

Saehildr awakens from his rest in the small underwater cave that serves as his dwelling. He stretches his limbs and feels the sharp spines that cover his round body, a reminder of his unique heritage and the discrimination he faces from his own people.

He looks around his humble abode, taking in the familiar surroundings. The cave is small, but it serves its purpose, providing him with shelter and privacy. The walls are lined with various shells and coral, glimmering in the soft light that filters in from the outside. A small fire pit in the corner provides warmth and light, and a few simple tools and weapons hang on the walls.

Saehildr's fins and tail move fluidly as he glides through the small space, picking up his spear and checking its sharpness. He takes a deep breath, filling his lungs with the familiar scent of the red ocean and its inhabitants.

He then turns his attention to his appearance, noting the strong muscles that ripple beneath his skin, the product of years of training and adapting to the harsh conditions of Tiwaz. He glances at his face in the dim light, noticing the sharp angles of his jaw and the determination in his eyes.

Saehildr exited his cave and faces the vast expanse of the red ocean, the only home he's ever known. The waters are cold and dark, but it is also teeming with life. Fish and other sea creatures swim by, their scales and fins reflecting the light from the small fire in his cave. He watches them for a moment, feeling a deep connection to the sea and its inhabitants.

Saehildr swam through the red waters, his fins propelling him forward as he searched for the necessary resources for his clan. As he reached a particularly bountiful patch of seagrass, he spotted a group of his Vannkriger clansmen nearby, also gathering.

He swam over to them and greeted them. "Greetings, fellow Vannkriger. How goes the gathering?"

One of the clansmen named Euryale, a fierce and confident female warrior with long flowing hair and piercing green eyes, sneered at him. "What does it matter to you, outcast? You're not even a true Vannkriger."

Saehildr's spine stiffened at the insult, but he kept his voice steady. "I may not have been born into the clan, but I have proven myself as a warrior and a protector of the Vannkriger. I am just as much a Vannkriger as any of you."

Another of the clansmen, a female named Tora, spoke up. "You may have proven yourself in battle, but you will never be one of us. You're nothing but a reminder of our leader's weakness."

Saehildr clenched his fists, his loyalty to his clan warring with the anger and hurt their words sparked in him. "I understand your skepticism and I do not blame you for it, but I assure you I am just as loyal to our clan as any of you. I have always put the clan's well-being before my own and I will continue to do so."

Euryale retorted back "Loyalty, you speak of loyalty, but where were you when the Havfolk attacked us a few weeks ago? where were you when we were struggling to defend ourselves? "

Saehildr explained "I was on a solo mission to explore the depths of the sea and gather resources for the clan. I was not aware that the clan was under attack, had I known I would have been back to defend the clan immediately"

Tora added "It's not only about your absence during the attack, but it's about your origins, you're not one of us, you're not pure Vannkriger blood, you're different."

Saehildr knew that there was truth in their words, but he also knew that he couldn't change his past or his origins. "I understand where you're coming from but I ask for a chance to prove my worth and earn your acceptance. I will continue to prove myself, not just as a warrior but as a Vannkriger, until even the most sceptical among you will see my worth."

He swam away, away from the clan, and out into the open ocean. As he swam, he felt the weight of the clan's disdain lifted from his shoulders, and the hope that had once burned brightly inside him flickered and died.

He knew that he would never be accepted among his own people, that he would always be an outsider, but he was determined to not let that define him.

He would find a way to make a life for himself, to make a name for himself on Tiwaz. He would not let the clan's rejection defeat him, he would not let them define him.

As he swam deeper into the open ocean, he began to plan. He would explore the planet and find resources, he would meet other inhabitants, he would learn their customs, their beliefs. He would find his place in Tiwaz.

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