
Prologue Pt 2 Second Chance

The man, known as Mikazuchi Takemi, died that day. He knew it from the moment he pushed the little girl out of the way he would die. He only wished he got that final NP5 Scathach before anything else. But it was too late, he was dead.

He always wondered what would happen after death. Would his mind cease to exist? Would he reincarnate? Would he go to Heaven? Or Hell?

The Type-Moon universe didn't explain it very well either. The only thing that mattered, to mages at least, was reaching the ROOT and obtaining the Third True Magic Heaven's Feel. If you succeed you were immortal. If you didn't you were only one of hundreds of thousands of people that failed in pursuit of the ROOT.

Eternal life sounded cool, but the First and Second True Magic sounded a whole lot cooler than immortality. Being able to go to other dimensions and create literally anything out of nothing sounded pretty bad*ss. If one wanted to be immortal, they could just become a Dead Apostle or be like Zouken Makiri, if you really wanted to.

"Well young man? Would you like a chance? A chance to reach「 」?".

Mikazuchi Takemi heard a voice. He assumed he was in a coma unable to respond, but when he tried to open his mouth,


A voice came out and he found out that his body was fine and he could move and hear and touch. But not see.

He could here the voice laughing at him, "An instant answer! I had my doubts about this world but it seems there are some interesting people here. What's your name?".

Standing upwards Takemi, turned his body in every direction trying to determine were the voice came from, but when he couldn't he stared in one particular direction and said, "Takemi, Takemi Mikazuchi".

"Well Mikazuchi-kun, what is your favorite thing in the whole world".

"Type-Moon", he responds instantly. He wasn't ashamed of it. he was proud of it and got many of his friends to watch at least one Fate anime. If Type-Moon was a religion he would definitely become a saint after his death.

"And what is the thing you like and dislike the most about this... Type-Moon?". The voice was clearly amused. To Takemi, the voice sounded more and more familiar every time her heard it, but he couldn't put his finger on it.

"Magic and Magecraft. It's an amazing concept that was done well by the creators, however...".

"What? Do you not like it?".

"On the contrary! It is one of the thing I like the most about it! I only wish it was better developed... they could've done incredible things. But a lot of ideas were underdeveloped".

"Like what? What is undeveloped about it?", the voices amusement vanished and a curiosity replaced it.

If Takemi could see his face right now he would realize he was smiling. Spreading the word of Type-Moon to people who didn't know anything about it was something that he loved to do. The look on peoples faces when they saw Artoria clash with Heracles, Karna's final battle with Sieg or even when Enkidu and Gilgamesh Noble Phantasm's collided.

It made him happy.

"Things like the True Ancestors were done well, but esoteric concepts like the Reverse Side of the World and Outside the World. The Ultimate One's and the Age of Gods! Gaia, Alaya, Atlantis, Phantasmal Beasts, Divine Spirits, the Counter Force! Even though the description of these were given, I want to know the how! For what reason! Who created them! I want to know! And yes, if the ROOT can give me this knowledge I would gladly seek it out!".

His voice was like a child looking through a toy store's fogy window. I could see the outline of the toy, but the details were shrouded.

The voice went silent. It was silent until a grumble rang out.

"Damn. If you were born in my world, you might've actually reached it... given enough time at least".


"I've decided! Takemi Mikazuchi! I will let you inherit it my world's Magic! Everything! The First, Second, Third and Fifth! I even believe you may revive the Fourth with this! With this power, you will reach it and make it your own!".

The voice caused Takemi to become flustered and say, "What are you talking about? Magic? First? Second? No way!?".

"Divine Spirits! Phantasmal Beasts! Alaya and Gaia shall all bow down before you! Open your eyes young man... to the Truth!".

Takemi unconsciously did as the voice said and was now gazing up empty space. Planets, stars and black holes were passing by at incredible rates. He could see the birth of planets and the end of suns. But the only thing that mattered was the old man sitting on the throne in front of him.

"I haven't someone with a pair of those eyes in a long time, young man".

The man had grey hair and blood red eyes. He was wearing a strange suit with a short cape placed on his shoulders. He smiled before waving his hand,

"I'll leave it up to fate for us to meet again. If you reach「 」then we'll definitely meet again. I have high hopes in you... Takemi Mikazuchi".

Takemi's eyes widened before he tried to reach out to the man on the throne.

"Wait, Kischur! Where am I going?".

"It's a similar to the one you dream of. Although it's view of Magic and Science is severely distorted. It'll be up to you to fix that".

A crack appeared behind Takemi, it was glowing a veritable Kaleidoscope of colors causing his eyes to widen.

"One more moment! I have so many-".

"Good bye. I sincerely hope we meet again, Takemi Mikazuchi. Until then".

The man known as Takemi Mikazuchi was sucked into the Kaleidoscope and hurled through time and space, his body and soul changing while examining raw power and energy that was time and space. His didn't notice it, but his eyes glowed red and blue before landing on something soft and passing out.

But not before hearing a man's voice, "Ara? What are you doing here?".


This is the new novel that I was coming up with instead of writing Fate/Cultivation or Gamer in My Hero Academia.

You can probably guess what universe it'll be set in and that I definitely plan on expanding it in later chapters.

Also Harem! Can't forget that little detail.

I will only release chapters for this in bulk so this will update occasionally but with around 5 chapters every time.

Please comment on what you think so far

Your Faithful Author, Mr Moist

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