

"We've lost... All that work and sacrifice only for me to end like this... A lost soul wandering in the deep void of the Omniverse..." A sphere floating aimlessly in immense darkness that shows no signs of ever ending was basked in its own sense of failure, as the memories of the events that led to its demise and fall replayed multiple times in its mind further engraving that moment in its existence.

It had fought for glory and power... Not just any kind of power, unlike some who would be satisfied having gotten to where it once stood, it wanted more, it wanted absolute power, not for domination or even for the glory it also enjoyed, but instead it wanted absolute power so it could finally be truly free and safe, no longer at the mercy of the cruel and merciless Omniverse, where being under anyone would sooner or later lead to disaster.

Though it fought with all it could and even had companions who had similar views, even so, those relations meant little when the moment of truth came and it was betrayed, only to bearly escape as a soul duo to the sacrifice of those who were truly loyal... This gave it a new objective, a new drive... To avenge those who had fallen to the hands of the treacherous bastards who sold themselves to the enemy! And for the purpose together with its personal yearning for absolute power, it would need to once more raise in power, but not just to get back to where it once stood, no, that was not enough! It had to go beyond! As further up as possible!

Alas, it was in no position to dream of becoming something so majestic... After all, it was in the deep void of the Omniverse, where corrosion would eventually erase its soul permanently, unfortunately, it was also the only place where it could safely hide from its enemies without ever being found and immediately killed by those who once called themselves its companions and subordinates.

"I, Claudius Priveoan Sevmon, swear upon my existence that if another chance were to ever be bestowed upon me! I'll enjoy that life indulging in what I had repressed before I tear apart those treacherous fools, and reclaim that which will be my throne above all!" Claudius made his declaration as he remembered how much of his life had been focused on his objectives with few and rare occasions of any form of enjoyment aside from being closer to the throne he so avidly yearns for, now deciding that his existence should be more than a collection of sub-goals to achieve, to get closer to the main objective.

This was a decision that motivated him to survive at all costs in hopes of an opportunity since he was in the deep void, known as the most unpredictable area in the vast infinity of the Omniverse. It was said, that anything and everything had taken place in the deep void at least once, that was the kind of place it was and the reason it was heavily avoided, aside from the fact that all and any form of detection and teleportation were completely useless in it.

What Claudius didn't expect was that he was the luckiest individual to ever step foot or better-said form in the deep void, as the deep void for the first time began to merge its energy with an individual, and it so happened to be him. This moment was one that anyone in the Omniverse would be too lucky if they got to experience 0.1% of it. As the endless stream of energy fused with Claudius, it began to mold itself to help him achieve his desire as he slowly but surely became the owner of the deep void, now the personal domain of Claudius Priveoan Sevmon.

[Welcome to the Beyond System, Master]

"Hahahaha! It seems the Omniverse hasn't given up on me just yet. So, what exactly are you?" Claudius was excited to feel himself energized and his power no longer fading but unfortunately not rising either.

[You were chosen to be the heir of the domain of totality once in possession of The Greatest Sovereign, so this The system was created for two purposes, one, to stop the power from consuming and destroying you before you are ready to fully inherit it, two, to nurture you to the point where you can inherit that same power, becoming the all-powerful Sovereign.]

"Great! That goes perfectly in line with my plan. But how am I going to get to the level I need to be in? No matter how much potential I have, the moment I leave the deep void, I will be swarmed by hordes of Divines at the level of concepts!" Claudius asked as he was curious and worried about his progress now that he had a chance.

[The system has chosen a select few worlds outside the gasp of the Omniverse to nurture master through experience. You will be first reincarnated to each of the worlds and while in those worlds be bound to their rules. As the one who will inherit The powers of the Greatest Sovereign, your mission will be to dominate those worlds while following their rules, after all, before you can break the rules you must first understand them, and what better way to do than to be forced to follow them?]

"I agree with that, sounds like a plan to me. Before I go though, I need to understand if you're going to go with me or if you're just going to observe my progress?" Claudius questioned.

[I will be by your side for as long as you wish me to. I exist to make you into a proper heir and to serve you in any way you wish me to as long as it doesn't conflict with the first purpose.]

"I see, then from this day on, I'll call you Lilith Sevmon, as you will be my first companion and wife in my new journey." Claudius declared.

[Downloading emotion system and related functionalities... Process complete]

[Y- Yes mast.... Overload... Cooling... Process complete... Yes, master.] Lilith who until now was simply giving responses carrying no emotion was flustered at her master's request.

"Let us get going, I want to see you, I've read before that contact and communication are the bases for a good relationship. Though I find a way to kill you if I ever find you conspiring against me, and believe it when I say I'll know." Claudius expressed his eagerness.

[Master... I don't have a physical body... Plus, I'm incapable of doing such a thing.] Lilith said.

"Well, we just need to get you one then. Is there any easy way to do it? I would rather not have to steal a body. Personally, I would rather create a body from scratch with you so that it can be fully appropriate to our wishes, but mostly mine." Claudius commented.

[It is possible, as your system, I have other functions, namely: Status screen, Inventory, Harem, Personal Domain, Quests, and Locked functions. So, it is possible to obtain a body through the store, though they are all costly and will require a lot of BP, or you could also collect various materials to use in crafting to create a body, and there's even the possibility of creating a body in the world you end up depending on which one it is, there might be multiple ways to do it.] Lilith explained.

"Then send me to one of those worlds, preferably one with multiple possibilities in that regard. Once, I'm there and all the possibilities are on the table, I'll decide how to proceed." Claudius replied.

[Master... I'm sorry to inform you that I can't change the worlds or the order in which you visit them, as it might conflict with your training and inheritance, but don't worry, whatever world you end up in, you will figure something out.] Lilith was a bit disheartened she could not help more, but she still had a job to fulfill above the rest.

"Understood, if it interferes with my training then forget it. Just send me to the world and we'll figure something out. So, don't worry, I'm not giving up on my wife just because of minor inconveniences." Claudius announced.

[Master, before we start the reincarnation process, you most be informed that while your memories will stay the same, some other things will change. As compensation for all the losses, first, you will be given a starter pack and then you will have to create the avatar for your future look.] Lilith explained.

"Ok, show me the so-called starter pack." Claudius responded.

[As you wish:

-Starter Pack: 1x Random skill ticket, 1x random Affinity ticket, 2x Weapon creation tickets(Growth type), 1x random Physique ticket, 1x random bloodline ticket, and 1 BP] Lilith said.

"Use them." Claudius ordered.

[Using 1x Random skill ticket... You have gained the skill, Beauty Curse Mark. Using 1x random Affinity ticket... You have gained Lust. Using 1x random Physique ticket... You have gained the Venus Body. Using 1x random bloodline ticket... You have gained the Eros Lineage. Using 2x Weapon creation tickets(Growth type)... Please visualize the weapons you would like to have.] Lilith complied.

Doing as she instructed Claudius immediately came up with two weapons he wanted, two chains with spear tips, one for each arm, and a pole that can turn into any other weapon, but has three main forms: spear form, scythe form, and halberd form.

[Weapon creation complete.] Lilith notified.

"Good, now it was the avatar creation, right?" Claudius questioned.

[Yes, master. Initializing process...] Lilith started it.

A blank mannequin appeared and Claudius got to work and the final result.

The avatar was a young man with Blue hair that had a golden color at the tip and under. His eyes were deep amber that could very well be orange if not for the almost reddish tone that had a crystalline glow to it. The rest of his facial features were sharp and small, nearly effeminate, but just defined enough to enhance his look without making him easily confused with a lady. While his upper body was just as enchanting being very well-toned with compressed muscles, from a six-pack to defined triceps it was all present.

Finally, his lower body which had equally strong and well-defined legs to carry himself with pride, even having well taken care of toes, while in his crotch a sleeping Dragon resting on two mounds one could call its lungs which allowed it to shoot flames, as it just stood there 18cm(7 inches) in length and 4cm(1.6 inches) in width, proud to have come to existence and ready to cause havoc and destroy families.

"This should do. I can move on from this now." Claudius was satisfied with it.

Lilith began the transportation and instantly, Claudius disappeared from the deep void.

The surroundings were black and red full of heat as various rivers of lava while gazers of hot vapor stood tall and danced to the wind, a song that was violent and loud to the point it was almost ear destruction. That all while the sun towered over the dark cloud that existed in that area brightly shining its light on all the life that it could reach.

In a room with a simplistic design mostly composed of stone, Claudius woke up only to be met with a warm room that while not over typical room temperature in summer, was still unusually cozy and led to him feeling very comfortable and almost falling asleep as it was the good kind of warmth.

Located on a wooden crate, he knew that the reincarnation had been a success.

'Lilith, which world am I in?' Claudius asked in his mind, unable to speak right now, as he shook off the drowsiness his new body had.

[You are in the world known as Revoglia, year X700. You seem to be near a village on the outskirts of a country called Convarty. In a volcanic mountain.] Lilith calmly answered.

'Oh, ok... What kind of world is this one?' Claudius who had finished looking around asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice. Not seeming to mind what Lilith just said.

[It's a world of Cultivation and magic where Qi and mana exist everywhere, and just about anyone should be able to learn to cultivate or cast magic should they put their hearts into it. Though there are a few special types of cultivation and magic, most cultivation techniques and magic types can be learned through training.] Lilith clarified.

'That works for me. Is there any easy way to create a good body? Maybe I could use alchemy or some magic focused on creation...' Claudius pondered the possibilities after he asked the question.

[Not necessarily easy, in terms of this world, the way to create a body would be to use Life magic. The problem is that you would need to either meet one of its few users to learn about it or get it from the book of Life itself. Though there is the possibility of getting it from the store, in which it is not cheap, or the lottery, which is simply unlikely. Oh, and I almost forgot the easiest way, which would be enchantment magic.] Lilith posed the possible ways to get her a body using means from this world.

'Humm... Before we get to that, can you show me the options present in the store?' Claudius asked.

[Will do!] Lilith answered.


BP: 1

Category: All

Price range: All

Search terms: Body creation

Body creation mannequin- 20 Trillion BP

Homunculus creation set- 3 million BP

Doll body creation set- 10 million BP




Enchantment magic book- 5000 BP




Creation magic book- 3 billion BP

Life magic book- 1 billion BP



....] There was an enormous list that seemed to never end with various methods but of all of them, only one method seemed viable considering the current situation. That being Enchantment magic, as the rest was just too expensive right now.

'So, this leaves me with the option to either create the body with my own two hands by looking for suitable materials or use enchantment magic once I have it...' Claudius was contemplating his current choices before making a final decision.

[Master... I would prefer it if you didn't go through unnecessary trouble just to get me a body.] Lilith voiced her worries.

'Relax, I just want to give my first wife the best I can right now, but it will definitely be more practical to start with enchantment magic and then from there move to something better once we are in a much better position. After all, I've already decided that you belong to me.' Claudius responded.

[I'm happy with whatever you choose...] Lilith replied.

'As it should be, but don't forget to have some opinions of your own, you're of little use to me if you just stay a puppet, just don't go against me or try to betray me and you'll be fine.' Claudius pointed out.

[Oh! If that's what master wants, then I do indeed think that I should get something much better treatment than this, I mean, I'm your wife! A little bit more effort in wanting to go for a more costly method would have been appreciated though as long as I get a body, it doesn't matter that much.] Lilith was sincere with her feelings.

'Oh... I'll be more considerate next time... After all, those truly on my side deserve proper treatment.' Claudius was slightly surprised at the sudden change, but it was welcome.

[Don't worry, master. In the end, we are all still learning and will make mistakes.] Lilith in her way tried to comfort him, but she wasn't necessarily the best at it.

'Anyway, I need to know how to earn BP and if there's anything for me to do in my current state.' Claudius changed the subject as he felt there was nothing to say about that.

[That's quite simple, accomplishing anything major, completing quests, and defeating opponents are all ways to earn BP. Now, something to do... You'll either have to cultivate your body, soul, or mind... Or you could also focus on magic.] Lilith answered.

'The case being that I'll be living in this world for quite a long while, I would like to know more about my abilities as the heir.' Claudius questioned.

[As the heir, your powers encapsulate every and all of existence as well as nothing and all of nonexistence, but as I mentioned previously, you can't handle that much power right now, so you will go through these worlds and conquer them to refine yourself to the point where you can. The process of doing so more explicitly will more so be you being given a new character status screen per world and mastering it, and even though you will lose the overall power you have gained in the past worlds once you move on, any of the abilities you mastered will be either readjusted to fit the world or exchanged for other types of bonuses. But worry not all the power you acquire in these worlds will be available to you in your domain and once you go back to the visible Omniverse.] Lilith informed Claudius before stopping, then continued.

[The system used for it is that of levels, attributes, and skills. All things that you will gain as you grow stronger. If you want to see for yourself, I can show you, your status screen.]

'Noted, this sounds like my kind of progression... and yes, do show me my status screen.' Claudius agreed.


[Name: Claudius

True name: Claudius Priveoan Sevmon

Age: 0 years

Sex: Male

Species: Human | Sub-Species: Revlionian

Affinity: Neutral, Lust

Bloodline: Eros Lineage

Physique: Venus Body

Soul stage: Mortal

Soul grade: 1st

Level: 0

Exp: 0/25

Titles: Reincarnated Individual; Otherworlder; Heir Of $&@& And $&@&; Scion Of The Hidden Volcanic Phoenix Sect;

Job: Heir,

Class: None

Rank: I-

Battle Tier: I-


Body: 11 (Str: 0/Agi: 0/Vit: 0/En: 0/Sta: 0/char(1): 69)

Soul: 175(Will: 99/Magic: 0/Luck: 777/Aura: 0/Power: 0)

Mind: 21(Sense: 15/Int: 15/Wis: 40/Dex: 0/Focus: 50/Char(2): 10)

Undistributed Stat points: 0

Unique ability/s: None

Innate ability/s(Racial skills): [Average],

Active skills: [Beauty Curse Mark.Lv I],

Passive skills: [Mortal Core(2).Lv I],

Resistances: None

Magic: None

Unique Magic: None

Extras: Beyond System(Owner);

Inventory: Rehia; Pan]

'I suppose this is an acceptable status... I'm not very familiar with the concept but is indeed interesting to be able to have this much control over my progress.' Claudius mused as he looked at his status with a smile.

'Lilith, you said that this world is full of mages and Cultivators, how do they work? Are mages and cultivators accepted or are they feared?' Claudius questioned.

[In this world mages are accepted. They are regulated under an organization known as the magic association which keeps an eye on the mages. There are also three types of mages, independent mages such as yourself who belong to no faction, legal mages who belong to a guild or another legal organization, and dark mages, who belong to dark guilds or other illegal organizations.

While cultivators are mostly feared for their ruthlessness. They are regulated under the Heavenly Dao Court and there are rogue cultivators, who don't have a faction like independent mages, demonic cultivators, who partake in sacrificing lives and vile acts to gain power, and Righteous Cultivators who are the ones better viewed for being more Pacific than other cultivators.] Lilith explained.

'I see, so as long as I don't commit crimes or join a vile factions they shouldn't bother me too much. Then again I'm not the type to care. Having all that into consideration, I've decided that someday I'll make my own faction, but for now, I'll build a name for myself in this world. If I consider everything, I'll eventually go on a world domination campaign, so, only vile factions will be willing to work with me. That's already in a best-case scenario, me and my faction might very well be up against the whole world, so I'll have to choose the members wisely.' Claudius came to conclude after thinking about his plans.

[You just got here and you're already on it, that's the spirit! I can't wait to see you control the whole world as a Supreme Ruler!] Lilith was excited by the idea.

'In the end, I'll be more of a shadow ruler since I'll leave other individuals to control of each country under me. I might even establish my own country.' Claudius smiled at the thought of being at the top of everything and everyone.

Next chapter