This a tale about an ancient prophecy...Humanity's last hope of redemption. A Cursed Princess and a sadistic Vampire King In a kingdom far far away there lived a princess who faints at the sight of blood. She was sheltered and had never met with other humans because of her *curse*. For this reason, this little bird didn't know about the dangers outside neither did she know about the big bad wolf that reigns supreme. He is called the Ruler of The Night. Then one day... A marriage pact was made. For this sheltered cursed princess to marry the twisted Vampire King of the Morville Castle. . . What happens when a girl who faints at the sight of blood is married to a vampire? Turn him to a vegetarian? What about a twisted sadistic Vampire who only takes delight in chaos and disaster and feeds on the suffering of others. Gets involved with the sheltered princess who knows nothing about his supremacy?. And what about the prophecy untold? This book contains gore, history, R18 moments...I mean historians ba- ehm..(*bang) too. So proceed with caution. It's all a fantasy, so you might see slimes talking and stones walking. Believe me, it happened... in this world! Even if it's not your cup of crimson, add it to your library it for now, but don't forget to send power stones (wink) to fuel the darkness within. ×××××××××× EXCERPT ~ "I-is that blood?" The princess's voice trembled as she pointed a shaky finger. The tall figure lounging on the bed lazily wiped the liquid from the corner of his lips, his piercing gold eyes locking onto hers with an unnerving intensity. "What else would my kind crave?" he replied, his voice low and husky. The princess raised a hand, as if to slow his explanation, but her head spun with a dizzying sense of dread. "It's low quality, though," he continued, his gaze never leaving hers. "I find it almost...condescending, that I'm being served the blood of the lowest human. But since they're your kind, you might want to taste it. The human is still alive...for now." As he dragged the limp body forward, the young girl felt a bitter wave rise in her stomach. She clutched her chest, her eyes fixed on the lifeless form. "Oh, dear heavens," she whispered, before her vision darkened and she crumpled to the floor.