18 years ago my brother Luis was diagnosed with stage four cancer while my mother was pregnant. As time went by my brother said he loved me and didn't want to leave us. After the day he died my mom was giving birth to my brother Darl but he was dead. 6 years later I walked into the living room and seen a child. I asked him his name and he said Darl. I passed out in shock and was terrified. Seeing my brother years later was heartwarming and scary cause he died. He said"how long have I been dead"I said to him"it's been 6 years buddy. He looked completely upset and then he mentioned my other brother who passed away. I said to myself"How does he know him"he looked at me and said"he's waiting up in heaven for you"I jumped back and ran to my room and locked the door it was hard to breathe. Tears ran down my face and said to myself"This isn't real this isn't real"I heard scratching on the outside of the door. I looked through the peep hole and covered my mouth so he didn't hear me breathe. I was mortified and scared that something bad was gonna happen