
Getting along

That became the best day of Dikano's life ,him and his son finally getting along. He arrived at home over the moon , scooped Mona in his arms and swinged her around. Shouting that finally he found his son.

"Now that you found your son ,let's set a date for our wedding. What other excuses are there? "

"Trust you to ruin such a perfect day."

Dikano left and went to the bedroom .Mona knew that Dikano had a son and a long lost love, deep down she was hoping that the child and mother would be lost forever. But her future just became uncertain in an instant, whats she to do .Her mind was raging ,thinking that the way Dikano reacted is confirmation that he is having an affair with this invisible women she's been competing with for his affection .

She walked Slowly to the kitchen, on her way she took a flower pot and angrily smashed it against the wall. Dikano came rushing thinking Mona was hurt ,they starred at each other for a while then Mona sank to the floor and cried. Dikano was confused about what's happened but being the person he is ,he took Mona in his arms and comforted her.

After a while Mona fell asleep, Dikano took her to the bedroom and came back to clean the mess.

He could not understand why finding his son brought tears to his fiance, was she jealous cause they dont have children yet.

Naledi arrived at home with a new set of energy ,raving about all the projects him ,Lwazi and the principal are gonna start.

"So you over your fear of our principal " laughed Tshepiso

"I had a valid reason to be scared but he's just not as bad as I thought "

"Why didn't you call me ,you know I even drove to your principal's house "

"Mama ,I'm sorry . We were brainstorming and you know what I'm like when ideas are flowing. I totally forgot "

"Next time just answer your phone ok"

"Yes mam"

"Mommy I was chosen to be the school's debate team leader, we going to cape town in a month "announced Tshepiso

"Oh please debate is useless. I will have to ask principal to cancel it " said Naledi teasingly

"What, Naledi don't you dare.Other wise you won't have a sister anyway "

Naledi and Ditiro laughed at how Tshepiso could not take a joke.

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