
The warning

In that moment, a surge of panic washed over her, threatening to consume her composure. She fought to steady her breathing, to quell the rising tide of anxiety that threatened to overwhelm her.

Just as the silence stretched between them, Abby's phone rang, the sound a welcome reprieve from the tension that hung in the air. With a quick glance at the caller ID, she seized upon the opportunity to escape the uncomfortable conversation.

"Sorry, Dad, I need to take this," Abby blurted out, her voice tinged with urgency as she reached for her phone.

Her father, sensing her discomfort, nodded in understanding, his expression softening with a hint of concern. "Of course, dear. Take your time."

As Abby hastily excused herself from the room, her heart pounded with a mixture of relief and guilt. She knew that she had lied to her father, and the weight of that deception weighed heavily on her conscience.

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