
New baby

Dikano felt weird , like he did the day Naledi was born .He went to sleep early as he had no one to turn to. He kneeled down and prayed nothing bad is happening to Ditiro or Naledi. When he said amen Ditiro began to have labour pain. She screamed out so loud .

"You making noise, ey we watching tv.Take your child and go to sleep" said April

"I'm sorry mama"

Ditiro sat restless, she decided a cup of water would help calm the pains. When she stood up her water broke,they all looked at her like she was crazy.

"I'm sorry for disappointing you again mama , I'm pregnant. "

Kopano rushed her to hospital, she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl .She named her Tshepiso(which is a sotho word that means promise).

April looked at the little girl sleeping next to Ditiro. She could not believe Ditiro bought another baby in their home.Naledi entered with Kopano excited to meet her new sister.

"After your final exams you will leave this house and never return, you hear me." April said ,surprisingly calm.

"But mama ,what about matric "

April left without answering her back.

"Papa " cried out Ditiro

"I'm sorry, your mother is right. You have to be responsible ,you are a mother ."

"Where I'm I suppose to go"

"You will be fine ,just trust in God and always pray"

Trust in God ,always pray , Ditiro could not believe her father's words. She felt drained physically, emotionally and mentally. She looked at Naledi kissing Tshepiso , and tears flowed from her eyes . What is she to do now , she closed her eye and mentally called out to Dikano.

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