
Birth and Minor Planning

Then darkness, It is warm and compact and I can't breath, but I felt I didn't need to. It was scary at first, but then a warm feeling overcame me. It had to be xerneas reassuring me, it was the Pokémon of life afterall. So I waited….

After a while I grew accustomed to it.. I hadn't known how long I had been in the womb but I could hear faint voices, so I probably wasn't far off from being born.

After what felt like ages I saw a faint light and I knew it was time for me to get out. "Aaaaaahhhhhh" I heard wails coming from outside and I knew it was my new mother screaming from the pain.

"Hello my little stag" that was the first thing my mother said to me. She was young and beautiful. Golden hair and green eyes. I didn't know how I could understand her but I didn't question it. I tried to speak "waaaaaaah" only gibberish came out.

The only people in the chamber was my mother and maester pycelle. My father never showed up….as expected he never loved his family.

Following my birth my mother and the old maester spoke for a bit, then he left after making sure he was no longer needed.

After he left my mother went to sleep and I started thinking, planning.

I was born from what I overheard during my time in the womb at the end of the rebellion, it had already concluded and Baratheon sat on the iron throne. That gave me 8 years before the Greyjoy rebellion granted everything stayed the same, my birth probably already fucked everything up.

I will also need to get my hands on a Valaryan steel sword, now I have reason to believe that one is held with aemon at the wall, most likely blackfyre so I will need to travel there in the future.

I won't need to learn magic since I have the quirk half and half, I just need to master my body and quirk. I can also bring out xerneas and solgaleo when I get to the wall or in the wolfs woods.

When I'm older I would like to go north and foster with the starks. While I'm up there I can build connections with nobility and visit the wall.

For now though I just need to wait and grow. I relaxed my body and got some much needed rest.

soooooooo thoughts. bet you thought I wouldn’t upload again. but it was me DIO. hope you enjoyed our Mc planning ahead. much love.-Author sensei

tsukoyomi720creators' thoughts