
The Creation

As John began concentrating on Doren's power he could feel a thread of energy giving an ever so slight pull. Wandering through territories that is unknown to him, he began feeling different life forms around him. The animals became bigger is denser areas and smaller in sparce areas. The forrest became thicker and slimmer as he walked. Unknown of his destination, John was a wanderer. Avoiding big cities that may house the armies he has fought and staying in small villages. John has seen massive oceans and tiny streams, amazed that he had never heard stories about them. John witnessed massive trees falling and a land where no water could be found. He didn't know how long the journey would take but he was focusing more upon the adventure than the destination. Checking frequently to ensure he hasn't strayed from Doren's pull, he continued. Eating when he was hungry and resting when he needed to, armed with nothing but his sword and a hooded cloak to conceal his appearance. Many had mistaken him for a thief or bandit, however when they felt John's aura, they corrected themselves. Not seeking trouble nor fights, the time passed by. What felt like days was actually months, John had lost the concept of time and lost himself in the adventure.

The pull was getting ever so stronger the closer he got, conversations between the three of them were constant. All of them have seen sights unknown to them, witnessed the peacefulness of the forrest and the harshness of the desert. His senses were overloaded every day. The times of adventuring were about to change and the times of survival are upon him. Making camp on the tree line in a meadow, John was preparing a camp fire after hunting a few rabbits in the meadow, when he heard what sounded like thunder from a storm. With clear skies and the sound rumbling in from on side, John was curious. Climbing a tall tree to look at the direction of the noise, he saw the sky that way too was cleared with no signs of a storm. John began descending the tree as if he were floating down it, once the ground was under his feet, he sprinted towards the sound. Stepping as lightly as he could, he footsteps sounded of whispers. Across the meadow and through the opposite tree line, he entered a lightly wooded area, few trees but thick bushes of leaves overhead. As the tree broke from in front of him he seen giant hills made of stones, it was as if a giant stone hand was reaching from the ground. Unable to fully enjoy the sight when a thundering boom was emitting from just the other side of this rocky hill. "I need to borrow some power from you both." John stated mentally. "It's yours." replied Doren and Ampol. With a great leap, wings formed on John's back midair and began flying to the top of this hill. The rush of wind was chilling and the air was getting harder to breathe, John pushed through. As he was nearing the top of this hill a thundering sound rattled his bones. He was close, he could feel the tension in the air as well as the deafening, bone rattling sound getting closer. Dashing to the other side of the hill, John found the source of the sound. What John witnessed was not a sight he was expecting. Two large groups battling, only this wasn't the armies he has dealt with in the past. One side was filled with black wings protruding from the backs of people while the other side were white golden wings, as the two in the middle clashed swords, the thunder erupted.

Seeking answers, John interrogated Ampol and Doren. The answers were the same, as human war over territory and power, as do demons and angels. The two clashing were the generals for both sides, doing a contest of power as both sides stood ready to charge. "We have to stop this." John stated angrily. "If we interfere now John, we might have to fight both sides." Doren answered calmly. "Weren't you both the strongest of your kinds before merging with me?" John questioned. "We were, yes, however neither of us have regained our full power and they may not feel intimidated from a human possessing our power." Ampol responded. John frustrated because all he could was watch, out of the corner of his eyes he noticed something. He wasn't expecting this sight and lost all sense of rationality. "JOHN! DON'T!" screamed Ampol.

It was too late, John leaped off the hilltop shooting down towards the angel's group. In the front center of this group was a face John recognized. As John landed on the ground, just where he aimed. John was immediately surrounded by angelic weapons that were drawn on him. With his face hidden by his cloak, John reached for the familiar face. He reach was shortened as a blade was stretching for his arm. Quickly retracting his arm, John avoided the blow. With a quick dash, John closed the little distance between him and the angel. The angel tried to back step to the safety of the circle, but was too slow. John arm reached around the angel and pulled close to him, John leaped. With wings being opened midair, the circle of angels weren't expecting and didn't react in time. John aimed back towards the hilltop as fast as he could. With five known angels following him quickly, John landed on the hilltop. Within moments, the circle again formed around John. "Getting your attention is more difficult than I remember." John stated laughingly. The angel quick held up a hand to signal the circle to lower their weapons. "Samantha, we need to have a talk." John stated. "It would seem so, but first things first." Samantha responded.

With a swift turn, Samantha turned to the nearest soldier of the circle. "Return to the battlefield." Samantha ordered. "My lady, we cannot trust this monster, who just kidnapped you from the middle of an army. You were sent to us by the blessings of our greatest general and we won't leave you with this thing." The soldier stated harshly. John lifted his cloak revealing his face, feeling both Doren and Ampols energy flowing through him, "It was I, who sent her!" John shouted. The guard stumbled back a step, "It's not possible, you're no angel." The soldier shouted back. "Doren, take a break. Ampol, let's show him." John stated as he removed his cloak. As the cloak hit the ground, John became engulfed in Ampol's power, both wings, both eyes shined bright white with the gold tilt. "You dare to challenge me?!" Ampol shouted. The soldier stumbled backwards and fell to his knees as Ampol's power began weighing down on him. "Enough, Ampol, you've made your point. They are going to return to the battlefield so John and I can talk." Samantha stated as she glanced at the soldiers. "Yes, my lady." the soldiers stated and returned back down the hill.

"You have a lot of questions, I may not have an answer for, John." Samantha stated. "Then let's start with the obvious ones." John blurted out. "Like, why didn't you come tell me you're back? Why are you fighting? Why did you make me think I'd never see you again? How are you an angel?" John questioned as he teared up. "Ok, I'm going to start simply John. I'm an angel now because we have lost small battles that thinned our numbers too much and I was offered a proposition. Since the greatest general of the angels blessed me, they said if I accepted to become an angel, I would be able to see you again and make the world a better place. We tried to track you by tracking Doren and Ampol's energy. It was a sensitive tracker and it couldn't pick up any traces of their power. We thought you were dead because we heard the smite prayer from Ampol and then we couldn't find any of their energies. I'm not fighting in any wars or battles. I am a witness to their fights, I am to provide detailed reports to the acting general." Samantha explained. "I never stopped believing you were alive John, I couldn't just pop into our village and look for you. It would've gave my parents hope that I wouldn't be able to shoulder." Samantha continued. "I forgot, you've been away a long time. It's no longer a village, I built it into a city. It has walls that towers trees and is very safe now." John replied. "I wish I could see it." Samantha responded. "Why can't you?" John questioned. "If I were to return to the area, people could see me and recognize me. I will not let my parents lose me again." Samantha explained tearing up. "Why can't you come back for good?" John asked. "If there were more than one powerful entity in an area, demons and angels alike will sense it and try to recruit or destroy it John. I will not bring that war to my home." responded Samantha. "The only way I could return home is if the war between angels and demons subsided or one of the races were completely destroyed." she continued. "Then I will have to end this war and take you home!" John retorted. She let a smile flash, "It makes me happy knowing you'd take on that burden for me, but I cannot let you. If you were to die, I wouldn't be able to handle it John." "I'm not asking you to allow me to take this burden. I'm telling you I'm taking it. Ampol and Doren may not be 100% right now, but I will still give it 100%!" John stated. Samantha was speechless and teary eyed. "I'll start right here." John mumbled as he dashed toward the clashing generals. In an instant John was standing between the generals, with both of their sword mid slash. John caught both blades between his thumb and index fingers on both sides. The general froze trying to comprehend what just happened. In sync both generals withdrew their blades and dashed backwards. "A mere human stopping our blades? What madness is this?" the demon general questioned. "I'm confused as well." the angel general stated. "You see me as a human?" John snorted. "I am sorry to disappoint you both, however I am more than a human." John stated. "I sense a lot of power from you, but I cannot tell if you are demon or angel." the angel general stated. "Why do I have to be one or the other?" John questioned. "Human, you're making no sense. Move out of my way and let me finish my battle." spouted the demon general. "If you attempt to fight each other, you have to go through me first." John responded. "As you wish!" screamed the demon general as he dashed at John preparing to jab his blade into John's chest. In a fluid motion John guided the sword with his hand and punch the wrist with his other hand, knocking the blade free of the general's grasp. Spinning around, John guided the blade into the demon's forearm. The demon stepped back howling in pain. "Would you like to try angel? Perhaps you'd like to try again demon?" John questioned glancing in both directions. "You have my curiosity now." the angel responded. "Then come satisfy your curiosity." John retorted. The demon pulled his sword out of his forearm, " He's mine angel." he sneered as he began dashing towards John. John quickly side stepped his attacks. "Quit being a coward and fight!" the demon yelled. John caught the demons blade between his fingers mid slash. "Doren, let's force him to his knees." John stated. "I thought you'd never ask." Doren responded happily. Doren's power began flowing out, jet black wings and red eyes appeared on John. His power was setting down on the demon general as if gravity increased on just him. "You're a demon?" questioned the angel. John ignored him, concentrating on the demon. The demon general lost his grip on his sword and fell to the ground, struggling to stand as if he were a newborn fawn. "General Doren, we thought you died during that explosion with the angel." the demon strained to get his words out. "I cannot die by some explosion. I evolved!" Doren responded. Doren's power resided and returned to John. "Now that I know you're a demon. I will take you on." stated the angel. "I will have to have a talk with that witness you kidnapped from my army. Falling in love with a demon, how preposterous." the angel bellowed. "You dare to speak ill of Samantha?" John questioned threateningly. "Speak ill of? No she shall be punished by having her wings amputated and her power drained. That is the punishment of loving a lowly demon." the angel responded. "You so much as touch a hair of hers and that army behind you won't be able to save you." John threatened. Samantha appeared by John in an instant. "Calm down John, he knows he can't touch me. Not just by your power but by mine as well." Samantha said reassuringly. John began channeling both Ampol and Doren's energy, allowing both sides of his body to change. "I told you, I'm not just a human. I am all three!" John shouted. "You're an abomination that shouldn't exist! I'll remove you now." the angel stated charging at John. John quickly drew his blade as he side stepped the angel's lunge. In one slash, John removed half of the angel's right wing. The angel fell to the ground screaming, "I'll remove it completely next time you speak ill of Samantha, or maybe I'll miss and sever your head." John promised. "How is this possible?" the angel screamed. "When that explosion occurred during the great general's battle, that was a human soul being forced into creation. It adapted quick and absorbed the great general's souls, I was that human soul. I now vessel both the great general's and split my soul to merge with them. They are I, I am them." John explained.

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