
Dad's love is endless read this if ur dad has dead .

There was a small girl who lived in a cute small family with her mom and dad. She use to love her dad very much more than her mom. His dad was her God for her she obeys at his commands . she loves him so much than any other things in the world. As she was growing his father tried to avoid his wife and his daughter wen she was 10th std .22nd Nov 2011 they went to Kerala for a wedding and there her father drunk... As per the doctors advice actually her father mus'nt take alcohol but he was drunk while returning to Chennai and he sat near his wife and ate his last dinner from his wives hand and the child ate the last meat which was the remaining food her father kept for her . Her father tried to reach his couch in the train and becoz he was drunk he couldn't walk properly and he fell down facing downwards and everyone tried to put him on the bed and covered him... Next morning ,everyone was shocked ,one of hers cousin brother tried to wake sunny but he didn't woke up and he called everyone and that small girl doesn't understand anything her mom was shouting wen the girl saw her dad having meat in his mouth which was opened.. and eyes was blue like a fishes eyes, body was very cold, feet was swollen , nails were broken, a scratch on his left hand, no one knows wat had happened to him and how did he pass away the whole family was shock inside the train and it was only few minutes left to reach the Chennai Central but the other passengers did not leave them to keep the body inside the train so they pulled the chain and made them to get down in the middle at arokonam. The one an only wife who was so dependable on her husband was shock and the child was also in shock,she couldn't even believe her eyes ,The man who was there with her now he is not there and it is really a great disheartening moments.. then after a some fights with police (because they filed a case coz he died in the train ) they came to Chennai- Thomas mount in the car , the time they came it started to rain heavily continuously for three days till they burry him inside. And that small girl believes,that each time it rains her dad is with her .. and now she is working as a teacher and she still sees and speaks to her father in dreams and also feels his blessings wen ever she needs like (during her birthday it rains,if she's writing a public exam it rains , even she goes for an interview it rains ) past 6 years ,it still rains during her birthday Dec 29 .

When we are crazy on someone and if they pass away we feel that they are with us and we feel their signs and we believe that they still love us .. so if u miss ur loved ones believe that they are around u and they will show u any signs that they are their with u. This is the true story ..