
Chapter 0: The Day Before The First Day

*ring* *ring*

"I'm coming, just give me a minute." A man answered quickly as he was changing his clothes into an athletic outfit.

*ring* *ring*

*creak* "Alright, I'm here Hal, no need to be so impatient dude. I did promise you to help out with today's exercising session." The man answered with a slightly tired look, as he looked at the person with curly, brown hair, brown eyes and a gray sportswear in front of him.

"Took you long enough to come out, pal. Why weren't you ready from before? Isn't this the usual time you start your morning exercise, Sheldon?" Hal, the brown-haired person asked with slight grin on his face, as he looked at a man with short, black hair, brown eyes and a black sportswear.

"It is, but my head has been killing me from the moment I woke up, so i slept in, hoping that it would go away by the time I wake up again and start my morning jog." Sheldon answered, as he held his head with a painful expression.

"Did you take any medicine, pal? You are looking pretty pale." Hal asked with a worried expression, as he was looking at Sheldon's tired expression.

"I took some medicine, so relax, I'll be just fine. Now, let's get-"

"SAITO! WAIT!" Just as Sheldon was going to explain, he suddenly got interrupted by an old lady's voice.

'God, it's granny Ayane. I thought she was going to be asleep for another hour, at the very least.' Sheldon couldn't help but curse inwardly as he looked at the old lady that was walking in front of him.

"Morning, grandma." Sheldon was the first to answer, albeit reluctantly.

"Morning miss Ayane." Hal was the next to speak with a much more polite tone.

"Morning Saito and you too, little Hal." Ayane answered with a calm expression, before turning her attention towards Sheldon:

"Where do you think you are going Saito? Don't tell me you have forgotten that you would help with today's morning clean-up?"

"Grandma... I'm just going for a jog around the block. Besides, you never start the clean-up before breakfast and there's, at least, an hour before doing so." Sheldon answered with a slightly tired expression, he rubbed his head a bit.

"Sigh... Just be back before 8, otherwise you won't be having any breakfast until we finish the clean-up. Got it Saito?" Ayane answered in resignation, knowing that her grandson is right.

"Got it granny Ayane." Sheldon answered casually, before whispering at Hal in a hurry:

"Let's go, quickly."

After that, the two of them staring jogging around the neighborhood and Hal was the one to break the silence:

"So, she still hasn't changed calling you Saito, pal?"

"At this point, it's just impossible. I've been trying for four months and as you can see from the results, it was all in vain." Sheldon answered with a tired expression, as he sighed as well.

"Why are you so adamant about that, pal? Is this still because of the fact that your grandma called you Saito in front of your date, back then?" Hal asked calmly, although he kind of knew what Sheldon's answer would be.

"Yes. It's kind of embarrassing, y'know? Why doesn't she just call me by my normal name?" Sheldon couldn't help but complain with a blushing expression, before adding:

"Like, I'm fine if she calls me that at home when it's just my family around, but it feels so embarrassing, I can't take it."

"Come on and grow some thicker skin, pal. It's just a nickname for your grandma to call you with. Besides, you never know when when a family member might pass away, so don't hate her for that. You don't want to end up like me?" Hal explained with smile, as he put his arm over Sheldon's shoulders.

"Hehehe... Got it Hal. I won't hate her for that, I can promise that much. Besides, if I ever were to hate her for something, that would be the one time she threw away my old comic books."

"Hey, don't push it, pal. Anyways, let's change the topic and ask you the same thing that I asked you last week. How were the Danganronpa games that I lent you? By now, you should have finished all of them, including the post game." Hal asked with curiosity and excitement, as he looked at Sheldon.

"Look, do you really need to ask? Those were some pretty great mystery games and I liked a fair majority of the multiple casts. The only couple of gripes that i have about it are that some of the characters are kind of mediocre, at best and I wouldn't mind some more optional stuff to mess around with." Sheldon answered sincerely, before his expression grimaced a bit.

"Wait, you still weren't satisfied with those games, pal? There is Danganronpa Despair Girls if you are interested in more games and shooter games, that and Ultimate Summer Camp, but that one is just V3's postgame all over again and I don't have the brain capacity to go through that all over again. There is also the anime, which has a remake of the first game and even Danganronpa 3's Hope and Despair arcs, which shed light into the events between the first 2 games and past them. Don't mix it with V3 though, because that is completely standalone in terms of story." Hal recommended reluctantly, even though he knew that Sheldon would be fine with any kind of game, as long it was fun for him.

"Hey, you know that I'm fine with any kind of game or anime, just as long as it isn't centered around adult stuff and all that." Sheldon exclaimed with a proud expression.

"You are the salt of the Earth Sheldon. Wait, didn't you use that V3's Love Ho-"

"I'm fine. As, Long, As. It. Doesn't. Have. The. Adult. Stuff." Sheldon answered with a stiff smile, as he interrupted Hal from finishing his sentence.

"Right... Anyways, mind telling me some of your mediocre characters? I'm curious to hear your opinion."

"Well, let's start with the first game..."

As the duo kept jogging and were completely immersed into their conversation, they wouldn't know that fate had other plans for them, since that would be their last conversation in this world.

"Well... It seems that the cogs of fate will spin soon and a deviation is about to occur. I can't afford to take any longer. The transfer must happen now, otherwise I'll end up risking the fate an entire world for nothing. I hope the strength that I will bestow them with will be more than enough to help them to not only get through their predicament, but maybe bring a bright and hopeful future for the world."

--Connection Terminated--

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