

Her father, the supreme alpha king, mother, the supreme sorceress. She was born on a full moon becoming the chosen one. Also, born by an Alpha king and supreme sorceress, she became a hybrid, possessing immense powers. But on the day of her birth, her power thirsty uncle, brother of her mother, Liam, ambushed them, trying to abduct her and use the powers in her to rule the underworld. But her mother the supreme sorceress ran away with her child, she got to the human realm through a portal and found a desperate childless couple, she gave them her child but before that, tied an enchanted bracelet on her wrist, asking them to take care of her and never take the bracelet off of her wrist. Then the supreme sorceress ran back to the kingdom to help her husband. And although the supreme alpha king was powerful, he couldn't defeat Liam who had awakened the ancient dark sorcery, he was killed and the supreme sorceress, imprisoned by her own brother. The king's child, the chosen one, now lives amongst human with the childless couple .........WILL SHE FIND OUT AND SEEK VENGEANCE FOR HER PARENTS, AND TAKE OVER FROM THE EVIL HANDS OF HER UNCLE AND BECOME THE TRUE LEADER? FIND OUT AS YOU DIVE INTO A WORLD OF FANATSY........... "Uhmm, congratulations your highness, I...its a baby girl" One of the park doctors told Lucius while handing the baby over to the him awkwardly. The supreme alpha king took the baby and went to the Luna, supreme queen Naomi. They both looked at the child with admiration but it quickly turned into shock as the baby started glowing a bright purple, a white crescent then showed on the side of her wrist, almost like a tattoo but it was glowing. Her golden brown hair turned a mesmerizing silver and her azure eyes suddenly turned a beautiful purple making her look like a goddess.............. NOTE, THE NOVEL IS STILL UNDER UPDATE, SO PARDON MISTAKES, LOVE YA'LL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PS-----CHECK MY IG PAGE 4 IIMAGES OF CHARACTERS IN ALL MY STORIES[ serene_author] and my FACEBOOK PAGE TOO[Treasure Sunday].......

Treasure_Sunday_4274 · Fantasy
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57 Chs



Everybody was gathered at the alpha's meeting room. They already had dinner and decided to have the discussion in the meeting room. The alpha sat on his huge chair with his Luna besides him......

"So, Crown prince, tell us, what is the important discussion that you want us to have?" Alpha Martel asked as he sat on his huge throne, his wife beside him.

"Alpha this meeting is about mate here. She wants to know about her parents. The only clue we have is that her mother is the supreme sorceress. So, we wanted to ask if you know anything about her parents?" Jason asked cautiously.

"...….okay, I see, the supreme sorceress.....wait, the supreme sorceress? Wow, she is the strongest sorcerer and witch alive. The only thing I can remember is that she had a child but was ambushed by an anonymous being. She also got mated to the supreme alpha lord. The child survived but there is a rumor that the child was taken to the human realm and no one knows if she's alive or not.........." Alpha Martel narrated.

" Well, I'm the child, do you perhaps know any other thing?" Selena inquired.

" No, my child.....Although there is a rumor that says the supreme witch was captured by her power thirsty brother, which I guess is your uncle" The alpha added.

"But how, isn't she supposed to be like the most powerful witch?" Jason asked confused.

"Yes, but it is said that the brother to the the supreme witch was possessed by the forbidden power of black sorcery" Alpha Martel said. 

"What?? Isn't the power forbidden and locked away?" Jason questioned the alpha confusedly.

"Apparently, he found a way to unlock it because of his power thirsty and evil mind, the black magic making him more evil" The alpha replied, his hand on his jaw.

"Wait, wait, hold on, this is too much to bear........Alpha, I'm so sorry, but you said my mother, the supreme witch and sorcerer was captured by my uncle? And you know nothing about my dad except him being the supreme alpha lord? Selena asked all at once.

"Yes, of course, your dad was powerful, the king of all alphas" Alpha Martel said as he looked at his quiet wife, who nodded in agreement.

"But, then again, as you said, he is the supreme alpha lord, why couldn't he save my mum from being captured?" Selena questioned totally lost.

"I'm sorry but I really can't remem...."

"Wait, I remember he fought in a war with so many black creatures. I heard of how he fought and fought and bought some time for his wife, your mother, time to elope with you to the human realm, but apart from that, I can't remember any other thing" The Luna finally said something, interrupting the alpha.

"But why would he ambush his own brother-in-law?" Jason asked.

"Maybe it's because I'm the chosen one" Selena suddenly said and paused.

"Yeah, its makes sense, he must need me for something and maybe that's why he wanted to abduct me, yeah, that's what she was talking about" Selena said to herself, confusing everyone.

"Wait, you're the chosen one, I thought that was just a myth?" The alpha asked, his eyes widened, followed by the Luna.

Jason was about to say something when a guard entered the meeting room.........

" Pardon me alpha, the seer is here, he wants to see you" The guard announced, bowing his head...

"The seer?, that's new, he almost never comes here......unless it's urgent or very important, Please tell him to come in" Alpha Martel said referring to the waiting guard.....

"Greetings Alpha,.......... Oh dear moon goddess, its true she's alive, the prophecy is true as they have written...greetings chosen one, I'm delighted to meet your acquittance" The seer said.

"What do you mean, Phil, why are you here?" The alpha asked.

"Well alpha, I saw the prophecy of the chosen one. The chosen one will be reincarnated into the first born of the two supreme creatures and she will be the one to end the war between the black and white realms of witches. She will bring peace unto the supernatural realm, but the sad part is that, she must die to save the supernatural realm and her mate will be the one to end her as the dark spirit in her will bring destruction even though she brings peace" The seer narrated sadly...

"NO, ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN, NEVER!!!!!" Jason growled at the seer, His parents in shock as well as Selena as a lone tear fell out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry crowned prince, but there is nothing I can do as it has already been prophesied, she must di........"


"My prince there's nothing we can do" The seer tried to calm the prince who's wolf was already at the edge of being released.

"SHUT UP, I'LL FIND A WAY, I WILL" Jason yelled as he dragged Selena out of the room, not caring of his parents......................


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