
The sight of Ditiro

Mona found Dikano reading a newspaper, she started to prepare dinner.As she looked at Dikano ,she felt a sting of jealousy overwhelm her .Why couldn't he love her as much as this invisible woman, what is wrong with her that she would devote herself to a man that clearly belongs to another. All this emotions raged inside her ,she wanted to shake Dikano and say "Hey dummy ,I'm here I love you .You don't need her" .

But Dikano's eyes radiated so much emptiness and loneliness, made her wonder what she is doing wrong. What she didn't want to see was the fact that none of it has anything to do with her. Was she really in love with Dikano or in love with fact that he is capable of love .

During dinner Mona and Dikano sat eating in silence , Mona tried sharing how the wedding arrangements are going but Dikano was absent minded . Made her wonder if what Ditiro said was true,is she just a temporary substitute for this other woman.


The day of the meeting came, was he really ready to see Ditiro after so many years.He stood by the window watching parents arrive one by one. He did not see Ditiro, he even thought maybe he cant recognize her after all its been 17 years since they saw each other.

He was about to leave the window when he saw a beautiful car approaching ,for a moment Dikano stopped breathing. It was like he was being pulled by a magnet towards the owner.His heart beat raised at the sight of Ditiro. She looked the same but yet so different. He starred at her until she disappeared into the school hall.

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