

Because the department of education gave him a bursary, Dikano was called for a teaching post placement after his exams.January he started working, when he received his first pay cheque he bought a car .That day he headed straight to Limpopo ,unaware that him and Ditiro are in the same city Pretoria.

He had butterflies in his stomach, excited that finally him,Ditiro and Naledi will reconcile. But when he arrived his heart sank to his feet.

"You are foolish to think Ditiro would wait for you,she is happily married. Has another child ,forget her and move on" April lied to him

Dikano drove back wearily, unable to get April's words out of his head. April refused to even give him Ditiro's new address or new surname. How could she do this to him ,they had a plan .Dikano was furious, partly blaming himself for not making contact sooner.

8month of employment Dikano bought a house, same street with Pheladi's house. Now Ditiro has passed her matric ,saving for varsity. After two years of applying she finally got a bursary to do BA in psychology. Happy and concerned about her children. How will she manage with such a small stipend. She will have to continue working to earn more money.

On his way to work Dikano always sees Naledi standing with Tshepiso and Tshiamo (Pheladi's child). He would slow down and look at him ,he looked familiar but he never stopped cause to him there was no way this boy could be his son.All he knew was it felt good to see him , memories of his son were being kept alive by this stranger.

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