
Chapter 2

I woke up back in my room again and thought the whole thing is just a dream but then a robotic voice could be heard inside my head, [Hello Master, I am the AI that you wished to have.]

"Hehe, looks like God didn't let me down, so AI how do I open my status screen?" - Sebastian

[Just say status inside your mind Master, you don't need to focus or anything just say the word 'status'.] - AI

"Well then, status." - Sebastian

As I finished saying, a blue window appeared in front of me.

Sebastian Thunder (Level 1)

Class: None

Title(s): [The Worst One]


Health: 10

Mana: 0


Strength: 3

Vitality: 3

Intelligence: 1

Wisdom: 1

Agility: 1

Dexterity: 1

Luck: 3

Appearance: -15

Charm: -15


Attribute Points: 0

Skill Points: 0

"Why do I feel like something is missing in my status? I know that I'm weak and ugly so I'm not really surprised about my stats." - Sebastian

[It's because God thinks that that's the only thing you need to survive in this world so he didn't bother to add the other stats in your status.] - AI

"That lazy ass cunt, He's still the one who gave me this, so, say my thanks to him." - Sebastian

While reviewing my stats I heard a knock on my door.

'Hmm now that's weird, who could it be? I got no friends and my childhood friend turn into a bitch so who would visit me?' - Sebastian

"Who is it?" I yelled and walked towards the door to open it. When I open the door my so-called childhood friend stood in front of me.

"Hi.." She said with a complicated expression.

"Why are you here?" - Sebastian

"Its... I just wanted to see you." - Ex-Childhood Friend

"Now that's a cute bullshit you got there, hurry up and leave I'm busy." - Sebastian

"But you asked me out didn't you? Don't you want to go out with me??" - Ex-Childhood Friend

"Pfft, HAHAHA, well yeah, I did ask you out but when I knew your true face I even regretted that we became friends and it disgusted me knowing I asked you out. Let's be honest here, you may look good but your personality is uglier than my face and if I were to choose who I would date between you and a monkey, well... I would rather date my grandma." - Sebastian

"B-but I really wasn't..." Before she could even finish her sentence I interrupted her.

"I'm tired so please leave now, I'm doing something important," before she could even speak I close the door and left her there in front of my apartment.

Haha, I wonder how long will it take before I become a super hot model or super good-looking man. As I was so excited I asked AI how to check my skills, "AI, how do I check my skills?"

[Just like how you open your status, say the name and it will work] - AI

"Ok...Show my skills." - Sebastian

Abilities: Double Experience, Killing Zone

Double Experience: Doubles the experience received when killing a monster.

Killing Zone: An ability to enter a dungeon with infinite floors.

-Only available to Sebastian Thunder

"Ohhhh, so that's my ability, hahaha ok, now Killing Zone," ss I said that a group of light started to wrap my body like it did to me when God 'kidnapped' me. As the lights faded away I'm in a new place already, the killing zone.

I'm in some kind of room right now and it's a bit dark like a normal dungeon that you see in a game.

"AI, where am I?" - Sebastian

[You're on the first floor of your own dungeon and it's called "Graveyard" floor 1"] - AI

"Ohh, so this is the first floor, by the way, does this dungeon have a name?" - Sebastian

[No Master, just like me it doesn't have a name but if you wish to give it a name you can.] - AI

"Ohhhh, Ok then, but let's not worry about that for now, let's try to level up first cause I really want to increase my stats badly." - Sebastian

[Yes Master.] - AI

"Tell me what I gain with every level up." - Sebastian

[You gain 10 Attribute Points each level but when you reach level 10 you will need a lot more EXP than you usually do, and that's the same as when you reach 20,30,40....1000, and each level you gain 5 Skill Points.] - AI

"Oh, so it's like a bottleneck huh. AI, tell me if I can kill the monsters on this floor with my current stats." - Sebastian

[Ugh, to be honest, Master.. no, with your current stats even a skeleton can kill you.] - AI

[Now that's a problem, then how do I even kill monsters when I'm too weak even for a skeleton?" - Sebastian

[I suggest that Master to just kill them silently, even if their stats are a bit higher than yours, when they don't see you, you can kill them easily especially when you have a weapon, and I said that they can kill you but doesn't mean you can't kill them.] - AI

Oh, talking about the weapon I see a long iron bar beside me so I immediately picked it up.

"AI, do skeletons have a weakness?" - Sebastian

[If you use magic then no but if you're a warrior or use weapons, then just smash their heads.] - AI

"Thank you." - Sebastian

[No problem, Master.] - AI

Next chapter