

Immortal world dual cultivation: Two figures sat on the highest point of the Eternal Retribution Cliff, one old man and the other a handsome young man with otherworldly features. The old man emitted an ancient aura that caused the surrounding space to twist and turn, and the young man casually sat beside him, looking as though the heavy atmosphere did not bother him at all.

"Young man, what crimes have you committed to get yourself stuck in this gloomy place? You do not look like someone who belongs here…" The old man asked the young man, his gaze filled with interest as he looked at the young man, who was surrounded by a noble aura that calmed the space surrounding him.

The young man showed a slight smile. "I have done many things, one such as devouring the forbidden fruit created by the His Majesty, the Heavenly Emperor," he said in a calm voice.

The old man lifted his brows in surprise, and his gaze flickered with shock as he looked at the young man.

"You… you… you…" Unsure of what to say, the old man stuttered nonstop. To be shocked speechless, this was a first even for someone as ancient as him, not to mention his wide eyes that hadn't been this wide for countless years.

"I'm more surprised that you are still alive after all that than what you've done!"

The young man only smiled at his words.

Suddenly, the old man burst out laughing: "I can already imagine the raging face of the Heavenly Emperor when he first heard the news! Ahahaha! Young man, I have taken a liking to you! What is your name?"

The ancient aura surrounding the old man had long disappeared. He looked and acted more like a kind grandpa than anything now.

"The name's Su Yang," said the young man.

"Then Su Yang… would you like to leave this place?" The old man suddenly grinned, showing his two rows of yellow teeth.

Su Yang turned to look at the old man's face for the first time; it was filled with wrinkles, almost like a dried up fruit. However, despite his ghost-like face, his eyes were as clear as water, and they shone brighter than the brightest stars in this eternal night sky.

"What's the point?" Su Yang said a moment later: "Even if I can leave this place, it will only trigger the Heavenly Emperor's anger even further. I think I prefer sitting here until my soul rots away than having to constantly deal with the Heavenly Emperor's wrath."

"What if I say that you can leave and not have to worry about the Heavenly Emperor?" The old man kept the grin on his face, but deep in his gaze flickered a profound light.

"Then what? What should I do after leaving? Continue living the sinful life that I have been living for the past thousands of years? Or take revenge on those who wrongly accused me?"

"That… is up to you."

Su Yang suddenly reached his hands towards the night sky and made a grasping motion, almost as if he wished to grab ahold of the stars shining above. "Then… if I one day decide to leave this place, I will…" He suddenly stopped talking and smiled: "Forget it. I think I'd still rather be lazy in this place until I die."

The old man suddenly started laughing again: "You are still too young to completely hide your desire from this ancient one, young one! Even if you stay here for all eternity, can you really die from old age? An immortal such as yourself? Hehehe… your wish… I shall grant it!" He suddenly stood up and waved his sleeves, and the night sky that hadn't changed since the creation of this Eternal Retribution Cliff suddenly turned to day, bewildering every soul that dwelled there.

"You… who are you?" Su Yang stared at the grinning old man with wide eyes.

The old man said: "Just an old man with nothing better to do. Right… before I send you away, I'd like to thank you for what you did…"

"Thank me…? What do you mean by tha–"

Before Su Yang could ask the old man why he was being thanked, a bright white light suddenly engulfed the world, taking away his vision.


God realm Unparlled After 10 Consecutive Draws: A seemingly young man was sitting on top of a throne.

"Ahhh how boring everything is isn't that right lan yu" A voice that seemed to have the power to control everything around it bellowed.

Then a heavenly voice that seemed divine arouse "quite master what shall you say about going out".

"Sure" the voice said as he stood up the world seemed to move around him like he was teleporting.

As they started to move through the cosmos a figure appeared it looked old then it spoke "how long has it been,your project number #001-Alpha Chu Kuangren correct well I already know the answer anyway,since you conquered this universe you will be transferred to universe B".

As Chu Kuangren heard this he knew who this was and that if he tried to reject he would be destroyed by the figure as he came to a decision he said "fine I'll come but can lan yu come to".

"That will be ok"the old man said as he continued "you will lose your memories of this life but you can regain them by cultivating, also you will have your talent in the sword dao.And you may pick your starting point in this world,but I must warn you there is another specimen in this world".

With all this information being given to him he didn't know what to think "ok but two questions who is the other specimen and will I be able to pick the starting year".The old man gave a contemplating look then spoke "I cannot tell you the answer for the first question, the second you will not be able to pick the year but it will be around the time he is there".

" Ok I'm ready" he said then the old man spoke "Then let us set off".

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