt into a deep sleep, inside her head a voice was speaking inside her head, " I am the Voddo the curse of everything your body will become an undead witch the most powerful being if you submit yourself to contract you will gain everything for i am the first of a kind and i will grant you everything, come give me your blood". Alicia suddenly gain her consciousness and everything disappeared and she then thought to herself that it was just a weird dream. When she woke up it was already getting dark so she hurriedly go back to her house, today with an empty handed. When she had reached her home, her father called Alicia," Alicia come have dinner its getting cold" and she replied,"ok dad i am coming". Nothing unusual had happened the night had passed by quickly. And then it was Wednesday morning came, Daniel shouted," come have breakfast and i am going out for work make sure you eat your breakfast before it gets cold". And Daniel went out for his work. Alicia woke up slowly from her bed she then washed herself up and as she was washing her face she thought to herself that something sure wierd things had happened yesterday and she was actually feeling unwell. She had her breakfast and was now doing the household choir. Daniel was fixing pipe 10 block away from thier place he had climb up on the 53rd floor on the side of the wall, suddenly a gust of wind blew towards him, he felt abit chill run down his spine. Suddenly the rope that strap him snapped away immediately he free fall from the height and thus landed on the ground, he was fatally wounded and now he was directly carried on the ambulance towards the nearest hospital. He was still breathing due to some miracle, all the doctors were surprised to see the man still alive. The mr. Bob Dale a close accompanying of Daniel had make a quick call to his daughter. Thus Alicia had came rushing towards the hospital. When she had arrived she went to the recipient asking about her father. The told Alicia," are you the daughter of mr. Daniel?". With tears in her eyes Alicia told her, " yes! yes! how is my father condition?" and the recipient replied," your father is currently admitted in an emergency room so you must enquire through the doctor's there." And Alicia suddenly rushed towards the Emergency room and found mr Bob Dale, he had explain the situation that her father had fall from the sudden height thus he had injured severely. After the certain time of surgery the doctors finally came out. The doctor said," Are you the family member of Mr.Daniel." Alicia replied," yes, how's my father condition?" the doctor replied,"he will be alive but his brain have severely damage and all his rips and leg bone had fractured he might be able to live in coma all through out his life it would take a miracle to come back to normal." After hearing the doctor answers Alicia fall back on the wall and she then start wailing herself. And the now a though came to her mind about the previous incident that had happened yesterday. She then remember recalling about the past which her dad did make her happy in all things that and she had regretted herself till now that she had not repay and even done a 1 percent of the deeds which her father had done so far. She then now recalled about curse that had been mention by the Vodoo witch inside her head, without a second thought she decided to have a conversation again inside her head. " Hey! come out " yet nothing had happened and she tried everything nothing happened again. but now she said come have my blood i will sign the contract. And thus finnaly dark smoke rise up from her body filling up all the corridors ceiling. Mr.Bob Dale was with her still he didn't even seems to acknowledge the environment around them.

please give a comment so that i should further continue for the next chapter

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