



Little Nia of about seven years old walked into her big sister's room

Little Nia sighed because obviously Yuni is smiling while sleeping

"Is she dreaming about KJ K or What? stupid"Nia shook her head as she tiptoed and climbed the bouncing bed

She laid Beside Yuni with her one hand on her jaw, supporting herself as she stared at her sister who was smiling in her sleep

Her eyes widened when her sister started sniffing towards her side

"What's that? Am I now a food"? She muttered

Yuni who was close to Nia immediately flipped her eyes open and what met her eyes was someone she wasn't expecting

"Ahhhhhhh!" She screamed and felled off the bed

"Ahhhhhhh!" Nia mimicked her rolling her eyes

When Yuni recomposed herself, she frowned her face and climbed the bed 

" Yah! What the hell are you doing in my room Nia?" Yuni asked in anger

She was so much having good dreams about her Kpop idols and this little wench spoilt everything for her with her bad luck

"Good morning sis" Nia yawned as she greeted the foaming Yuni

"Don't sis me?"

"You shouldn't be shouting at me you know" Nia rolled her eyes

"Why? Why shouldn't I shout at you little wench?" Yuni creased her brows

"Because..." Nia trailed off grinning

"What? What are you up to now?" Yuni asked because she knew Nia her little 7 years old sister is always mischievous and troublesome

"I have a surprise for you sis"Nia smiled

"What surprise?" Yuni asked with a creased brows and anticipation

"Tada " Nia got down from the bed, she dip her hands into her pocket and brought out a ticket

Yuni seeing the tickets widened eyes

"What are you doing with my tickets?"Yuni asked as she immediately jumped over to where Nia is but the little girl was quick to run over to the other side of the bed

"Give them to me now Nia" Yuni said with anger

"So you are planning to go KJK concert today?" Nia asked

"Is none of your business Nia" Yuni rolled her eyes

"Then is gonna be mom's business then" Nia said and turned to leave but...Yuni stopped her, making her to smile inwardly

"Stop" Yuni immediately stopped her

"What? Is it now my business?" Nia asked

"You know how important this concert is to me, is my KJK and if I don't attend it, then am really not gonna survive it" Yuni said as she sighed

She had secretly bought those tickets with the last money on her because she wanted to see her KJK boys perform this evening at the stadium

"I didn't ask you all that" Nia said as she bite her nails

"N...Nia" Yuni sighed as she dived her fingers into her hair drawing them back

{Story by fãvy, copy and dîe}

"What do you want?" Yuni asked, Nia hearing this smiled 

"I want some..."

"Money?" Yuni asked

"Hm" Nia smiled

"I don't have any money with me Nia,,,I bought those tickets with my last ..." Yuni couldn't finish her words because Nia turned around to leave through the door

"Then an gonna tell mummy about this tickets then"

"Wait,,,the only money I have with me now is my transport fare" Yuni complained

"Give it to me" Nia stretched forth her little fingers towards Yuni as she blinks her eyes with a smile

Yuni stared at her damn fingers for a while, wishing that she could just break them into pieces

"My hands are paining me sis"Nia blinks her eyes

Yuni sighed frustrated, she turned and walked towards her closet

She signalled Nia to turn around and face the wall, in which the little girl did

Yuni brought out the Money and gave it to her 

Nia seeing the Money smiled inwardly, she is going to have a nice pizza and coke...

"My tickets now" Yuni demanded

"Calm down, if I hand over this tickets to you,,, promise me you won't hit me because if you do, mom is definitely going to hear about the concert you are going and you won't get to met your handsome idols" Nia said and look around Yuni's room

Of course her room is filled with KJK banners and photes, she is even wearing their polo which is printed with their pictures

Well everything about Yuni is all KJK

"Deal, hand them over to me now" Yuni said

"Perfect"Nia smiled and slowly gave the tickets to Yuni who snatched it off her little hands

"Don't move from there"Nia said as she used her back to walk over to the door

"Remember mom is around"Nia said and immediately opened the door and ran out of the room

Yuni Exhales and Felled on the bed with her back

"My babies"She hugged the tickets

"That little wîtch nearly stopped me from seeing you guys"She said and got up from the bed

She walked towards the wall as she kissed her idols one by one

Just then it damn on her that she doesn't have money for transport fare to KJK concert

"What to do?" She felled on the bed and flipped her legs up countless times

"I just feel like squeezing you into two Nia, ahhhh" Yuni cried

"I know what to do"She got up from the bed and smiled



"Omma (mother)" Yuni smiled and felled into her mother's arms who was arranging her clothes 

Nia wasn't around, she had left to spend the money she smuggled from Yuni at the neighborhood

"How are you mom?" Yuni asked, she had already dressed for the concert and had prepared the lies she is gonna feed her mom now

"Fine,,, going somewhere?"Mrs Kim asked

"Hm, am going out with Bomi" Yuni said

"To the karaoke?" Mrs Kim asked with a suspicious look

"No mom, to the library" Yuni smiled

Mrs Kim scoffed when she heard library

"When did you start reading?" 

"Are you calling me dump now?"

"Of course you are, the only thing that is in that head of yours is KJK music and life history" Mrs Kim said making Yuni to smile

"Mom, do you know that they released another music,,,let me play it for you" Yuni took out her phone to play the music for her mother when she heard

"Call Bomi"

"What? Why?"Yuni slightly widened her eyes

"To make sure, you are really going to the library"Mrs Kim said

"Why mom? Don't you trust Me again?" Yuni feigned sad face

"I do but I don't trust KJK Kpop"

"If you say so, I will call her"Yuni said and dialled Bomi's number

Hello Bomi"

  Hi NiNI "

Mom wants to talk to you"


Before Yuni could say any other thing, Her mother took the phone from her

Hello Bomi" 

  Good day ma"

Hm, how is your father?

He is fine ma"

Are you going somewhere with Yuni today?



The library, we have quiz coming up"

  Okay" Mrs Kim said and hanged up the call

Mrs Kim hearing this look at her daughter who gave her a sweet smile, of course Yuni has planned everything with Bomi her friend

"See mom, am a good girl who is mindful of her books, I promise I will get good grades after this year exams"Yuni said and took her phone from her mother before she will see KJK wallpaper and starts complaining again

"I pray so"

"See you later mom"Yuni pecked her mother's cheeks

"Be careful out there okay"Mrs Kim said to her

"I will omma"Yuni said and slightly bowed at her

Mrs Kim observed her from head to toe, she was wearing a big large polo with KJK boys printed on it and she also wore Jean pants, sandal and her small bag hanged around her

Before she can open her mouth to talk, Yuni has fled out of the house, she doesn't wanna hear_is that the only outfit in your wardrobe

"Are you really gonna wear those!!" Mrs Kim shouted but Yuni is long gone


Yuni stepped out of the house smiling all over 

"You have brainwashed her right?" 

She heard little Nia's voice and raised up her head

"Yah!" Yuni ran towards her but Nia was quick to run to the other side sticking out her tongue to Yuni

"You used my money to buy those things" Yuni pointed at th nylon bag Nia was carrying

"Is not your money again but mine, you know this little girl needs to be putting something inside her stomach" Nia smiled and rubbed her stomach

"You are an Ajumma ( old woman) not a little girl" Yuni said as she folded her arms across her chest, she knew Nia hates been called an Ajumma 

"Stop calling me an Ajumma" Nia frowned

"That's what you are wîtch!"Yuni said and turned to leave

"Am going to tell mummy where you are going"Nia threatened as Yuni turned and said

"If you try it I will slice your throat" She showed her a sign of using a knife to slice her throat before a he left, leaving Nia who foamed and entered the house


In this big beautiful penthouse lives KJK boys, they are twins, who goes by the name KimTan, Jimin and Kyung

Kim tan is the oldest because he came out before the other two, he is handsome calm and cool but Jimin and Kyung are the troublesome ones, always fighting about who will address each other with respect, they didn't know that they are celebrities but the most troublesome is Jimin and he is funny too, well they are all funny

Kyung was in the kitchen making himself cupcake and eggs

"Add mine too"Jimin said while pressing his phone

"Says someone who has legs and hands" Kyung scoffed

"Tan" Jimin called kim Tan who was beside him pressing his phone too with his legs crossed

"Hm"Kim tan answered without looking at him

"Tell Kyung to add mine, am craving for some " Jimin made a baby face

{Story by fãvy, copy and dîe}

KimTan looked up towards the kitchen counter

"Kyung add his" KimTan said and returned his attention to his phone

"I won't" Kyung said and left to get himself some drinks from the fridge

Jimin seeing that he has left, grinned and got up

"Am not here" KimTan chuckled knowing what his little brother was up to

"Don't worry, you will enjoy with me"Jimin said and tiptoed towards the kitchen counter

"Bring it on" KimTan chuckled and rubbed his temples

Jimin was about to dig into the cupcake and eggs that Kyung has made when the guy saw him

"Jimin!" Kyung yelled and ran towards him but Jimin was fast enough to run away with the plate of food

"Give me my food!"Kyung yelled

"Our food you say!" Jimin laughed and ran towards the entrance door

Kyung caught up with him as they both started dragging the plate of cupcakes and eggs

"Give it to"Kyung said with a gritted teeth as he dragged it to his side

"No" Jimin refused as he dragged it to his side

The continued like this without knowing that someone was coming in through the entrance door

The food felled off and painted the person's face who was on a black suit 

"Mr park!" Jimin and kyung said together with their eye balls popping out of its shocket

"We are sorry Mr park" they apologized

"Is okay, is not a new thing" Mr park said as he started walking towards the bathroom, he is their manager

"Get ready boys we are leaving in few hours" Mr park said

"Mr park you just paused a very interesting stage cinema for me" 

KimTan sighed and walked towards his room, he was enjoying the wonderful free movie from his two brothers and Mr park came and spoilt everything

"Sorry Tan, you watch free cinemas always you know, so you should be tired of them already" Mr park chuckled

"This one was so interesting"

"You!" Kyung pointed at jimin

"What?" Jimin eyed him

"Clean that up" Kyung said and walked away, he was extremely angry with jimin

"Come and force me"

"We will continue from where we stopped, after we are back from the concert "


KJK were all dressed with their face mask on, so that reporters and paparazzi won't recognize them

They were walking towards their car when a girl bump into them and felled down

It was Yuni, she was running towards the truck she will be leaving with (free ride) but she didn't know when she mistakenly bump into someone

Yuni looked up and saw three guys on face mask looking down on her, embarrassed she tried to get up when one of the guys stretched forth his hands for her

Yuni blink her eyes and receive his hands, the guy gently dragged her off the ground

"Thank you" Yuni bowed and left running towards the truck which was already leaving

"One of Our fans"Jimin smiled, he was the one who has helped Yuni

"For once in your life you did a good thing" Kyung teased and entered the car which was waiting for them

"At least am better than you" Jimin grinned and followed behind

KimTan shook his head and also entered the car, he too wanted to help the girl but to his surprise Jimin did the helping

He turned around and saw the girl jump into the back of a truck

"Hm, is she a monkey?" he muttered to himself

Yuni jumped into the back of the truck which was about to zoom away 

"Wow, I made it, who are those guys?" She looked towards her right but the guys are no longer there

She turned to look around where she is, when her eyes caught something she never expected to see 

It was a big dog which was staring so deadly at her

Dogs are her worst night mares, she really hates them

"Dog!,,,oh! lord if I die today, please accept my soul' Yuni thought as she swallowed up the lump in her throat but all the blood in her veins dried up the instant she saw the dog moved and approached her

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Yuni screamed and fainted.