
Li Jie

The doors of the elevator opened. And he still didn't let go of me.


He pulled away from me rather annoyed but didn't back up. Who is this man?

I pushed him maybe a little to hard.

I looked over and saw the guy that kissed Li Qiang earlier. What was he doing on our floor? He was also sweating and waiting by the elevator. Was he waiting for me and Liu Wei? Why?

"If you saw us. You could've been a little more quiet."

Liu Wei pushed passed the guy he seemed mad but it wasn't to bad which was an amazing thing. His temper is too short and I wasn't going to deal with it.

"GIRLLLLLLL. I came in here to tell you to stay away from my man but I didn't assume you had one yourself." He gave me a side eye and smirked. Ugh what is with everyone in this office they all drive me crazy.

There was no way he was gonna be able to keep his mouth shut so I might as well explain everything so he knows to be quiet.

"It's not like that. Didn't you see me struggling." I pointed at Liu Wei and said "THAT MAN is evil."

"NO WAY! Spill the tea sis and I won't say anything to anyone even to my baby daddy." He winked and headed to the seats in the CEO's office. He seemed well acquainted and didn't care what he was doing even if he was in the dragons den.

I followed him. I had to explain that nothing was going on.

Well kind of.

I guess something was going on.

But it's not intentional.

At least not on my side.

So it doesn't count right?


Why am I confusing my self.

I sat down and hit my head harder than I intended too. It hurt a little. But I had to focus so I could tell a great story.

"Why would you hit your head that hard. Were you having indecent thoughts about your boyfriend over there."

"Ughh. He's not my boyfriend! We never dated well kind of. Are you dating if your married?"

"WHATTTTT! No way I have to tweet about this. You don't know the level of views i'll have girl."

He pulled out his phone and was about to start typing when I grabbed it.

"Let me explain before you go and tell everyone. This wasn't intentional on my part I was forced. Okay?"

I told him the whole story his attention was fully focused on me the whole time. I didn't even have to make it dramatic for him to be shocked.

"Wow. That's a lot to happen in like one day. I mean I knew the CEO was evil. But I didn't know this I can't believe he force married you. And he wasn't he drunk at the company dinner. He could win an Oscar! He's never been interested in anyone at all. Everyone thought he was gay for a while but he had no interest for boys either. I guess I understand why you don't want me to say anything the contract sounds crazy."

"I know! It is!"

I leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear.

"I'm trying to find a way out of this contract before anything more happens."

What I had forgot about was the fact that the CEO was not far away enough and my whisper was no where near quiet enough. Which also meant he heard our whole conversation.

I pulled away.

"Okay i'll he-"

Before he could finish a voice that sent chills down my spine every time I heard it spoke up.

"Baby. There is no way around my contract. And if you ever think of trying to get rid of me. I'll have to make you remember your promise to me when we were younger. And you!" He glared over at the man sitting across from me. I just realized I hadn't even figured out his name. And I have no clue what he meant by when we were younger. That's weird. But that didn't matter I was more worried for the man. Liu Wei looked like he would kill him. I don't want to have to learn his name at his funeral.

The look in Liu Wei's eyes could scare someone enough to want to be away from them for years. Or an eternity.

"You will not talk about my contract like that. It is reasonable. You mustn't forget that I could fire you in a second and not even have a care in the world. If I ever hear anything like what I just heard you'll surely regret it." He sat back down in his seat with no other words.

Me and him gave a look to each other and headed to the elevator. The CEO wouldn't be able to hear us from here.

"Like I was saying earlier. Don't worry I'll help you. We might want to tell Li Qiang though, he could help."

"If you think it's best go ahead but make sure you or him don't say anything I don't want this to get out."

"Of course. And by the way! My name is Li Jie. And yours is Haley. Which isn't Chinese so what's your chinese name?"

He asked rather quickly.

Wow that name does not fit him. Someone so dainty?

"My chinese name is Zhang Xiu Ying. I prefer the one my mom gave me. Because it's easier to say."

"Your name fits you well. Elegant and Brave is perfect."

He gave me his number and we chatted while the elevator came up. He got on and went down to his floor. While I headed back to the dragons den.

I got in and suddenly. His voice was heard again. He was sitting on the front of his desk. With his hands back and his head turned towards the door and me.

He looked so handsome. That I was almost distracted.

"I guess i'll have to remind you of our promise from when we were younger."

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