
The Ultimate Legendary App for Nana

"Hey Nana, have you ever thought about what you're going to do after graduation?"

A noisy brat suddenly appeared next to me. With her easy-going smile, she asked again, "Hey! Nana did you hear me?."

Yours truly is not a snob but I'm too occupied with my cheesy fries with extra beef to answer her.

The brat, however, will not give up until I answer her so she said, "Hey Nana! Answer me or I will not give you this pizza."

Does this brat think that she can bribe me with pizza? Ha! This grandma here didn't meditate for 2 months just for some pizza to distract me. Alas! I underestimated this brat. She came prepared and went near my ears and whispered to me, "It's a three cheese pizza fresh from the oven."

My dear friends, I have practiced meditation but I also learned that blessings from God should never be denied. To comply with God's plan, I answered her with the wisdom taught to me, "Lina, you know that I didn't think about it yet." After that, I skilfully snatched the pizza from her hands and happily continued to eat the blessings given to me while she scolds me for getting her food.

At my age, it is normal for people to know what they want for their life. I, however, have no clue what to do.

I looked at her and saw from her face the worry for my future. To ease her, I said, "It's not like I want to waste my life away. I just don't know what to do after we graduate. I still want to explore more, to experience more things but I seem to have no time for it. I just want to relax for a moment and just see what will happen next." It was quiet for a moment.

"You're not getting any younger. You have a talent for producing songs. You can use it to benefit you. You know that Uncle and Auntie need your help around the house."

Ah, the real problem has resurfaced. I am needed at home to help out my parents. Thinking about my parents, I suddenly realized that I need to find a job. I said my goodbye to Lina and went to the dormitory to arrange needed documents for a job.

3 years later

It's horrible. Ever since graduation, every day has been horrible. I teach music at a local elementary school here. Honestly, it pays well and it's enough for my parents and me to live comfortably but I just grew tired of it. I just repeated everything again and again. My life really became dull.

I was scrolling through my phone when Lina messaged me. She wanted to meet up tonight. She has been very busy ever since she became a member of the Votem National Ballet Company. They toured around the world and returned just now for a season break.

I was about to decide on my clothes when I felt my phone heat up in my hands. It was so hot that I had to throw my phone far away from me. Suddenly, the whole room became so bright that I had to close my eyes and cover it with my hands. I only opened my eyes when I suddenly hear a sound. It sounds like a bird flying but with bells attached to it. I opened my eyes and saw something unbelievable.

"Hi, Nina! I'm Xiao Lian, your new fairy helper. I'm here to introduce you to our new product, the Ultimate Legendary App!" the little fairy said to me. I was following his movements with my eyes when it dawned to me - there's a fairy in my room. Like how any sane person would react, I screamed.

"Wait! Nina, don't be scared. I'm not going to harm you." the glittery creature said to me while trying to make me calm. Obviously, I would be very calm when a creature that shouldn't exist suddenly exist and is now talking to my face. I'll be really calm! I was screaming inside my head for a few minutes until I was able to calm myself.

I'm still nervous but I have to talk to him. "Little Fairy, what are you doing in my room? What app are you talking about? I don't recall ordering anything online."

The little fairy laughed at my question and answered me, "Are you an idiot? It's obvious that this is something you can't buy online. At this moment, I don't want you to say anything and let me speak. You are the lucky winner of a lucky draw that happens every century! The gods have blessed you and gave you this app. Your phone will be indestructible and will be updated to accommodate the app. This app allows you to become the CEO of the top entertainment industry in the world. It's very easy to use. Oh! My name is not little fairy, I said I'm Xiao Lian"

After Xiao Lian spoke, I slowly went near him.

"Xiao Lian, I don't want to sound rude but I barely have money to rent a room and now you want me to start a company?!" I said to him while sounding as gentle as I can.

Xiao Lian looked at me again while having this 'are-you-an-idiot' expression.

"We are above you humans. We are smart enough to know your budget but, well, we don't care. I suggest that you just shut your mouth while I fully explain everything." The little fairy said that to me while smiling so brightly. It reminded me of those kids that I teach at school. He smiled the same way they smile whenever they plan something mischievous. Suddenly, I can foresee the growing headache inside my head.

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