
Wedding date

Mona looked the distant Dikano , and wondered if the invisible long lost love of his was on his mind. She needed to put a stop to this nightmare, she called her parents told them they had set a date for their wedding , end of August which was a month away"

"My parents called, they say we have been engaged for too long .Dad have decided end of August we getting married" lied Mona

"Huh ! ,I just found my son and you want me to take the biggest decision of my life now"

"Don't you love me anymore now that you found your son , what difference does it make Dikano! "

"You know I love you ,we are engaged are we not.For now it should be enough while I sort out my life "

"No it is not enough, the date has been set either you take it or I move out "

Mona left not giving Dikano a chance to chat back .It was all energy draining, he had a month to sort out the issues between himself and Ditiro. He had to make sure he was not making a mistake by marrying Mona ,if Ditiro has never been married whats he to do.

Dikano went to bed late ,tossed and turned keeping Mona awake.

Early in the morning Mona woke up and made breakfast ,when she went to the bedroom to wake Dikano he was not there. He left a note on the mirror stating he rushed off to a meeting. Mona felt like he was loosing Dikano , she needed to talk to someone so she invited Ditiro out to lunch.

Inorder to meet Ditiro Dikano sent out invites to parents meeting in two weeks time. Atleast now he will get to see and talk to her , thinking about it made him have weird sensations in his stomach.

Naledi was surprised to see the invite as that day him ,Lwazi and the principal had a scheduled trip to the department. So he went to Dikano's office to find out what is happening.

"What about the trip"

" Postponed, I was about to sms you and Lwazi"

"Why has something happened, what's the meeting for"

"I've been here for so long ,it's time I meet the people who are responsible for my learners "

Dikano's excuse made sense to Naledi so he let it be and set a Reminder in his diary a new date for the trip and another for the parent's meeting .

Next chapter