
Genin exam(Part 1)

After the sudden attack on Suna the Akatsuki had become the enemy number one of Konoha and Iwa, as they were the most concerned.Iwa wanted to directly attack them but Hiruzen surprisingly managed to calm Onoki.They talked about a possible counter-attack but it was difficult to even think about it since they didn't know anything about the Akatsuki.Spies from the two village started to travel around the world and search for any informations but sadly the only thing they got in months was a name.


The man said to be the leader of the Akatsuki.There was also some informations about an Uchiha in the organisation but they considered it to be only a rumour.

During those months Obito had to train the recruits even more as Orochimaru was creating Undeads like crazy.The army of the Akatsuki was slowly becoming a huge force but it's a story for another time.

After all those months the Genin exams was about to start and a surprise came with it.The Hokage changed the whole exam after the council came to the conclusion that the ninjas produced by the current Academy were too weak.

The new exam was simple but extremely difficult for all those kids who took the exam as a joke.To become a genin now, one has to fight against a chunin instructor in a taijutsu spar, then demonstrate 2 offensive and 1 defensive jutsus, and finally the students has to survive a week in the forest while trying to beat each other.The one who beat the most student no matter how, is the one with the most chances of becoming a genin.Those who have a perfect or near perfect score will be selected as potiental future chunin and can take a personal exam to become a chunin when their new jonin sensei deem them prepared enough.

It was extremely satisfying for all the serious students but since they were too few many were horrified.It was pretty much impossible to pass for most since they didn't knew any jutsu that could be useful during the exam, not to even talk about the fact that most cannot survive in a forest for a week much less doing it while battling.

Naruto and Sasuke were so excited they began to train like madmen while Itachi and Shisui kept teaching them the ways of the shinobi.

Talking about Itachi he was slowly becoming an impressive ninja.Obito himself said that Itachi was even stronger than the Sannin.He was also becoming depressive, because of something that he wasn't prepared for.


Itachi was a calm man who was always relaxed and took things with a clear mind but now...He was a mess.Obito gave him way too many things to do for the Akatsuki and the training of Sasuke and Naruto was seriously exhausting for him.Shisui tried to help of course but everytime he did another task would be appointed to Itachi.In the end all he could was pray that everything will be better once the Uchiha take control of the village, even though he was now a complete stranger to this village.He was always away and when he got back he didn't even bother to go anywhere else than his house or the Anbu HQ.


Today was the big day.Today Naruto and Sasuke were gonna prove to everyone how strong they were.They knew that the Anbu weren't spying on them since the threat of Akatsuki had become too great and the Hokage was slightly paranoid.

"OY!!SASUKE GET YOU ASS MOVING!!"Shouted the little blondie as he entered Sasuke room only to see the black-haired boy checking his eyes in front of the mirror.

"What are you doing dumbass?"

Sasuke turned around with a pout as he sighed.

"*Sigh*I'm still waiting for my Mangekyou sharingan to awaken through training but still no result...Naruto maybe i should really kill you."Said Sasuke with a blank face as Naruto began to laugh.

"HAHAHA!What are you even talking about?!Friends don't kill each other, they help their friends killing other people!!"Said Naruto with a serious face as Sasuke chuckled and shook his head.

After they both prepared to go to school, they entered the kitchen and sat around the table.Mikoto and Itachi were cooking breakfast, while Fugaku was training in the garden.The weather was nice and for some reasons they all felt incredibly relaxed.

'Life is certainly better since the Twins came'Thought everyone as they happily ate breakfast like a normal family.

After they exited the compound Sasuke and Naruto walked towards the Academy as they encountered many students on the way.The other kids had warmed to those two but they couldn't be considered as friends so they just exchanged a few words.

"I'm so fucking excited!!"Shouted Naruto as they entered the building and went towards their classes.

"SASUKE!!"Shouted an annoying blonde-haired girl who tried to hug Sasuke but was stopped by Naruto who slapped her so hard she fell to the ground with teary eyes.

"Ino i already broke the other bitch, if you don't want to become like her*Point at Sakura*You better shut the fuck up and let us alone.Sasuke don't mind you because he doesn't care about useless fangirls but i'm seriously pissed."Said Naruto while Sakura lowered her head and silently cried under the cold smile on Sasuke's face.

Ino stayed on the ground with stunned expression as the boys sat on their seats, none of the students dared to annoy them.A certain pale-eyed girl smirked as she saw how dominating her crush was.

Iruka entered the room and immediately told everyone to join him outside.Once they arrived he made them sat down and began to talk.

"Firstly you're all gonna fight a chunin in a taijutsu spar so we can evaluate your current level.Some of you requested to fight against special instructors and the Hokage accepted, two of you actually requested to fight against Jonin so we're gonna start with their fights."Said Iruka with a serious face as everyone was stunned except for Kiba who requested to fight his sister and Sakura who requested to fight against Kurenai, the genjutsu mistress of Konoha.

"First fight Uzumaki Naruto vs Uchiha Itachi!"


Hope you enjoy!

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For those who aren't really interested about the genin exam don't worry, after it's finished the story will get more interesting with the fight against Zabuza,and a little surprise.

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