

You were accompanied by your father in Diagon Alley for your needs in school. You were going there as a 4th year student and it kind'a made you a little excited. You were going to meet Cho and the others again. Even if they were a year older, you still felt like they were your best friends.

Your father was quite changing in to something you can't understand.

His personality was actually changing. You were curious as to why was he like this.

He added a couple of weird rules around the house. One of them was you were not allowed to look at him in the eyes. He started to fire every male worker in the house. Until you just have house elves and maids.

You didn't question him about this, however.

You looked at the list that you needed. One of them were some books that you needed for your up coming classes.

You entered the shop and started to look around.

"You may pick out something that you like too." Asmodeus told you and you happily roamed around colle9cting your school needs and hopefully a book that will entertain you.

You piled up books not thinking twice about how difficult it would be to carry the books. You realized that it would be difficult to go down the stairs by yourself a little too late. You sighed and scolded yourself inside your head for not thinking fast enough. You were embarrassed to think that you were even in ravenclaw and you couldn't even manage to think about this simple scenario.

You took a step one by one ensuring that you would not fall down the stairs and embarrass your father. Surprisingly when you were 3 steps closer to the floor, you could not see your father anywhere. You shrugged it off and completely forgot that you needed to go down a few more steps. Because of this, you took a step forward only to slip past the remaining steps of the stairs. Your heart skipped a beat and you closed your eyes waiting for the floor to catch you. To your surprise, you landed on something much softer than the floor. It was Harry Potter.

"Are you alright?" you asked concerned while you got up and helped him.

He smiled and laughed it off. For himself, he wouldn't be smiling if it wasn't you who bumped into him.

You felt a little awkward because you didn't really talk before except for last year.

Even if you said you wanted to avoid both Harry and Draco, you still ended up thinking about them. Mostly, you were thinking about Harry.

He had long hair now and you found it cute and it suited him.

"Let me help you with that." He said taking most of the books in your hands and you carried like 3 thin books. You didn't have the time to reject his offer because he was fast enough to grab your books.

"Where are your books? " You asked him.

"Oh we already bought ours yesterday. I just tagged along today to see if something is interesting." He replied as both of you went to the counter to pay for your school books and extra books to read.

"You sure do love to read, and it's cute." He said actually complimenting you. You blushed and tried to distract yourself from getting embarrassed.

You weren't really that easy to to be swayed by words. But this was different. The famous Harry Potter is talking to you. No wonder you felt shy . You had a crush on him for a couple of years now. You just didn't know how to express these feelings because you weren't enlightened with romance before.

How you wish your dad told you stories of how he and your mom met. You never knew much about your mother, the maids would just say that your mother was a clever witch in their days.

After paying, you and Harry went out and waited for a while outside the book shop.

You stared out and smiled as he was looking at you.

You finally looked at him and you locked gazes at each other.

"Will you be there at the quidditch world cup?" He asked as both of you stared at each other.

You noticed that he got much taller than last year. He was taller than you even before but this time you felt like you just shrank.

"I might" you smiled shyly hinting just a little bit.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to give you this before. I'm sorry but i promise I did not look into the contents" He said handing you your notebook. You felt stupid that you didn't even realise it.

"But please attend the world cup too." He said putting your notebook behind his back. You tried to reach for it but he playfully leaned down so that your faces would be on the same level.

"Why do you want me to go?" You asked playfully.

"Because I want to know you more." He said smirking cutely.

You rolled your eyes while smiling like a dork.

"Sure." You said and he gave you a big smile.

"(Y/n)" Asmodeus suddenly called you getting your attention and you looked back at Harry and gave him a good bye look. He nodded and you took your books with you and smiled for the last time.

"Oh your notebook." He said.

"No, you can keep it now. Scan it if you want to know me more." You winked at Harry and you looked down, remembering that you can't look at your father's eyes.

"Father, I want to go to the quidditch world cup" You spoke softly to your father as you made your way towards Borgin and Burke's.

He didn't respond. You shrugged it off and you both went in the shop.

"Why are we here father?" You asked as you looked around the weird objects that you saw.

"You can look around and tell me if you see something that you like." He told and you curiously looked around.

"Is the necklace here?" Asmodeus asked as you walked around.

"Yes, it is the only powerful one that exists." A man answered and Asmodeus somehow felt relieved.

The door flung open as Asmodeus was examining the necklace that he had requested.

"Ah, Maxwell ! How good to see you here" Asmodeus turned around to see Lucius Malfoy and his son, Draco.

"Nice to see you" Asmodeus said shaking his hand.

Draco was bored and uninterested in whatever his father was doing. He felt curious though of why they often went to the shop in the first place.

Meanwhile, you were walking around as a particular ball of smoke and light captured your attention. You heard slight whispers coming from it. As you drew nearer to the object you could clearly hear the whispers.

"Come seek your future my dear.

All we need is a drop of blood, no need to fear..."

You were getting attracted to the voices you were hearing. And before you even knew it, you lightly pricked your finger and let a droplet of blood touch the mysterious ball. The blood touched the surface but it was absorbed not too long after. The smoke inside bubbled and then turned red as it have absorbed your blood, but continued to swirl around like it was reading all of your DNA.

"You who holds the most beautiful eyes in the whole world, you who carries the marvelous blood of the Maxwells. You will experience eternal happiness and love. A golden string of a vow shall embrace the three of you. You who must walk in a twisted path shall remain alive to balance out your deepest desires.-- "

Your father suddenly took your attention away as he was calling for you. You didn't hesitate to leave the area and you went back to where your father was.

When you went down, you saw him with 2 men with both pale blonde hair. The older one had a longer hair while the younger one was quite familiar to you.

You approached your father and gave him a smile even if you were avoiding looking at him.

"Apparently, Mr. Malfoy and his son is going to the quidditch world cup. I suppose you now have a companion with you." Asmodeus proudly said and you felt happy.

He now handed you something and you opened the small box.

It was a necklace.

It's shiny blue pendant seemed like it was infinite. It looked so precious and antique. You loved how it looked and you quickly put it on.

"Thank you father !" You said gratefully to Asmodeus.

Asmodeus and Lucius went ahead of you as all of you walked out.

"How was your summer?" Draco asked trying to open up at least a small conversation.

"Unsurprisingly boring." You answered truthfully.

"Listen, I'm sorry I acted weird last year to you in the prefect's bathroom." He said scratching the back of his head then straightened his suit.

"It's alright Draco, and it wasn't weird." you said as both of you caught glimpses of each other. You felt nervous, not because you liked him but because you sensed something strange. Maybe it's because of the voices a while ago but you don't really get it too.

"I'll see you at the quidditch then" you said smiling, brushing off the odd feeling in you.

"You seem different. You aren't the bully type from what I see now." You said truthfully, not even bothered by the fact that he could take it the wrong way.

He felt shy as he couldn't figure out the words to reply.

"Oh, we're to separate now. Good bye Draco" you smiled as he watched you walked away with your father.


Days later, the day has come to the quidditch world cup.

You excitedly prepared and groomed yourself. You wanted to look beautiful because you were going to meet Harry again. Your smile grew wider as you felt your heart race.

"The Malfoys are here !" Asmodeus shouted from bottom of the stairs.

"Coming" you replied straightening your skirt and checking your top.

You hurriedly went down stairs to find only Draco.

"Where's your father?" You asked.

"He talked with your father for a moment" he replied.

"You look beautiful" he added.

"Thanks" you bowed your head hiding your red-flushed face.

You felt another odd feeling inside of you as you took a glimpse of Draco beside you. You gulped and rubbed your thighs together to distract yourself from the odd feeling.

Draco noticed your behavior and he also felt something odd in him.

"(Y/n) dear, please do show Draco your collections for a while, we just need to finish something. " Asmodeus shouted from his office as you felt awkwardly nervous.

"Let's go." You said leading the way further inside your house. You went through a series of hallways and finally found the door that leads to your collections.

"This is really weird." you whispered to yourself and you opened the door allowing the both of you to enter the room.

You had thousands of books specified in an area, hand paintings around the walls and a lot more art-related theme that you've always liked.

Draco's eyes glistened as a particular area of the collections caught his attention. He walked towards it as you followed him from behind. He stared at your collections of Brooms and the different versions of the golden snitch. Pictures of the greatest seekers were glued and several issues of the daily prophet involving Quidditch. He felt amazed by your passion for a lot of things.

"This is brilliant !" He said smiling and looking around once again.

You went beside him and smiled.

You pulled him with you as you went to open one of the dressers. You wanted to show him your favorite design of the golden snitch. You let go of his arm and bent over to get the snitch. You felt something touched you as you bent over, both of you took a step away from each other. The odd feeling was back. You stood up and stared at each other for a couple of seconds.

The odd feeling kept getting stronger. The feeling of heat flashed between the two of you as both of you didn't even flinch to look away. You stared at his eyes down to his lips. You knew the odd feeling was making you crave for the lips of Draco.

You hesitated because you wanted your first kiss to be special in any means. But why do you keep on feeling this way when it comes to Draco. Vice-versa, Draco felt the same, even if he took interest in you before was not a reason to lust over your warm lips.

"Can I try--" he spoke but eventually giving in and kissed you to end all of his frustrations. You kissed him back, giving in the feeling of your wants. Your hands snaked around his chest and his hands were on your waist. He gave it a little squeeze which earned him uneven breathings in between your kisses. You finally realized that the odd feeling was lust from your raging hormones. You knew this was wrong, you liked Harry but it felt too good to stop.

"Draco, (y/n) we must go." Lucius voice filled the empty hallways as both of you rushed to fix yourselves.

You walked towards the door after you fixed your skirt once again. You were about to open the door as Lucius already pushed it open. He scanned Draco from behind and then to you.

"Come along" he said as both of you followed him.


There were a lot of people in the venue. You smiled as you were enjoying the view of people dancing, laughing and singing. You followed Lucius going up to several staircases and you heard familiar voices from above.

You looked up and saw Harry. He already found you and he gave you a smile. You waved at him and the Weasley twins ruffled his hair teasing him. Just until everything felt perfect, Lucius saw you smiling at Harry and he walked back to you with Draco trailing from behind.

And there you saw both of them bragging and taunting the other group. The small tension soon broke as the two Malfoys went to your respective box while Draco dragged you with them. Giving Harry an apologetic look, he nodded and gave a wink at you.

The loud roars filled up the huge arena as the game started. You brushed off the tension and told yourself to enjoy the game. You smiled excitedly as you imagined another item might be added in your collection.

After the game, there was an after party. You were closely following the Malfoys. You could only see Draco's back clearly as you walked in the sea of witches and wizards dancing and laughing through some loud music. Draco was holding your hand as you guys were desperately trying to get away with the wild crowd. You were looking around until the group of the Irish showed up and it gathered a lot of attention. Your hands parted as some of them push and pulled whatever they encounter in their way.

"(Y/n) !" You faintly heard Draco's voice. You looked around but you couldn't see him anywhere.

Suddenly, you felt a hand snake around your waist as the hand rested on the left side. You looked at your right and met Harry's gaze.

"Let's get you away from here." He said smirking happily and leading you away from the crazy crowd. You left the 2 Malfoys searching for you unknowingly.

You let out a cute giggle making it turn Harry on. He felt shy as he was still holding on to your waist and how close the both of you were. You also realized this but you didn't want him to let go.

"Where are you taking me Harry?" You asked.

He didn't answer right away as you went were walking towards a grassy field area a little farther away from the main event. You went up a very cute hill and stopped.

"Well, my friends are inside our tent, and I couldn't talk to you earlier... So I figured we should be alone today. " He said turning you around to properly face him. His hands locked around your waist as he stared down at you.

"I saw your notebook..." He said slightly gazing at your lips.

"...and what did you see?" You asked him.

"Well, a lot actually... Kept me up entertained over the past few days. You scribbling small drawings, and writing..." He said stopping and you waited for his other words. "...Writing my name"

He gently kissed you for a few moments and he parted. You were shocked but in response, you kissed him back. It felt magical, it felt like fireworks were popping everywhere. You put your hands on his face cupping his cheeks as you both kissed each other beautifully. The famous Harry Potter was kissing you, you felt like you were the luckiest person in the world. You guys parted for air and you both stared into each other's eyes. Your scarlet eyes seemed like he was calling him to you even more. He gave you a few more kisses and smiled.

"I guess we're on then.." he said kissing you one last bit.

From afar was Draco, finally getting a glimpse of you. He was about to walk closer to you but he stopped on his tracks as he was looking at Harry's figure too. He looked confused and angry, which was one of his downfalls.

"Snogging (y/n) aren't ya' Potter?" He said approaching the both of you and taking your attention away.

"Draco, no..." You tried to calm him down as you approached him. Both of them shot each other glares, not backing down one bit.

"Let's just go (y/n)" Both of them said in a unison and they glared at each other once more. You were stuck in between them.

Not knowing whom you'll go with. The person you like or the person associated with your family?

Both of them were waiting for your response.

"Ms. Maxwell, your father is looking for you. " The voice of Lucius came lurking from behind the three of you.

"Come along you two, don't make me say that twice." He added.

You hesitantly walked away but Harry clutched your hand. You looked at him and whispered "Sorry..." You let Harry's hand go and followed Lucius away from Potter.

On your way back, you heard screams and explosion-like sounds. Lucius was quick enough to divert your attention away from the burning crowd.

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